Anyone else feel pharah is really good?

I never played the reworked pharah until recently. She’s actually really good. That hanzo dash they gave her makes such a huge difference. I find myself even able to go up against double hitscan on certain maps and in general I feel way less reliant on mercy pocket. Anyone else enjoying new pharah?


Pharah Is an aim skill check, so she’s only good if your enemies can’t hit you


She’s kinda busted right now.


yea she’s meta in high ranks and pro play rn even tho ppl can aim much better in that skill level

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Right now, Pharah is one of the best, most lethal heroes in the game. It almost feels like cheating choosing her! :crazy_face:


I still miss the old Pharah.

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I dunno, I’m seeing an uptick in Pharah and I can’t figure out why.

She’s good. I never felt like she was bad. But she feels kinda the same as before with the most recent jetpack rework. It doesn’t feel like she is any stronger or weaker.


She is the only reason In having any fun at all lately.

You usually end up playing into 3-4 hitscans by the end of the match. I’ll usually end up playing closer to the ground at that point.

I wish they would rework her ult into something like Drogoz from paladins. As it is if I don’t die during her ult, I consider it a successful ult.


Pharah is quite fun, but I still consider her very a feast or famine hero. Yet I do play her when I want a break from Echo or want a change of pace.

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Her RoF paired with her raw damage, new combo with ConcBlast, more lasting damage due to the DPS passive, and her evasion genuinely has her feeling pretty oppressive if you can’t nuke her out of the sky, and the good ones really don’t give you much chance to do that.
Would not be surprised to see her get a nerf or a few come mid-season.

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I like her, but sombra shuts her down immediately.

I actually just checked, season 10 had a total of 4 pharahs in GM. Total. Yeah, she’s all over the top ranks!


She was running the lobby in my earlier match. Forced both DPS to swap to hitscans to deal with her. But even then she is able to stay out of their falloff range and bounce them around enough while they are trying to shoot at her that they cant get the kill with out the tank also swapping to a barrier to help shield off her shots. Thats now 3/5th of the team dealing with one character while the enemy tank and the other 3 farm our supports…

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she is strong and has always been strong i would think. is she better now? dont see how i mean nothing really changed right?

you are not automatically win by just playing pharah. good hitscans will knock you out of the sky but i do see her on the stronger side of dps atm

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She does feel like a more high risk version of echo. If the other team doesn’t counter me oh boy can you do dmg. But she is still easier to counter than echo. I still hate her ult though :sweat_smile:

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Thy increased the damage, which scaled with the health pool changes so that equals out. But then they also added damage to her boop and increased the projectile speed of her rockets. So she can now hit you much faster than before and follow up on the shots while knocking you around with each one.

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I really love her new dash. My favorite echo play style has always been that ambush where you drop from the heavens and assassinate a squishy. Echo was always better at that because her movement was omnidirectional. Now that pharah has horizontal mobility you can make way better escapes. It’s not as good as echo but she kinda makes up for it with more burst on her rocket.

Yea its my only issue with her as it is very easy to get shot at during it.


i still wonder if she will be top 5 dps on the leaderboards… i assume tracer is still no1 heh. maybe sojourn drops down to 3 or out of the top 5?

i wonder… we’ll see i guess

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It took me many hours to get better at her Ult.

Some tips Ive learned:

  1. Dont use her Ult on the whole enemy team. You will likely die. Try to target like 3 players max.
  2. Keep your elevation low or really high. Try not to be in the middle of the skybox elevation.
  3. Try to Ult behind the enemy team. They have less time to react.
  4. Make sure you are at full health. If you are even under 200 HP, I would not use your Ult!

I really hope they see all of these Pharah posts and finally give her a real rework. Forcing people to play hitscan or be at a major disadvantage is just so unfun. It sucks that people can switch to her against other projectile characters and immediately get value, even if they’ve never/rarely played her before.