Blizzard dug themselves into a hole with both Sombra and Bastion and to a lesser degree Doomfist and Wrecking Ball.
Bastion’s Turret Form is a Death Setence unless your team is great at Protect the President but it’s still a really easy playstyle to crack, but the devs have no idea how to rework him without him losing his identity.
Sombra’s Main Mechanic: Hack goes against every base principle of Game Design, her Hack doesn’t open up new interesting interactions, doesn’t increase player choice, or has some fun or interesting counterplay, nor does it feel good to get hit with it. It’s garbage to play against because the player can do nothing for 5 seconds and instead of “Damn it, I probably shouldn’t have let that hit me.” it’s “Ugh, f*** me I guess” So the devs likely will keep her in the dumpster for as long as humanly possible.
It’s not a death sentence, not remotely. Bastion has a stupid amount of counters, and most teams in lower ranks will not support him, where he is mostly played. He’s not overpowered or gutter tier. He’s just lightly underpowered.
Sombra main. I really don’t want to see any major changes to her, even if she is “gutter tier”. Only two changes I’d really like to see is to have her invis reverted to the old timer based invis where she could move faster, and that tighter bullet spread she had on a recent experemental tile. Otherwise if she remained exactly how she is, I’m fine.
Her kit is fundimentally good, and while you can’t play her against any comp, I think doing so would get people riled up, requesting more gutting to her. I’d rather she keeps the little bit of niche she has in certain comps or metas instead of becoming a mainstay.
Well thats how DF mains felt when after 6 freaking months of threads with videos of his 40+ bugs and detailed explanation of them, and him being basically unplayable, only to have the first freaking response being: