Any Symmetra Players Here

Who think Symm’s Teleporter is perfectly fine?

And I mean players who have at least 20 hours on new Symmetra in competitive.

No sorry All Symmetra players were banned in the Indiana Act of Jones 3. You best be gone soon before they find you

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i think it’s fine. I sense my incoming doom and pre-lay my TP before my engagement and treat it like old sombra reloactor. and only engage during those small window of time >.> otherwise i’m in the back lines setting up escape routes for my frontline. could it get a few minor adustments? maybe. but they can do 1 of 2 things. make it a faster deploy time but reduce the max up time. or just make the up time endless till it’s destroyed and then put it on a cool-down after it’s destroyed like torb’s turret is now.

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Symmetra mains agree, all 14 of them, TP needs faster deployment time.


it doesn’t need it. persay. i’m fine with it either way. it’s only needed to escape ults. otherwise the deploy time is fine. even with ults if you react fast enough u can get out.

I was being facetious, I hoped that would get across because there aren’t really only 14 Sym mains.

on this forum there’s only about 14 symm mains, me being one of them. we’ll be here soon. asking for primary fixes and other stuff not related to TP.

Its because they were banned. You best go back to hiding or they will come. Oh no i can hear them coming. Fly you fools

i don’t find the deployment time that much of a problem if they make it infinite duration and larger radius

“you’ll be able to get out of grav!”

-places it too far for anyone stuck in grav to even enter-

and there’s literally no reason why it shouldn’t have infinite duration and be destroyable by Symmetra herself like torb turret

it should help people get around and not just be used as a reaction, if it’s going to be slow

otherwise, yes, if no infinite duration, speed it up

but radius needs to be improved first for those failed gravs that i get 80% of the time

My main gripe is the interaction with rails. Some of them can get clunky to get a lock on. When Reaper gets a miss on his Shadowstep he remains in casting… when Sym gets a miss on Teleport she has to recast it from scratch. I have filed this in Bugs Section.

I also strongly feel that the Interact radius should be increased a bit. You should at least be able to cast it when standing on a payload and have the interactibility reach the ground, IMO.

I have also seen a suggestion that Sym can instantly teleport herself without waiting for the build animation. I am not holding my breath for this change but I think it would be dope as all heck.

Apparently, perception is my weakness. I overestimated Sym’s popularity.

How can something that lasts so little, take so long to deploy, is so unintuitive to use, and is so buggy, fine?

Not being shady, i’m legitimately curious. Because with it as your “escape”(and I do use the term loosely), Symm has no survivability but still has to have a range of 12 m on her gun. It doesn’t make sense.

It’s fine man, a pretty funny (if not overplayed) joke to be sure.

We’re here about the Teleporter though and I thank you for your input.

I’d say people want firstly a faster deployment time.
Second, a larger usage range.
Third, a duration and cooldown similar to Torbjorn’s Turret.

I can see Blizzard doing the 3rd option, having gained more experience in how to make builders and a constant need for consistency across heroes.

Depends on what you want it to do.
If you want it as a mobility and support ability, it’s fine.

But If you want it as an escape, it’s a bit slow.

It’s sluggish like depending on location it can get itself destroyed and deploying it sucks for a fast pacing game. I know the developers wanna keep her animation to deploy, but they can scrap that.

Its perfecly fine, true, probably needs faster deploy, but its kinda useless if your team dont use it :frowning_face:

I’ve only put 40 minutes into her on comp, but 70 hours in QP. Her TP could be easier and faster to place. It’s fine if you’re just trying to place it anywhere, but trying to get up to an elevated position is sometimes fiddly, and those extra seconds are more than enough for you to die.

Needs to be an instant cast Teleporter. Takes too long to deploy.

Well I do consider myself a symmetra main, though I haven’t played her in comp in ages cuz ppl are…well…ppl

The only change to TP I want is faster deployment time. That’s it. The only thing I want for that ability

its deployment time is too slow