I know no one wants to return to the Mercy meta, but I wonder if there are some milder buffs or un-nerfs that could be done so she’s more in line with Moira.
The last round of nerfs over halved Mercy’s pick rate, especially at higher levels. She was probably OP, so it made sense to reduce it. However, I’ve been playing mostly Moira since and when I do go back to Mercy for the occasional first point 2CP defense, it’s shocking how weak she feels in comparison.
The problem is that a buff like, say, making her single target heal stronger, likely makes Phar-Mercy too strong (if it isn’t already). Yet, as a Mercy player, pocketing a Pharah (or Widow or Bastion etc) is much less engaging than Guardian Angel-ing around and healing the rest of my team, having to prioritize targets and stay alive.
Moira can do so much and many things at the same time – tons of multi-target healing, self-healing with the orb and her attack, some surprisingly effective finishing-off damage, and fading around to stay alive.
Some possible ideas for Mercy:
- Base ground movement speed increase (perhaps only when tethered)
- Heal beam also prevents or removes status effects (freezes, stuns, knock back)
- Increased single target heal (probably makes certain combinations too strong as above)
- Increased single target damage buff (likely same problem)