It’s an incredibly reliable attack, especially if you can aim.
And in the time you spent shooting the teleporter, she’s already teleported back seeing as she’s not stupid.
Yeah, that was the point.
It’s an incredibly reliable attack, especially if you can aim.
And in the time you spent shooting the teleporter, she’s already teleported back seeing as she’s not stupid.
Yeah, that was the point.
Are we considering pharahs rockets and junkrats grenades as reliable attacks?
Even though those heroes have less dps?
I am aware of that.
I’m glad, now stop wasting time complaining about her when you could be spending that time learning how to play her so you could see that she is hardly “horrible” like you say.
Wow, someone is good at conversation.
You’re definitely a people’s person aren’t you?
Thank you, I pride myself in how great I am at having conversations, especially in situations that are clearly argumentative discussions/debates and not intended for chit-chat.
I suppose now I compliment you. Well, you’re good at making irrelevant comments, I guess.
Nobody’s getting worked up. This is the Internet. People don’t have emotions here.
I was merely correcting you, with my completely “factual opinions.”
And now I’m playing along with your irrelevant comment about my lack of conversation skills by being deliberately obnoxious.
Great, enjoy the rest of your day.
And I caught onto that.
I will, by spending it getting consistent gold elims and POTGs with Symmetra in-game.
I’m glad. That was my intention, hence why I made a discreetly obvious side-comment (Indicated by the small text) about it that directly conveyed said intention.
It was not required.
Maybe take that into competitive then, is interesting how you think that I was calling the hero bad when all I said was that it feels nothing like old Symmetra. Don’t get your feelings hurt over nothing.
I’ll be the judge of that.
In my defense, you did say she was horrible.
I’m actually enjoying myself too much to have my feelings hurt over nothing right now. Like I said, this is the Internet.
I’m glad you’re enjoying attempting to mess with someone who simply doesn’t care, on that note I’m going to go grab myself a microwavable pizza.
Where did I ever say that that was what I am enjoying?
It’s pretty clear that you don’t care. Once somebody gets an inch of a feeling that another person is trying to make a joke out of them, they instinctively pull their emotions out. You are clearly no exception to this and I understand that completely.
But anyway, this is hardly what this thread is about and we should stop. There’s more correcting people’s opinions to do!
Which one is it?
Well, seeing as the second one was vastly hyperbolic and slightly sarcastic meant to insinuate my lack of caring as to not lull you into the wrong sense of security.
So, with that knowledge, it’s whichever one you want it to be.
Also, this my last reply which I’m sure you’re glad to hear. Merlin has spoken.
If you’re playing a 200hp hero (aka not a tank) Sym at mid range cannot hit you with an orb if you’re actually watching her. If she lands them while you’re aware of her, you walked into it, it’s as simple as that.
Her orbs is faster, but it’s still amongst the slower projectiles in the game.
How does Pharah hit her rockets, or Junkrat his grenades (Or mines), or Zarya her orbs then?
The AOE damage helps a lot in these situations.
She is way better now. Anyone who thinks the rework made her worse either can’t aim or isn’t clever enough to make use of her kit.
Sym is a big brain character now. Takes a fair bit of skill to use effectively, and since she really attracted people who were unskilled prior it’s no surprise they are struggling and dislike her current state.