Anti 222 forum logic 🤐

  • Anti 222 person

(Before role que) “If you want balanced games (222) then use LFG” (10min to find team, 5min to find game, every1 leaves after every loss)

(After role que) “DPS shouldn’t have to wait to play the game”

Some1: “You can group up with a tank or healer to get faster ques”

Anti 222 person: “I shouldn’t have to do that”


  • Pro 222 Person

“I want 222 so every role has an equally high chance of fun and effective competitive gameplay experience where tanks can synergise together and make space for the dps/peel for the supports. The healers don’t have the pressure of solo healing and get support from tanks and the DPS can be enabled a lot more do their job more effectively, rather than 4-5 DPS comps where team oriented gameplay is minimal and chances of winning are usually low”

  • Anti 222 Person:

“People who wanted 222 are selfish”

Also anti 222 person: “We should have forced it to 4-1-1 to alleviate the DPS que times”


  • Anti 222 Person

“222 supporters are salty healer and tank mains who are just self entitled”

  • Also Anti 222 Person

“We need to revert role queue so I can play DPS without waiting”

“I’m gonna play dps healer and ruin people’s games because I’m mad about role que”



pro 2/2/2: Anyone who doesn’t like 2/2/2 is a selfish dps main and I’m happy they have long waits/I don’t care that they have long waits.

I see that far more often than I would like.

You’re forgetting that It’s not as simple as dps waiting about 10 minutes, masters and above are waiting 20+ minutes up to like 40. LFG took like 15 minutes or so but 10 of which is finding the team so it’s really only 5 minute queues from there.


I just want to be able to really solo tank for a change again in comp. It’s interesting and adds some spice to the 2-2-2 slog. Otherwise, it’s kind of the same old, same old with questionable balance.


This doesn’t do anything. It’s been blind tested. It would make no sense for it do anything. You can be 2 support 1 tank 1 dps and still match at dps rate. You need to be full stack to match quickly.

Anti 2-2-2:
Before forced 2-2-2 dps get picked 35% of the time in comp according to all the stat sources available. 4dps comps are a statistical anomaly and 3dps would be one in three games max.

Pro 2-2-2:
3dps every game. 4dps every second game. 5dps one in four games.


Waiting upwards of 5 minutes for an lfg group up and game is such a lie.

Even in the week previous of 222 it only at most took 3 minutes

seriously though, stop making statements about an entire group in one post. I hate 222 but LITERALLY none of these apply to me


clarification: quickplay classic .blabla… forced role .blabla valid data blabla … :clown_face:


Yeah if you get random people from all ranks. IN 5 minutes you can get bronze silver and diamond players all on the same team. In my experience that usually ends up not being fun. If you actually put in the title the rank of players you want it will take a lot longer. That’s especially true if you’re looking for a group for comp

you wanted to leave the game, made several hate posts and here you are. alive and still playing the game … still complaining. nice battletag change though.

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I left comp . I mostly play qp classic now

does not change your previous behavior.

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ok you win for today

I don’t know what’s wrong with it in the first place, also isn’t bringing up past topics and using it as an argument technically witch hunting? Or against the fourms coc?

how exactly? because you decide to act like a child and people just remember this ridiculous behavior? it was not me making topics to leave the game when 2-2-2 comes out. you decided to threat the devs. you are the living example that all the “I’ma gonna leave if you don’t remove role q” is nothing but hot air.

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Haha what?

And I did leave, I left the part of the game that had it

Before that we didn’t even know if we were going to even have a consistent non 222 game mode

At that point I assumed 222 was only going to not apply to custom games, so at that point I was ready to leave under those assumptions

oh so much for your “I played 222 mostly anyway” … your excuses change everyday. thanks for that entertainment and proving once again while the devs are better off not listening to your crowd.

Yeah I did, I like 222 , but I also like other compositions

Not everyone who is anti 222 wants quad dps EVERY game.

Seriously though what does that exuse change anyways?
I mean my biggest issue is really just role lock, I like being able to go between tank healers and dps as my team needs it

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nothing … just keep going.

I’ma just leave now need to change my battletag real quick.

Not totally sure what shade you are trying to throw but alright

I changed my battle tag before that post was even made… The fourms just take time to process things

What? I didn’t know I wasn’t having fun with multi support and tanks comps unless I don’t count as a part of everyone

Is it Surprising people enjoyed non 2-2-2 gameplay and aim to try and keep the word about it alive?

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I mean if you want to go down that route…

Pro 222 person: Forcing this comp gives everyone the ability to play what they want!

DPS player complains about long queue times

Pro 222 person: Just play tank or support!

Then we move on to the 5 DPS complaint…

When I played comp it was super rare to get this in a game at most it becomes 3 DPS. 2/2/2 was usually the comp everyone played