Anti 222 forum logic 🤐

Which is how it was before 2-2-2.

Solution: Remove 2-2-2 all problems solved, except Sombra probably needs another nerf if you ask anyone on these forums.


Depending on the elo its 50-75% faster … on some elos queuing with a tank is better than with support.

Doubt and confusion got the better of me. lol

You forgot…

-Play literally any arcade mode, including QP Classic
-Play custom matches

Both of which would let you play DPS instantly if thats all you wanted to play.

Difference is people have the option of actually healing still. As opposed to having DPS instead who can’t do anything but DPS. Furthermore, at the very least they could still accidentally heal or tank. Lastly, once RQ has been up for a while, problems like that should get weeded out. Its still vastly better than old QP.

You had options against 5 DPS:

  • Get yourself a team on forums / discord to play 2-2-2 with them
  • Use LFG tool to find such players
  • How you guys like to say “Suck it up and tolerate it”

Nope. You prefered to shift your problems onto other players. Great, absolutely “not selfish” job.


It’s getting frustrating explaining the exact same thing over and over again. If there are no tanks in queue you will get pulled into a game. If there are tanks in queue you go by dps position. Generally there are tanks in queue which is why the queue time is usually the same. I’ve said this exact same thing like three times.

The 6% thing is totally wrong too. I remember that thread and made a post explaining why in it. You can’t just go 1min vs 4min and 10min oh 1/15 = 6-7%. It’s a complete misunderstanding of the supply/demand.

lol, yeah!

tanks and supports, you should do more work to ensure a good match. Like spend time in LFG or Discord or somewhere else if you want to have fun. If you don’t do that, you get 5 dps…

makes a ton of sense that tanks and supports should have to go through extra hoops, instead of just being able to queue for the game and expect a decent team composition.

So, you’re calling DPS players selfish for not wanting to play how you want and in the same time you’re forcing THEM to waste their time and shifting your problems onto them, so instead of you they should solve it. “Wasting” time to get yourself a better experience is not something scary you know. Somehow players in other competitive games managed to do that. If they dislike leavers - they’re finding a team with no leavers in there. Same goes to you - if you don’t like 5 DPS matches, it is not DPS fault, it is your problem and it’s on you to solve that by finding a team to play 2-2-2.


this is different from role que how? after a loss you everyone leaves and you have to find another match, and at high ranks ques are at a 10 minute minimum, even if youre tank or support.

the huge difference here is that the person you are trying to frame doesn’t want everyone to have to play a certain way, or care about team comp you do they are fine with whatever they get, YOU want everyone to play your way. Its not crazy to say “form a group if you want to play a certain way” it is crazy to say “MAKE EVERYONE PLAY THE WAY I WANT”

something you can easily get from going to LFG

again easily remedied with LFG

This is a straw man argument, literally NOBODY is saying this.

straw man

a legitimate complaint?? People shouldn’t have to wait 10 minutes to play a mode called “quick play”

literally nobody is doing this.


it is selfish to not compromise in anyway shape of form as far as i know. And 2-2-2 was made for balance problems and issues.

It’s been fixed already for me. I don’t have to worry about unbalanced idiotic games anymore. It’s fantastic…

Fixed? More like now it’s up to matchmaking.

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“It’s not uncommon for players—who may all have different goals and play styles—to feel tension, pressure, disappointment, or even hostility as a team composition comes together. The Role Queue system is designed to help take the edge off this process, ultimately leading to matches that feel fairer and more fun, where players are in roles that they want to be in.” It’s from the blog post about role queue.
Clearly devs saw all crying babies and wanted to comfort them, so no one needs to feel tension, pressure disappointment or hostility. It’s weird tho how that not relates to DPS, that are being mixed with dirt by sup/tank mains and that are also having 10+ mins queue times. Doesn’t seem like fun and fair to me.

I’m happy for you (not really). Thanks for ruining my experience tho. I’ll try to revert it.

ON overwatch which is a good show they talk about it form like a year ago. the ep is in the 20s

No, we are saying that when everyone else recognizes the need to share time on different roles, DPS players who refuse are just selfish. Simply put, if more DPS players spent some time tanking and doing support (in effect actually making themselves better players), the problem of long queue time would even out for everyone.

Game is fun, when you just pick your favorite hero, disable all kinds of chat and enjoy it. No pressure or anything.

Unless, of course, you are that kind of player, who can’t have fun without bossing everyone around.

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I’m a crybaby if I demand a better experience for everyone? :man_shrugging:

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You’d have to be pretty ignorant to think that no1 is doing this lol

Genuine comments I’ve came across in forum

Comments I’ve came across in forum. Use search function before assuming that nobody is saying this plz

I want every1 to play to win in a game where utilising tanks and healers increases chances of winning. Difference

Where should I start

  • get interviewed by each group leader
  • need mic always
  • no role based SR
  • get kicked if you main a certain hero
  • only match vs 6 stacks
  • have to remake groups constantly
  • EVERY role has to wait to play

Compared to

  • pick role
  • search
  • get game quick for 2/3 roles
  • wait abit longer (5-10min in my case) for most popular role (hopefully que times get alleviated with addition of more tanks and better balance​:grin::grin:)


You clearly don’t do so for “everyone” as many people do not find the change as one that provides a “better experience”.


You are too naïve, simple as that. You can’t have better experience for everyone - someone will have worse.

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