Anyone else miss old sym?

Saving people from a D.Va bomb with that shield was so much fun. They’d always be thankful.

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Her weapon with the lock on was just… Wow…

I much prefer current Symm.

I gotta say. I really miss Symmetra 2.0.
Everyone feared her and respected her space until they ganged up on her. But even when they did, as long as she stayed with the team, she was able to secure kills and stay alive half of the time because she had sustain from Shield Gen. The Shield Gen wasn’t much but it did clutch saves, sometimes.

Now, her damage potential is much higher, but utilizing her fullest potential in any situation is almost impossible in moments that count because she has no self-sustain like before. Even the moving shield was HUGE in keeping herself alive against enemies that tried to shoot at point blank range.

And getting kills as Symmetra 2.0 while getting dived is saying a lot.
Her beam charged much slower & did less damage. I get she had consistent damage and didn’t require aim, but in order to kill anything while getting dived means she had to stay alive in the first place. SHE COULD STAY ALIVE!

I feel that’d be super. Having an actual support, instead of a healer, in the support class would be nice. Buffing allies and debuffing enemies kind of thing. They wouldn’t be meta and everyone would prolly hate them but it would be way more unique.

I miss sym from the beta.

I miss having an actual useful tele that acted like a secondary rez for multiple people

less flexible and weaker

I say she requires skill because of her left click not being auto lock

If people aren’t respecting your space as 3.0 then it’s the way you’re playing her. She’s a bit like McCree now. He also has no sustainability or survivability. There are Mccrees that get obliterated as soon as their flashbang is on CD and there are Mccrees that are good so you have to respect their space even if they don’t have their flashbang.

Don’t be like the Mccrees that die without their flashbang.

May sound a little crazy but man, that old photon barrier? When you really got the hang of it you could DO so much. I mean even if you toss it out to cover a retreat, it was amazing for survivability.

Yeah, about that… If the TP isn’t already down, you’re not using it to get out of any situation. If you try to put your TP down, your corpse will stare at it with dead eyes as it deploys.

I feel like her biggest counter these days is her own teams unwillingness to work with her lol



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Choke Point A:

Symmetra: (Watches team repeatedly run up to doorway and die from fire from the enemy team) “Such a lack of imagination…”
Team: “They’re too strong! We cannot defeat them!”
Symmetra: “I will put you in your place…” (drops TP into right side room) “Take the teleporter”
Team: “This is just too hard! They’re just too strong!”
Symmetra: (Takes teleporter)
Team: (continues to attempt to push through damage, shields, and all manner of offensive firepower)
Symmetra: (Standing in relative safety behind enemy team, runs around behind them and to the point, set up 3 turrets in strategic places around the room, preparing for the 1v6 battle that is about to ensue) “Run to the point NOW!”
Team: “Why is the enemy team leaving? Who’s on point?”
Symmetra: (fights valiantly on the point, but her paltry 200hp health pool dwindles quickly as she takes out 2 opponents)
Team: (realizes they are no longer being held at choke, runs to point, wipes out enemy team)
Team: “Woo! Way to go Rein, charging the point!”
Symmetra: (lets out a disgusted sigh) “Once we cap, take teleporter behind enemy base across gap for back cap!” (watches as enemy team runs around front, sighs)

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Literally last night. I went right into the little hallway and started tearing the choke apart, if ONE PERSON followed me, we woulda got it. But no… they’re all standing there like…

I am ALL up in this choke!!!


EDIT: It was Hannamura too lol

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literally every time
I wanna cry.

  1. Sym 2.0 turrets could of been changed to the ones now and their dmg in new sym has been nerfed
  2. The splash is very tiny and her old orbs could of also been speed up
  3. has the potential of 180 dps but is impossible unless you have aim bot. Unless you have 70% accuracy you are actually doing less dmg that her old gun.
  4. Her tp had utility as a pseudo-res
  5. her ults had impact just not instant which I dont see why that is bad it is different
  6. Nothing was improved, except maybe the turrets, every buff came with a nerf somewhere eles and her pick and win rate shows it
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I remember when the Figure skater skin first leaked, and I predicted it would be Symmetra.

Back then I was excited by the prospect because they hadn’t ruined her yet.

they’re stronger can be thrown -> it’s a big buff in exchange for a small balance nerf

they go though shields it would be op

u had to die to find value
it was a troll weapon
the newer one’s utility is infinitly higher

i think its 195 said some pro idk
u can have a decent aim (i have 43% on mccree but little headshots) (37% on 76) (21% on genji) (34% on zarya) and i do fine with her laser gun

higher range, more damage, just learn to aim a bit

different but not that good

she’s considered a troll pick, yet she was played on contenders, and they actually did great
she was reworked, rebalanced bcz there is no way to buff her without making her broken, because she was broken for anyone who cant aim just like her