You can still use the beam on smaller targets if you’re that good at aiming. But there’s no point in doing it when your secondary fire deals more damage in a smaller time frame. It actually gives your secondary fire a purpose. If her primary went back to being an auto-lock, her secondary fire would literally never be used.
Of course you can use it on smaller objects, but it’s become harder. It seems we agree on that?
Her primary is already used minimally, and with a lock on beam her secondary was likely still being used more effectively than her primary is now.
Her secondary before, although slow, was better. An orb could go through multiple enemies and shields from any range. Perfect for breaking up clusters, or at least being able to benefit more from them. Again, more versatile than a discount rocket.
and piercing was great for dealing with Bastion on pirate ship and for chokes.
at the cost of being a snail projectile?
And what does it do now? Hits Orisa’s shield and in six seconds she can just deploy a fresh one. Great.
The rework made her POSSIBLE to be balanced. It failed because her left click is trash, but that’s a hitbox thing. Old one was unbalanceable.
The piercing orb was too low dps and only good to feed enemy healers.
It worked for me. I feel like I am doing things as Symmetra now.
If a person actually thinks she’s better now, honestly, is probably beyond hope.
She’s more accessible now and sort-of has an even lower skill floor, but that’s about it.
- Has basically no M1 at all
- No defense whatsoever
- TPs are insanely fickle and extremely annoying to use, not to mention the micromanagement
- Incredibly weak in a sniper meta
- Huge reliance on coordination (good luck seeing that basically ever, at least in solo queue)
- Basically just an M2 bot
- No piercing (a rare mechanic, and it was the only spammable one in the game)
A lot of her “skill” now is knowing which places will cause her TP to magically blow up because you didn’t know it was a no-build zone but it let you build there anyways. Loads of fun right there.
She got several of the buffs she needed, but had to sacrifice things she also needed to obtain them (e.g. faster M2 in exchange for less EHP).
you are not playing new symmetra correctly at all.
if you liked 2.0, just play brigitte.
while m1 is by far worse than 2.0, the rest of the kit isnt
Her orb right now is 120 dps her piercing orbs in 2.0 is 125 dps how is that low?
If you pierce three target in a row it deals 375 damage while her 3.0 orbs can only hit one target and splash damage is low, not to mention barriers can block it.
In symm 2.0 in defense eichenwalde i frequently had quad and triple kill when the door opens becasue of six turret orbs combo! Try that with sym 3.0 and see if you can still do it. A support symm can multikill better than a dps symm if thats not saying anything then I dont know what to say.
I this situation i’d Get my ULT. Put up a wall and charge up my primary: annihilate the pirate ship. But yeah. I’m playing my main wrong. Thanks.
thanks for admitting it
The piercing orb , fully charged, did 125 dmg on a SINGLE target, now imagine that going through 2 or 3 players AND shields. 2 seconds to charge.
The new orb, fully charged does 60 every second to 1 target maximum, with a potential 60 explosive damage.
The old orb was slower (and could have used a speed buff or charge up speed buff), but 3.0 is an overall nerf.
What’s funny is 2.0 was considered a support, too.
You don’t see the problem with needing an ultimate to counter pirate ship?
Or that trying to charge up M1 and break through pirate over the course of an eternity (it’ll take 2-3 shield breaks) is an immense task, considering you’ll die literally instantly if you make the tiniest mistake, or get displaced at all, or CC’ed at all, or focused at all?
Or how about the fact that w/o pierce, it’s actually going to be rather tough to charge one’s ult in the first place?
In theory you’re right. In practice… not so much.
With a co-ordinated team it works. I’ve done it successfully a few times. You really need a Junkrat or Reaper to help but the wall is a huge advantage.