Anyone else feel pharah is really good?

I imagine Sojourn was gatekeeping her with easy 1 shots.

Now shes not 1 shot, Sojourn isnt such a hard counter to a decent pharah playing cover.

a non pharaoh main, imagine what pharah mains can do even though yznsa changed his style slightly. none of the other high rank pharaoh players did though

you assume there’s nothing the pharah can do to affect this matchup

Not just go if the team can’t cordinate you can roll double hitscan team in mins.

I had a eichenwald 4 min attack run and i hadn’t played her in a long time.

Disclaimer I do main pharah on damage so I’m biased. I see a lot of people saying their team had to switch to hitscan just to kill her and I’m confused… it was always this way?

Before her rework, if you popped off at any point the enemy team would switch off go soldier, ash, cass, bap, etc and stand in the back waiting for you to peek so you can get burst down. It’s still like this. It’s just now the pharah can still play the game

If she’s really rolling I would be fine with nerfing her splash damage, but it takes 3 rockets to kill most heroes already, her TTK is actually slow, it’s just she has great range and splash

Fliers and stealthers are a mistake. You will never fix them.

They did not increase her rocket damage. It used to 2 tap, now it takes 3 because everyone has more health.

They DID increase how fast the rockets go and have the knock back more damage, but her actual rocket damage is lower, even though it’s easier to land

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Ehh most of the Pharah’s i’ve gone up against aren’t bad but also kinda mediocre (this coming from a dude who religiously plays Sombra at a moment’s notice) but all the pharah player needs to REALLY get going are

1, A mercy that knows the pharah player’s habits and routines to adapt

2, A balanced team that can play around her if need be. IE: perfect ult sync,stuns etc

Or 3, Hope to god the pharah has over 1000 hrs as Soldier from TF2. (Those people can be scary)

Nerfs to other heroes were stealth buffs to Pharah. She’s great because she can flow as both the main DPS or ab assist flex DPS.

What I thinks to be immediately looked at is her audio.

Too many times she has been able to position behind or over are team to ult and wipe hard.

The way her old kit worked you could hear her. But I think the jet audio gets bugged out at times if she does the concussive parkour with her jet dash.

She keeps the game fresh so I wouldn’t change her.

But how she play now is kinda the rework that the other bottom tier slow heroes need to keep up with ow 2 pace

I always felt like Sojourn wasn’t the best for Pharah. I’d say Cass or Widowmaker are usually the best.

A competent echo should eat a pharah alive, all things being equal.

Solo ult people with it and you’re more likely to survive plus it’s a guaranteed kill. I will usually solo ult 76/Cree/Ashe players to both make sure I score the kill AND it tilts them, they’ll start typing in chat and in general be annoyed and then I’ll do it again.

I mean sure I also go for the flashy quad kill/team kill, but when you’re up against multiple hitscan, just solo ult someone. It’s worth it since barrage is such a suicide button anyway, and solo barrages are always a surprise so you can get away with them more often lol.

She’s quite overtuned right now.

And only good if your own supports bother to look up to heal.

A good player on any DPS is good