Anyone else miss old sym?

I miss my lil shield :frowning:


That lil shield was great against an ulting pharah.
There are parts of the old kit I miss and parts I donā€™t.
For example, I like that her beam doesnā€™t lock on anymore, and I like the increased damage with the turrets, but I do miss having 5 of them.

I would really like to see them speed up her TP deployment so she (and her teammates) can properly surprise the enemy team with fast Teleports. I think her ult would be cool if it did damage if the enemy team walked through it (or slowed them down, or both).


I miss photon barrier. That was a fun ability.

I will always miss the sticky beam, but it was pretty crap to be on the receiving end.


I preferred her sticky beam. Now she just feels like Zaryaā€™s primary.
And her previous Ult was more unique and allowed more creative strategies.


I am guilty of liking the lock on beam because I just loved watching everyone melt.
But yeah, I wish so much her TP speed was so much faster. Cause not only could it surprise them, but also a great counter to grav. I also miss having more turrets. I feel like her barrier is pretty good, but I do miss having them shields and clutch tpā€™s. (even though I hated being on the receiving end :P)

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Noooooot reallyā€¦

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I had fun with her old lock-on beam but the bad base DPS and the chargeup time meant that more often than not I could just be shut down by an opponent before I manage to deal any real damage. The range was incredibly small before attaching to somebody so most of the time I couldnā€™t even get near somebody unless Iā€™m approaching from an unexpected angle or because the person Iā€™m trying to kill intentionally moved towards me. Blizzard wanted to make the beam more powerful, which I honestly donā€™t think couldā€™ve been reasonably done without removing the lock-on part.

I would always laugh so evilly whenever I managed to kill someone who dashed far out of my range. It was so cheesy and it cracked me up every time. I would intentionally move my crosshair as little as possible just to see how much I could get away with.

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I love lock on. Watching them burn is fun :slight_smile: .


I want shield gen back.

As an Ana main, that thing was a godsend.
Not to mention being a mini tank with pre nerf Brig armor on top of that.


You poor poor thing. Ik. Imagine dealing with df with shield gen and armor. Not freaking killing me instantly this time.


I think that her new kit is a lot more fair to play against for enemies, while giving her new utility that she didnā€™t have in the last version.

I feel like her new beam is much more useful and fair. It has a higher damage while not being a free kill on aim-intensive heroes/supports at close range. Definitely more capable in the right hands. Being on the receiving end of a lock on beam (whether that be Moira or Sym) is just unfun to play against, so Iā€™m glad itā€™s gone. Does anyone else remember the Sym locking on to you and then just jump-strafing side to side while you try your best to shoot her? Or how about during a teamfight when she would hold m1 and w and just clean up your team since everyone was too distracted fighting? Also, I like the fact that her turrets do more damage, but there are less to deal with. Playing against the old car wash felt cheap, since by the time you shot every single turret, you were dead. Not to mention her old ults were just plain cheesy. Having the shield gen just added to the heals/hp creep that was making fights into a snooze-fest. Tele just meant that the Sym had to hide during a teamfight, wait for her team to die, and then tele them all back on point. That was unrewarding and punished the other team for playing well. With her new ult, sheā€™s actively involved with team fights, providing an extremely strong defensive tool to the team in case of enemy ults or just plain spam.

I miss the old primary fireā€¦

Not only does she feel like a worse Zarya (Or better in some cases)
But it was so uniqueā€¦ And allowed for so many players to partake in this game, who now struggle.


I miss her everything

Truly how a builder hero should be


I agree that her kit was great for being accessible to those who were new to the game or were disabled. That being said, her new beam is much more powerful, and I would even say that itā€™s better than Zaryaā€™s beam since it does nearly the same damage as hers at full charge without needing to wait to get damaged, and it doesnā€™t use ammo against shields, which has huge potential especially in this meta.

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The real question isā€¦
Did she (Or other heroes) even need faster TTKā€¦

Did she need to be more powerful?
Or is that a band-aid on a broken limb.

I really liked old Sym. Itā€™s a shame Blizzard allowed the community to bully them into a rework instead of tweaking her.


Her new beam is still meh to me

Srsly, this is why reworks are bad for the game

This should never happen to ANY HERO


Pretty sure that she wasnā€™t used as a damage hero before, and that her main use came from her ults. To make her viable while still decreasing her game-changing potential in a game, they had to re-position her into a DPS role.

Um, but then we would be left with some ridiculously OP heroes in the game. Remember when Bastion had a personal shield from the front? Or how about McRightclick v1 who had full damage on his FtH and no drop off?

The word ā€œHadā€ is very forceful hereā€¦

The thing is, she excelled not in simple damage dealing, but slowing, annoying, and trapping her enemies.

She excelled not in ā€œAim based damageā€ But in strategyā€¦ This hero is gone.

Minor reworks = fine

Like adding / changing one ability

Deleting the whole hero = bad