Anti 222 forum logic 🤐

But they ARE complaining about QPC.

Like, play what, but why can’t we get tanks / supports in QPC and everyone treats it as a joke?

Well hell…

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Bastion’s? Where he could shoot after healing without a weird delay? Because literally nobody knew about it until they decided it was a bug very recently. The only good bug fix they did for him was when his tankgun would just get stuck and wouldn’t shoot for the first second of the transformation but that took them 2 years from launch.

yea Bastion was pick up when sig came out and the bug was being talked about. i wish i could remember what vid it was when i see it at first. im sorry i cant. and its not a bug until the devs say so. you are right about that.

Yeah, the only real point of it now is if you want to make a group for Arcade

So, ignore one third of the roles and over half the roster, in order to actually play the game. Sounds suuuper fun.

First, it’s not about being stubborn. People just want to enjoy a video game. At its core, it’s a form of entertainment. They don’t want to ignore a third of the roles and half the roster for a game they paid money for.

Second of all, you’re right, if they’re unhappy, they will leave. And, that has it’s own host of problems. Player retention is crucial in a PVP base game. Obviously.


It only “failed” because the player base and developers abandoned it. Had they actually worked to improve it, it might have succeeded.

Instead, they threw the baby out with the bathwater, and here we are.

Oh, they already are. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve had, since 222, where we have no healer, because our Ana or whoever is busy shooting the enemy. And, im locked into Tank, so even if I wanted to help heal, I can’t.

Yeah, 222 is fantastic :roll_eyes:


Figures. I haven’t tried with my friends, so I’m ignorant. lol

Just want to chime in here, but thats literally how the game had to be played by anyone who didn’t want an auto-loss due to no Healers or Tanks. Prior to role que, you literally had to ignore one third of the roster, cause there were so many people playing DPS that you were already guaranteed to have at least 3 people in the DPS slot when you joined a game.

It is being stubborn however when you’re given options and you’re choosing to ignore them.

The alternative is basically you’d have at least a third DPS, and you’d be down at least one tank or healer regardless. Its not perfect, but at least you technically still have a healer, rather than not one at all.

Frankly all they need to do is make it throwing when you’re purposefully playing any non DPS role as only a DPS or make their rank plummet and you’ll eventually not have to deal with those types. Which honestly I think will happen eventually anyways.

i think he assumes “anti 222 person” is a dps main, trying to wedge the forum’s majority group think of “dps main bad, 222 is good” into your position, to cultivate fake opinions just so your faulty (very) claims is deemed the truth…(to make you feel better)

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Healers and Tanks need to be more attractive to play, or the game should be balanced for more DPS slots

It’s abundantly clear by now the player demographic is not split into equal sized groups. Forcing people to fill into roles they prefer not to play is a hacked up lazy solution

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Or even better, all of the threads popping up advocating reporting DPS players that aren’t playing tanks or supports like tank and support mains lol


Jesus christ, y’all act like you’ve been put on blast by DPS mains that laugh like maniacs as if they just took your children and all your things like some kind of evil cult. Maybe keep your ridiculously exaggerated stories out of it.


Options? What options?

“I want to play DPS.”

Well, you can:

-Wait 30 mins for one game
-Not pick DPS (what you want to play), to get into a match, in a reasonable amount of time
-Leave the game and go play something else

Whoo. Great “options” there.

Also, remember, these are the “options” for anyone who wants to play Damage, not just DPS Mains/OTP. Even if you only want to play DPS every 1 in 20 matches, these are the “options” you get, and they are crap. There is no nice way to put it.

If both are DPS-ing, you essentially have no healer. Your only option, at that point, is to try and self sustain. Thing is, there is only 1 Tank and only a couple of DPS that can actually heal themselves. And even if you factor in temporary Shields (like DF and Sigma), there are very few self-sustaining options, as tank or DPS. So, if your supports aren’t doing their proper job, you are screwed, in role lock.


Play a other game mode ?
Nobody will force you to play 2-2-2.
You still can go to arcade and play QPC or any other game mode to quickly play dps.

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maybe support and tank players are just tired of hearing… “it’s quickplay bro”… like that means it’s ok to play 5 dps and throw that game away.

Because who wanted to win this match anyhow. Not my team… 4 and 5 dps comp winrates I would wager is sub 40%

You meme, but why should I have to group with someone just to get a faster queue? And I’m tank/healer in 95% of my games. Why are you forcing that everywhere when it’s what OWL/comp players wanted?

And hey, you know what DPS mains do? They log in on their smurf accounts, pick tank/healer and spend the whole game DPSing. I have real fun why my Ana is spawncamping the enemy team only to feed.

Oh right, QPC, a mode where eveyone insta-locks DPS and doesn’t even pretend they’re on a team because “Go play QP for normal team, you tryhard” logic. And again, QPC is buried under Aracade instead of being a sub mode for QP.

Also, what other game mode? You mean all those Deathmatches in the Arcade that are on random rotations and show up who knows when? You obviously can’t mean comp. So go to Custom and hope someone joins your game?

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Lmao, that’s nice! You do know, that in any other competitive game people will find a team to get better experience? For example, if you don’t like leavers in Rainbow Six you find a team for yourself that you can play with (and can you imagine that, they don’t even have LFG tool there).
And they don’t say something like “Devs should disable ‘quit match’ button and should ban everyone who quits the game with other methods” so other players would need to suffer of being unable to quit the game when they need… They’re mature people, who’s not shifting THEIR problem onto someone else.

So whenever you got 5 DPS and disliked it, it is YOUR concern to solve your problem. It is not MY concern, that YOU didn’t like 5 DPS matches. Not only you have forum / discord servers, but devs also gave you LFG tool, so you can make your experience better.
But, you’re not selfish of course, you prefer that other persons should suffer, not you. Well, you did a good job there, Bliz heard you and they’ve forced a big chunk of their playerbase to almost quit the game.


Same goes for other 2 roles.

How about we, for once, stop pretending, that players:

  • always want to win;
  • always play to the best of their ability;
  • always can play all heroes in specific role;

They can’t be more attractive, because fun for tanks/supports is 180 from DPS fun. For DPS fun is when everyone dies, for tank/support - when their team doesn’t die and keeps going.

That is my entire point. At least, in the old system, you had some chance to fix it. Now, we are all locked within our roles and cant do anything, except watch the Titanic hit the iceberg, and sink to the bottom of the ocean.


You’re dismissing his experiences because your friends and yourself have not met the same issues. it is indeed, masters and up who face higher queue times. (for me it roams around 20-30min) even on my diamond account it’s around 15-20.


When will you realize that this is such stupid logic. You can’t possibly keep people from playing the things they enjoy, they bought the game, they have a right to play it to have fun. Just because someone locks DPS does not mean they immediately are throwing, how do you even get to that conclusion??? How did that ever happen to become a thing.
Sure, QP was a joke but the way y’all are talking makes it seem like there’s a minimun of five DPS literally every game which is not true. If you wanted a more serious experience you could’ve used a tool that has been in the game for a while, called LFG. I used it plenty of times and there were enough groups that were looking for a serious team comp. But no. Instead y’all had to cry like little babies that got the wrong toy and they don’t want to use it anymore so they need something new. And now the game is a clusterf*ck and worse than ever.

PS: And I am a tank and support main myself. But unfortunately it seems like the ones with common sense are rare these days.