Anyone else miss old sym?

new primary actually feels fun and earned. its like a zarya beam that rewards good tracking with more damage, instead of needing people to shoot barriers.
i miss the shield too, though.

the only thing id change for current sym is id find away to give her the shield back even if it was at the expense of the turrets. that thing was cool, rest of the kit changes i actually like

How is new Sym easier to kill when she has a longer beam range, faster charge rate, faster secondary projectile speed, and the ability to use tele to get out of sticky situations? Just because she can’t aimlock and then jump in circles around you doesn’t mean she’s less able.

I disagree. I find that symm switches her power but until her tick rate fix, had no net buff to her kit in any area and was only nerfed and moved her power to different places.
Her turret number reduced her map awareness.
Her turret output reduced net dps potential
Her primary being auto lock in my head was justified by it needing charge time, her lack of mobility, fast dps drop off, and lack of self sustain. They took away the auto lock but gave no sustain and instead took away her mini shield to boot.
Her tp is clunky and goes against the streamlined nature they wanted to go for. To as an ult had it’s problems but that’s why I don’t consider it a net buff for her. She went from holding a.point with tp acting as a tempo rez to taking a point with to on cooldown. That’s not inherently better, just different .
And her tick rate doesn’t fix any of these problems which is why she still isn’t very good to choose for anything but now she doesn’t even have her niche of countering genji and tracers but moderately bothering tanks.
This change in power isn’t inherently better or worse. Just different. But I don’t like that because it doesn’t change her pick rate, didn’t buff or fix her problems, it just created discontent in an already small playerbase that was already hated by the ow community. New symm isn’t net better. She just plays differently. And that’s not fair to people who already played her this whole time. Especially when buffing her was shut down before because she was supposed to be “niche” and at risk of being OP. Well now she is less niche and still not OP and still not very good as a pick.

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The damage ramp on her gun is slower did you mean the ult charge rate?

So I play lots of sym and primarily use her orbs cause her primary is very much worse than the old lock on one. But on the flip side if I see a Sym trying to deploy a teleporter in front of me she is gonna die I can’t speak for everyone but lots of Sym’s I play against can’t track so I just kill them while they fail to kill me.

Aim lock may have been easier but it was also much stronger as a primary as the damage was guaranteed new Sym’s is not. For the most part I think Sym was buffed but her ult isn’t good I just walk through it and kill her and her primary isn’t good its better to use her secondary Turrets.

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That seems like a shift not net buff. Her new beam is longer but doesn’t auto aim so her own movements are more predictable.
Orbs are faster but don’t Pierce shields. Tell is slow and is completely new in use but not better. For example, now you can move across the objective, as opposed to the map. Different, not inherntly better.

at the beginning yes. but after the buffs at the beam I feel a little less the lack and the satisfaction of using it has improved. I explain:
I used A LOT symmetra 2.0, and knowing how the beam was reduced was a bit unpleasant. however it must be said that I at the beginning (like many others) tend to use the new beam too much from neighbors against the tanks when substantially the range is much larger than it seems.

I even go so far as to no longer fear the Winston enemies and to condemn them to escape sometimes :joy::joy::joy:. now I use almost a priori the beam against the tanks, but the basic secret is to always be, ALWAYS to my companion tank. the threat I see against snipers, Roadhog and Brigitte more than anything.

First of all, practice in understanding the new scope of the beam. you will be pleasantly amazed at the thing. another note, start to evaluate the sensitivity of the mouse. a friend’s advice: have you ever tried to create televisions between the healing pack and the enemies? it can be extremely useful for a “hit and run” attack.

I conclude by saying: symmetra certainly has a different approach … but the essential is to seize first of all his dps soul rather than the defensive one to support.

more versatille turrets
orbs that are actually consistent and have splash
a primary that has a potential of 195dps
utility tp
and an ult that can actually have a real impact
she was improved
her old orbs were easy to avoid, her primary was cancer but wasnt reliable at high ranks, uls were destroyable, turrets had 1hp and had to be placed, and finnaly her shield (was actually good)

Versatile turrets at the cost of half of them and her map awareness
Orbs that are more consistent versus niche in going through shields and they are MORE consistent but not consistent. He splash and fire rate is less than pharah
Utility tp applies to old tp too
Her ult could have impact previously too. Neither are promised ults, and are very niche.
Her primary is still not good in higher ranks or else she’d be uses there. But the tracking to output isn’t enough to justify her versus hitscan or zarya who does as much dps but has more health, shield, and holds that charge longer.
Her power moved. It’s not inherently better.

Versatile turrets that Sym has more control over, directly giving her more control over her damage. Sym does waaaaaaay more damage than Zarya. Her max DPS with no boosts is 330.

easy to avoid and destry
now they have more outplay potential

her orbs are bigger then pharas
niche one wasnt reliable

u had to die to use it, now it prevents death

one can negate ults, help defend and attack

i was told she just got changed? i see seagul melt with it, i melt with it and i’m fine with having to aim

hitscan? her laser is hitscan too, and it can melt better then theirs since the hitbox is bigger

it is

Symm has strong dps potential but in play that’s not how it works. See also, Widowmaker. Zarya and symm are finally comparable though with her tickrate change which is nice. But that’s only to do output. Not survivability, or sustain.

Her turrets are still easy to destroy with a melee being all it takes in dps. This opennes is also not something I think had to be restricted to symm 3.0 . Turret freedom wasn’t ever given to symm 1.0 or 2.0.
Hitscan has more space allowed between them and a target. Moreover, great for seagull. You could melt with sym 1.0 too. Didn’t make her good.

either close range or land shot by shot
flash bang cant destroy it, winston will take 0.5s instead of intant
and genji cant do anything about it

So again, this came at a cost of fewer, less flexible resources since she can’t hold as many, and can only have three up at a time. Her turrets we’re destroyable in the same way for everyone in the past. She can just put them higher without having to struggle or beg for a Mei.
Genji was never good against turrets.

I miss Shield Gen
I miss Photon Barrier
I miss lock on primary fire (Yes, I have potato aim)

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I had potato aim, now I have french fry aim. Slightly better, but still not far from a potato :smiley:

Practice with Zarya (you’ll get more chance to use your beam before death that way) and get a feel for tracking with it. Once you do, you’ll be able to get back on Symmetra and melt faces off with it.

True story!


I think it will be inherited from a new support in the future, as Brigitte partly inherited the personal shield from Symmetra (but more to reinhardt) and the armor of his father.

I absolutely miss old Sym with the Shield Gen and photon barrier.
The only thing I don’t miss is how the old turrets were placed, if she was able to throw them like she can now it would have been a completely different story for our teleporting goddess.


I miss every part of her kit.
she isn’t the same queen anymore.

sym gets countered by everyone except of the dva meka. lol
with old sym she countered more.

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