It’s been a couple of weeks since the experiment, and it’s still on the launcher. Has anything been decided on whether it’s happening?
Or if there’s any other plans to reduce queues? Though I honestly can’t see any way they’re going to increase tank take up; the game has to be adapted to what players will play. Trying to force the other way round just hasn’t worked.
Jeff said OW is heavily optimized for 6v6. I hope for the sequel they consider 7v7. But the downside is that its yet another teammate that could throw or leave the game lol
I’m not even sure how much that would help as people aren’t playing tank because it’s not what they want to play… forcing the issue hasn’t worked, more tanks hasn’t worked…
Its unlikely 1-3-2 will ever be the norm, though I do expect it to come back to the XP Card from time to time for testing and the cheap thrill for DPS it provides.
I think it was first an experiment to see impact on queue times (my own checks appeared to show lower but equal times on QP vs XP, so it clearly split the DPS base which is something a lot of folks here leave out, many DPS didn’t care for it either. I also think it was done to settle an internal debate over it with hard data.
I genuinely enjoyed the mode while queueing as all three roles, so I hope it comes back in some capacity. Preferably an arcade card or at least a custom preset.
It did what many of us expected it to do. DPS felt way better to play. But ultimately tanks and supports did not. Sure the tanks got some shiny new toys, but within weeks we would be in the same place. all it did was shorten queue times. but outside of that it brought not much more to the table as far as positives go.
IDK what they thought would happen when they only made balance changes to tanks. They set it up to fail and then it failed. Not a good indicator of how it would actually play out.
And my thought is that if it kept happening any longer it would have had the opposite reaction and have raised the DPS queues as more and more tanks and support quit playing the game or the role.
I mean, releasing a few more and making half the roster not an utter joke would be a good start.
but, no update on 1-3-2 so far. Given Jeff’s comments, it’s likely not going to happen as a core mode. I wouldn’t mind it as an Arcade mode if they did some more tuning to make Supports and Tanks better (or tone down DPS), but I’m definitely not into it as the standard of play.
They didn’t like 1-3-2 in internal testing, majority of the community didn’t like 1-3-2 in experimental.
If I had to make assumptions, I’d say it’s definitely not gonna happen