Anti 222 forum logic 🤐

Simply put, you want DPS players to play how you want. Doesn’t matter if they don’t like sup/tank, doesn’t matter if they’re good at it or not. How you guys saying, “you need them to be your slaves”.

Thanks to role queue crybabies, I haven’t played my McCree for a long time, because every time I’m trying to do that, I get about 5-10 minutes of waiting time. Still I’ve learned how to have fun and even earn some coin - I’m queueing as useless tank player, mostly D.Va or Hog, performing poorly on that role and in the end I’m getting 25 credits for that. Great addition, I gotta say.

Ah, such an altruist. But no, you demanded it for yourself, not for everyone for sure, because I got 10 minutes waiting time. Or probably you haven’t added me into your “everyone” list? You could solve it by finding 5 people team to play with. But crying on forums is much easier, right?


youd have to be pretty ignorant to not understand the implied statement that this is the exception, not the trend.

again the exception not the trend. Ive come across comments saying people who play x hero should die in a fire, doesn’t mean the entire community feels that way.

okay? that’s still wanting everyone to play the way YOU want. there is no difference.

again, you trying to force what you want on everyone selfish and self centered.


The problem with telling DPS players to play a different role is that it kinda contradicts one of the main selling points of Role Q, which is that people can play what role they want.


This is how griefers, trolls and throwers are born, though. They don’t just magically appear out of nowhere - they evolve from disappointed players, who were robbed of their fun.

And I am not judging - it’s expected result.


Not everyone wanted 2/2/2 so no not really.

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I’m not griefeing. I played all three roles before role queue, but I just don’t feel sup/tank roles. But if people telling me to play non DPS role for not liking queue times, fine, I can do that. But don’t expect me to play somewhat good.

Isn’t that child abuse? Leaving kids in dirty diapers for years at a time.

Someone will suffer and that’s ok.
OW is a team game and guess what, before role lock teamplay was not as important it was all about “the big ego and carry”. You saw it with rank shaming, my teammates holding me back, I have gold medals etc.
Rolelock shifted the focus to teamplay and that’s the reason why every role complains about loss of impact on their role.

If people don’t want to play OW but deathmatch or 4-1-1, they should play arcade.
Tanks and Supports aren’t happy with freedom queue otherwise you wouldn’t see 5-6DPS in freedom queue.
Is this whining or unfair to treat them with respect and establish some rules which creates are more fair game for everyone?
Even DPS complained about the decline of tanks and sup.
I had too many matches in comp where DPS cried about not having more heal or more tanks. Now they got what they want and the blame is on tank and sup?

It’s time to face the reality. OW is growing up, the infancy state is over. Rolelock is here to stay and will help OW grow into a more serious game.

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No, thanks. I’ll better be crying like you did. Hope this’ll work some day.

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It’s never really OK per say, but it is not just “someone” who suffers in this case, but a large group of people who suffer, which is not OK at all.


Let’s put it this way: you play on roles, that you aren’t good at, on purpose. Technically it’s griefing, but since game literally forces you to do that…

I didn’t demanded for myself, I demanded for the health of the game too.
When I was back in silver long ago, tanks and supports and teamplay were common. I watched the decline and watched my friends leaving. The game was on a big downfall for a longtime, especially for teamplayer, be it tank, sup or dps.

OW is a great game, even if the balance is off, otherwise we wouldn’t come back over and over, It’s like an abusive relationship.
The game needs structure to retain teamplayer and by retaining teamplayer a healthy population who will keep the game alive


That’s in fact all that matters… the big kids have the decency to queue across roles some.

The team comps might be balanced but I don’t get many games that feel balanced. It’s still largely steamroll or get steamrolled.

Big kids? Maybe. People, who’s a bit older? Not sure. I have much better things to do, other than waiting 10 minutes on menu screen or playing roles I can’t/don’t like to play. Not sure when OW became Dark Souls, where people coming to suffer intentionally.

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Because everything comes down to one of the roles being weak link. Since you no longer can cover up weakness.

Its in truth always been this way, people just were less sure what role was.

It’s more like people don’t know how to play as team, how to cover each weaknesses etc. The team with better synergy and teamplay wins.
That is my observation so far

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Yes, as it should be, not some Joe hopping off the character he ran for practice onto his main on a different role to just turn a game around… that’s not really true teamwork, its called desperation play.

So really 2-2-2 was never going to solve the balance issues because the balance issues run deeper than team composition… and likely deeper than hero balance in a lot of cases.

It simply comes down to players not understanding the fundamentals of team play, strategy, and skill… and there’s no fixing stupid.

I’ll say I prefer 2-2-2 when I choose to play support, but I like QP Classic for tank and DPS play. I enjoy the variety of team comps Classic brings for tanks/DPS, but I like that support in 2-2-2 feels way less frustrating.

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