Anti 222 forum logic 🤐

If you’re tired of hearing “It’s just quickplay”, then it’s your problem, not mine. QP is still QP. It’s not even “unranked mode”. It is for people, that bought the game and just want to have a quick matches there and have fun. Do you really think some newcomer will immediately start to learn every role, start to watch guides on youtube and will be tryharding to win? No.

Did you saw people tryharding in quick matches in CS:GO or Rainbow Six Siege? No. It’s for casual players that’re playing game not to learn all mechanics and aspects of the game. They’re there just to play damn game.

And if YOU want to stop having 5 DPS on your team, YOU need to find yourself a team. That’s how it works in every competitive shooter: you want to get better experience than usual casual player - you find a team and suddenly all your problems are going away - no more leavers, no more 5 DPS and so on.
But you guys prefered to cry to Blizzard and forced everyone who liked to play DPS to wait 10 minutes in role queue. Btw, that’s called being selfish.


Is that not exactly what the old QP was ?


U missed the other reply.


Judging by current dps que times and previous game experiences i feel inclined to assume your stat source as unreliable

My average time in diamond is around 5-8min? U forget that Making a group in LFG took up to 10mins of being interviewed and judged and that 9 times out of 10 the group disbands after 1 loss. It’s not about 1 being better than the other, it’s about double standards. Inviting a couple solo q tanks/supports to alleviate que times is a lot less effort than using LFG imo😁

Why should I choose the same queue,
while I can see that the other queue is not used often,
and thereby complaining that the roadway is full.


When I break a bone,
but I still want to use the same arm to wipe my butt,
because I’ve always done it that way.

I do not understand this logic, but it is what I see in reactions.

You perfectly know that it wasn’t like that, but I understand you. You want to hold on 2-2-2 tight, so you’ll make up any excuse for that. Don’t forget to mention that DPS are selfish and somehow forced everyone around them to play as support / tank.

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Always the answer - snowflakes all.

Public road system - you must drive on the right - typical anti-2-2-2 response : “I shouldn’t have to do that, I bought the car I want to drive it my way”…


You just took the award for dumbest comparison ever. Congratulations.


Here is somewhat similar statement:

People: Put everywhere locks and everything, so we are safe;
Government: puts cameras, locks and other security measures everywhere;
People: Can’t go anywhere, because I have to send papers, that include my destination and intention, before going;

Before you ask someone to lock you in, remember, that it’s not you, who has key.

Not really - you are playing in a public space. There are rules we all must agree to - the anti-2-2-2 crowd refuses to go along with a rule systems they just don’t like. I am sorry if you don’t get it. Sometimes, it comes down to a compromise so we can all get along, you don’t just get to have it your way all the time in life.

Which rule said that every match is required to have 2-2-2 and if you see 2 DPS already taken you MUST pick healer or tank?


And what’s next - whoever is picking non-meta hero gets permanently banned? Because, you know, we can’t have inconvenience of people picking anything, except Blizzard-approved heroes for the moment.


That’s rich because all we are told is “Just to go QPC”. There is no sense of wanting to come to a common ground coming from any of you. We’re told to leave the game, to live with it or in the specific case of DPS that they deserve a longer queue time. We’re constantly met with hostile responses and actual showcases of pure distain towards a certain group of mains, which is ridiculous.

You’re talking about a compromise like there wasn’t an option for literally everyone to be happy. There was, still is, and it’s called LFG. You didn’t want to deal with DPS instalocks? Form a group so you won’t have to deal with it. But noooo. Crying is way easier than this, isn’t it? We didn’t need 2-2-2. We never did. You had the chance to have the composition you wanted but didn’t take it and now we are the ones that are selfish for some reason?? Help me find the logic in that.


Agree, this is what happend, I expected roleLock, and did get RoleQ,
all because people (like us all, me too) couldn’t handle that open door.

Your team and what you pick will be the key.

But its ok to ignore the tank/support playerbase? One of the main reasons we are in this mess is the years of ignoring the tanks and supports! All those years of solo tanking/supporting took its toll on people and it made then play even less T/S blizz saw the pattern and made a decicion accordenly.

The game doesnt revolve around dps only try looking at things from the otherside too.

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Go to extremes much?

Amazing how a thread full of appeal to ridicule fallacies has come this far. Is this a contest? Because OH BOY I can write a full book with over exaggerations and literal lies that the pro 222 crowd has used over and over, whole chapters with appealing titles such as:

  • Everyone who plays DPS is a selfish DPS main
  • Who cares about Flex players? those dont exist!
  • Anyone who swapped roles was throwing anyway
  • Thanks to 222 matches will be better and I will climb for sure!
  • Nobody will throw in 222 because they are choosing to play that role
  • Nobody cares about DPS long queues, they deserve to burn

And my personal favourites, the blatent lies that nobody who has any clue about game development and balance believes:

  • We needed 222 to kill goats
  • 222 is needed to end the VAST MAJORITY of matches being full of 4-5 DPS comps.

Oh man. Literally I could write threads for a week! :rofl:


It would be next logical step. To ensure, that players not have “just” DPS/tanks/supports, but ones compatible with their heroes.

If Blizzard can’t trust players with picking 2/2/2 on their own free will, why should they trust players with picking appropriate heroes at all?


When you don’t act like a mature adult you don’'t get to sit at the big table. Its just that simple.

Suffering long queue times is a choice you make if you don’t do more tanking or support… its just that simple.

The compromise is this - even tanks wait in queue some… I know, I did it yesterday. By and large, those players who are more mature about the whole thing who also do DPS don’t complain about the DPS queue time, they accept it. Its for the most part DPS players are the only ones complaining.


Im not saying this is all true.

But I heard some ridiculous words like “GOATS was better”
Isnt that a meta without any DPS?

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Another classic false statement.

Long queues on DPS are for EVERYONE pal, not only for DPS mains.
If I play 2 matches as tank, then 2 matches as Support and then 2 matches as DPS my queues WILL STILL BE LONG. Theres no “reward” or invisible change there to prevent that from happening.

Also stop throwing the “just go to QPC”, because we are talking about COMPETITIVE (at least the vast majority). Its annoying, like a broken record.