Any plans to nerf Mei?

Ive been playing tank for 13 seasons, and I’m at my wits end with mei. Her ult is too consistent as it takes up such a large portion of the map, it’s difficult to get out of while you are being slowed down.

Mei wall has a ridiculous amount of health, more health than any shield in the game, and can easily pick up tanks in the front line. Her right-click can slow then freeze you and anyone near you. Since freeze lasts 1.5 secs you are likely to die to her and her teammates.

Lastly, her survivability is on par with other tanks. Allowing her to serve as an effective additional off tank with a high dps output. playing tank against her is not fun, do to the amount of space she controls. For a dps to control more space than most off tanks, it makes my role difficult to without a coordinated team.

She demands more coordination to beat than any other hero, and especially for low to mid-ranking players it can feel frustrating to play against her.

Take your pick

✅ [Mei] 4 wider Icewall Pillars instead of 5
✅ Mei: Slow duration 1.5sec -> 0.75sec
✅ Some indirect Mei nerfs
✅ Nerf Mei Frost to be a Projectile


i think reducing wall health to 300 per piller and reducing the size of her ult would be great. I think reducing the slow down from her freeze would be great as well but that could happen if these nerfs aren’t enough

Yes, nerf her primary, Dear Blizzard, 5 Overwatch Heroes Players Want NERFED! - YouTube

Wait what? Lmao
If you count every pillar then yes she does, but you can just break 1 pillar. 400hp may be too much as how the game’s state currently is but 400 is less than any shield hp