Anti 222 forum logic 🤐

Where in my thread do I state that it’s aimed at the whole anti 222 community

‘Selfish and self centered’

Lold at that

Close enough mr. Ignorant Anti 222 person

No replies from me now, gonna go enjoy some nice balanced competitive 222 games

thank you blizzard!:grin:

Whatever you call it, it still can save the day. Can’t care less, in which way victory is achieved. And less players involved = lower chances someone will screw up whole thing.

My experience so far was opposite: team with coordinated group of 2 players wins. That’s it - only 2, as any more makes whole coordination more complicated and unreliable.


As you may have not aimed it at the entirety of the Anti 2-2-2 Community, you did generalize the Anti 2-2-2 forums users.


The quarterback doesn’t drop the ball and suddenly become a line backer… its a team game with roles… do your role. The game has progressed to learning roles now…

You really should coach OWL if you believe that is true in reality.

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alright Ill spell it out since you aren’t bright enough to see what im saying, even pro 222 don’t feel that way you are claiming.

you do realize there is a difference between the 2 right?

selfish is a person who is inconciderate of others

self centered is someone who is preoccupied with their own affairs.

funny that you would call anyone ignorant when you don’t know basic vocab.

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So there are 6 tanks in queue ahead of you, but you queue with a DPS, who, for the sake of the argument is 30th in queue. You are telling me the game will allow tanks who are solo queued to jump ahead of the tank queued with a DPS? I honestly don’t know how it works, but that makes zero sense to me.

Not at all comparable.

First off, your first option is still viable today. You can go on discord/forums/wherever and make a custom game to play however you want. Hell, you don’t even need to go so far as finding players as you can use custom matches for that alone.

LFG only addressed the problem of your own team, not the teams you played against.

Noones saying suck it up, they’re saying use your options. You have a mode literally dedicated to let you play however you want. Thats something that up until recently, people who wanted 222 never had.

Its somewhat ironic that you’re calling other people selfish while saying that they should do more work to get a match that they want than what you’re willing to spend. Even more so when you have an option that wasn’t ever available to the people you are calling selfish.

Lmao, are you kidding? Probably a troll, but ok.
Don’t you really understand, that it’s you guys who’s started this? First you cried to Blizz and forced 2-2-2 with long queue times on everyone and after that you have some bravery to tell them to solve this problem. You artifically created it for them to solve, even tho it’s not their fault you dislike 5 DPS matches.
I’m actually really tired of typing this over and over again. If you did this simple thing - find other people to play with, just like evryone does in other competitive games, we would never had RQ. But you prefer to shift all your problems onto someone else and then also telling them how they should behave in this situation. THAT what’s called being selfish.

Forgot to add, you also had options to solve 5 DPS problems, but as I said, crying is probably easier.


I love how little self awareness you have.

Great reply, we need more pointless replies.

I’m genuinely astonished at how you fail to see hypocritical you are and how your posts can easily be pointed back at you. Even when presented with the evidence, you missed it so much that I’m having to write this up in hopes that you actually look at what you say with a more critical eye.

I’ll use UNO reverse card on you.

I’m genuinely astonished at how you fail to see hypocritical you are and how your posts can easily be pointed back at you. Even when presented with the evidence, you missed it so much that I’m having to write this up in hopes that you actually look at what you say with a more critical eye.

Ahem, weren’t you just complaining about pointless replies? And yet you’ve stopped to make a second one?

I’m not complaining, I actually said we need more of them, so I’m contributing to it


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Yeah, I’m right, we still need more pointless replies

Don’t care about OWL, but duo got us through many games, with no communication at all with rest of the team. Allows to ignore most of the game problems, too.

No, thats not what old QP was


That sounds exactly like 90% of my experiences in QP.


That is exactly what I’m saying. I’m not saying it’s fair I’m saying that’s what the evidence points to.

Imagine if it worked the way you’d think. That tank position would be prioritized. Tanks are needed every minute. If you entered dead last in the tank queue… well everyone in the same MMR has matched within 1 minute. So if it went based on tank position duoing with a tank should get anyone (dps or support) into a game within like 2 min max. On the other hand I have played many many duo games with a tank friend and have tanked while he dps as well. The wait time is always dps queue time or close with a very occasional near instant match. This makes sense if dps position is used and absolutely no sense if tank position is used.

You can try dps one game duo with tank next dps one game duo with tank next. Please feel free - I love to see people inform themselves. I’m sure you will see similar results to me. If you can record your experience even better because while I’ve had maybe a 1min dps queue in duo once and a dps queue time in duo maybe 30 times I’m sure there will be people who somehow magically instant match when they duo with a tank every time without fail. Kinda similar to the people saying they saw 5 dps every other comp game. But if you honestly record your experiences there’s no way you will reach the conclusion that tank position matters at all.