Any word on symmetra?

the symmetra 3.0 rework didnt really make symmetra any better, in fact it probably made her worse, and it drove away a lot of players who liked her old playstyle. Is there any word on updates to her coming? Do people think shes fine as is?


It made her better for me.

It’s unfortunate that it drove people away (I guess) but her old play style was the problem and that’s why she was reworked in the first place.

There are things I miss (shield gen, photon barrier) but personally I like her rework a lot. It’s a success in my book.


Yes it did?
It made her secondary better.
Her primary slightly better.
Her abilities better.
And her ult better.

As long as you play with a competent team she is one of the better heroes in the game at the moment.


actually a lot of pros and high level players agree that her primary fire just is not worth using over the secondary fire at the moment, and she lacks any real survivability without her photon barrier which is a huge problem for a close range hero


Unless you actually use it as it’s meant to be used.
Against a reinhardt, she is currently the best dps in the game.
And reinhardt is the most played tank.

She has her teleporter?

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Damn, one of the better heroes has <1% pick rate.


Is that your opinion though? All you did here was say “several pros and high level players have an opinion.” And that’s fine, but… so what?

Pick rate does not make a hero better.
Mercy has one of the highest pick rates, but one of the lowest win rates.

Oh come on, think a bit by yourself : she’s a 200 hp close ranged ex-support that everyone wanted to make a DPS. She doesn’t have any sustain ability.

Other closed ranged heroes have is common : sustain or escape abilities.

That’s it, Symmetra won’t ever be good because of her poor design and what people wanted her to be. Unless they give her 200dps turrets she won’t be good.
Give us some rest. Symettra does not belong to the DPS category because she’s not designed for that in the first place. And thx to all the whinners on the forums, she doesn’t belong to the support category anymore.
Imho, this hero have nothing to do in the game. That would be the best thing for her to just change her from scratch changing everything in her kit, because in it’s current state, you can choose between two possibilities :

  • She remains trash for eternity
  • She gets the Hanzo-type rework that will be going to make you puke each time you see her.
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the reason for that is that Mercy is actually used in matches, so she can lose. Symmetra is not used in matches, and therefor does not experience much loses. So, yes, pick rate does mean that a hero is usually more effective.

Couldn’t at all be influenced by variables such as:

  • The stigma surrounding Symmetra that existed pre-rework, “cancer hero”, “no aim no brain” etc.
  • The still-existing bullying and abuse of Symmetra players due to the stigma I mentioned above.
  • The mass-reporting for picking Symmetra, which supposedly has gotten people banned in the past and so they wouldn’t want to pick her again.
  • The pre-rework Symmetra mains complaining about the loss of her “identitiy”, and thus mob mentality makes people less likely to want to play her.
  • The constant complaining from people who don’t bother to learn how to play her again that she is “terrible”, again mob mentality making people less likely to want to play her.

No? She is medium ranged. Like soldier, pharah and junkrat.

Other than the teleporter.

Even though she doesn’t fit any other, and has some of the higher dps in the game…

It doesn’t matter how much a hero is picked.
If the hero is part of 2 matches, and wins one, they have a 50% win rate.

Win 60 out of a 100 and you have 60% win rate.

It drove people away because this time they needed to aim. She’s honestly fine rn.


While I’m still not fond of her current beam, I don’t think they should go back to the lock-on unless the radius is significantly nerfed. The ease of clinging to targets, along with the damage scaling, made it very difficult to balance. If she got any momentum she could wreck squishies but she was otherwise ineffective due to her weak initial DPS. I loved getting high on momentum once I could get a high charge going, but her low initial range, easily avoided projectiles, and lack of gap-closing tools (besides her barrier, maybe) made it hard to even get started. I could only get away with it if the enemy team let me go on such ridiculous flanking adventures.

I like the idea of more consistent damage, even if it’s harder. I’m fine with her new alt fire. I like her new teleporter, even if I miss the psuedo-mass-rez trait of the old one. I think her new barrier is a powerful ultimate but miss having a smaller one for immediate protection. Her old shield generator was useful but I really don’t like the implications it had. It’s where a majority of her value would come from, it felt.
I liked her easier aim mechanics and I think that, as long as it’s balanced properly and is done within reason, they’re fine for the game.

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Using tp in a close fight. Lol.

As any other close-range heroes, decent amount of damage is not relevant if you can’t deal it. That’s why I relate it to escape/sustain abilities.

That’s so funny engaging a Sym in close combat and looking at her throwing turrets on the ground because the player has no confidence in his aim.

That’s a nice counter argument there… Nice try m8.

Yes? You tele in, then shoot, then tele back out.
You don’t run in, then try to tele away… That wouldn’t work.

Except she isn’t close range…

I think they throw their turrets on the ground because it’s part of her kit. I really hate to be this way but I feel like if that’s how you feel about Symmetra… you just need to relearn how to play her. She had one of the most drastic reworks but you’re chiding the suggestions that you actually use her teleporter and her turrets to succeed.

Hells yes, use her teleporter in the middle of a fight. Use it to stall a point.

Hells yes, use her turrets to distract and slow her enemies down and deal ridiculous amounts of damage.

OP asked for other peoples thoughts, but you’re just here to complain.

Well are you considering her throwing some balls as a reliable attack ? Come on, it won’t impress anyone over gold rank with that.

Yup, when a symettra does that, I shoot the tp (with the 3 super turrets she came with), and then I watch her die.

New Symmetra is horrible, doesn’t feel like old Symmetra in the slightest. It’s basically a whole new hero IMO, Symmetra basically got deleted and replaced with what we have now.