Anti 222 forum logic 🤐

Because calling every single DPS main selfish and thinking you won the argument is mature. Right. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen more childish responses coming from the pro side than the other way around. But we’ve already established that the majority of that fraction is too stubborn to accept any other mindset than their own.
You really are funny, my dude.


It has some truth behind it. You see, DPS aren’t always demi-gods, capable to cleaning map of any hostile life. Often they also fail.

What happens, when 1-2 out of 5 DPS fail? Nothing much - you still got plenty of DPS to cover up for them. But, if you got only 2 of them, it becomes 2x harder for remaining DPS player to carry weight for both of them.

Simple math: if you got 1 bad DPS in team of 5 DPS, each DPS gets to carry extra 1/4 to make up for that player, which is manageable. With only 2 DPS on your team, it’s extra 100%.

Why GOATS were so great? They didn’t rely just on 1-2 players to perform their part, as whole team was doing same thing.

You make the choice for longer waits in general if you only do DPS, that IS your choice… as usual Hyphen’s “logic” falls utterly flat…

I didn’t mention QPC, they did… are you even reading what we are talking about?

While we need the opposite.

Fixed it a bit for you


So lets be sure for the slow folks. When we say “DPS Mains” we are talking a set of players who are acting this way. I even clarified those who refused to ever queue for anything else…

It would surprise you to know that I do role queueing at about the overall rate: 50% DPS queue, 20% or so tank, 30% support… by that ratio I am a DPS main… by far.

Well they should not be a coward to say “4dps meta is better. And tanks are so godly they can play alone” instead of saying GOATs is better.

As usual, trying to deflect and still failing.
“You make the choice” ? No dude, Blizzard made it for me. Because … you DO know that the game CANT START, literally CANT, without 222 right?

So SOMEONE has to choose DPS. Stop deflecting the issue. Theres no logic or weird mental gymnastics here (besides yours) I am stating a FACT:
Long queues on DPS are for EVERYONE pal, not only for DPS mains.

You literally responded to a post that was mentioning “Just go to QPC” dude.
Try to keep up buddy and dont deflect when you get backed into a corner, ok?


No offense, but I just don’t waste my time with your “logic” anymore.

The fact stands: if you don’t want to wait, go tank or support some, its just that simple. If all DPS played roles more evenly, then we would see the queue times even out for all. Then the same people would in turn complain they had to wait at all. You can’t be reasoned with ultimately.

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You lot are literally unable to tell the difference between people that have valid complaints about this addition. Or you simply don’t want to. Anyone who even dares to voice their opinion against it is shoved into the “salty DPS main” stigma and you’re telling me that’s alright? And not in the slightest way childish and immature?

What’s the problem of someone not wanting or refusing to play other roles? It’s fine when a tank or support main does it. Why is it suddenly such a terrible thing to do when it’s someone that enjoys DPS? Why should they suffer because others were too stubborn and inept to use a mechanic that was already in the game, one that was all they needed to take care of their baby rage problems.


Although really if EVERYONE used LFG before, wouldn’t it still hurt DPS players? I mean, there would still be more people wanting to play DPS while LFG parties would be needing tanks and supports. So essentially, you would probably have a hard time finding groups that wanted DPS players. So DPS would either have to play something else or solo queue (which theoretically would become a longer queue if everyone else is using LFG to form full parties).

And then the games that do happen with solo queued players are again, gonna be like 4-5 DPS per team because those players don’t want to play anything else.

The fact stands: if you didn’t want to have 5 selfish DPS on your team, you just needed to form a team with other 5 players, using a forum, discord, LFG, distribute roles between each other and enjoy your game. If all Sup/tank players who disliked 5 DPS matches did this, then we would never see role queue.


That’s your take, but its incorrect. My point is this: The system is what it is now: 2-2-2 is a fact of life. There will be no glorious revolutions, no underdog rebellions against it to take place.

I don’t have any issue if you don’t want to play another role; I do have a problem if you don’t and then whine about queue times when that decision at this point is on you.

Get with the program, shut up, or leave. Or whine incessantly in the vain hope like a kid in a dirty diaper someone will come along to change it. You will be sitting there crying for a long time.

The irony in this is just too fkn hilarious.


You mean you dont like facts used against you? Sure I get it.

Thats not a fact dude, thats treating a “symptom” that is not created by players. Just because you are a main tank/support, doesnt mean the DPS have to suffer or they are guilty of everything.

Its not about reason, its about you getting called out, backed into a corner and refusing to accept reality. which is, again, for the third time:
Long queues on DPS are for EVERYONE pal, not only for DPS mains.

And that is a problem Blizzard has to solve, because people clicking on the DPS queue are doing NOTHING WRONG.


Its true though at this point, no irony, I’m not complaining.

Lmao, ikr. They can’t even see any similarties with themselves crying for 2-2-2.

But if that’s exactly what you did and it worked, I believe it will work the other way too, don’t worry about it.


The irony is in the fact that you cried about DPS mains ruining your game by having multiple instalocks when all you had to do is click that shiny yellow button called “Looking for group” right next to your name tag on the top of the screen. The community had ALL the means to take care of their problems. But instead they cried like little babies because that’s easier to do than being reasonable.


Oh please… are going to go back to why LFG failed?

This wasn’t a community issue - you are starting off incorrectly on why 2-2-2 came about. If you think this had anything to do with people clamoring against DPS stacks, you are simply incorrect in your understanding of why 2-2-2 came into existence in the first place. LFG would not solve the underlying reason 2-2-2 was instituted…

Well, judging by all “DPS players are selfish for not playing other roles. We need Role Lock right now” threads during last 6 months, that’s exactly why we have Role Queue now. And LFG / gaming forums / discord solves that problem really well. Source: other competitive games like Rainbow 6 Siege, Team Fortress 2, CS:GO.