Frustrated due to DPS healers

Difference between being a support bot and playing your role as it’s intended to be played…by healing your team.

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I think there could be benefits to a scoreboard but I also think a scoreboard would increase toxicity like, 1000 fold. Look how nasty people are even talking about a hypothetical scoreboard on the forums.

Also, this is why I have mostly been playing Zenyatta, keep an orb on someone, anyone, doesn’t really matter who, and frag out. Have yet to hear anything about it in-game. It’s fool proof. Working as intended. All by design.

Dude, don’t know if you have ever played in gold or below. But when I picked Winston, people cried for main tank.

They’d cry for a ‘shield’ tank. Meanwhile they’ve 0 problem with picking Hog and feeding.

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This is not just an FPS game, if everyone was just playing a Team death match that did not have all the extra mechanics included in Overwatch then maybe it would have been implemented. A new COD is coming out if you just want your everyday run of the mill FPS.

Only one healer is meant to be heal focused. The rest are DPS heavy healers intended to appeal to DPS players. Sucks to be you if you care that DPS healers are played how they are meant to be

It’s all about immaturity and entitlement.


Too much ignorance for me soz


because a large portion of this community has a “victim” mentality

you literally have all the things u need to combat toxicity in this community

first and foremost a mute button for voice and chat
squelch chat to silence those spamming voice lines
ab chat reports for those who are really vile this shouldn’t exist in a game like this but the voip should be monitored for hate speech and instant ban on it

I’m aware, but I also pretty much think anyone sub diamond is just bad at the game in general, so I don’t really take the please of fellow players in my games seriously.

Doesn’t make it not an fps. Everything that happens in game contributes to a stat in some meaningful way. Every single thing thing you do.

Does that mean I’ll finally be lucky enough you never respond to me again? Could a girl get so lucky?

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Nah just means I’m done trying to persuade u to realise how wrong your attitude is because you’re clearly too narrow minded

Picking healer and only dpsing is not ok

Any1 with common sense or any1 who cares about their teams experience in this team-based game knows this


Narrow isn’t the same as different perspective. Good on you though. Bye

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how many actually good players are kept in low elo’s by the following

players not caring
players playing on alts not caring
players playing to troll
players playing to greif
players playing for their own fun

we are almost at 4 years of overwatch
and there still isn’t an actual rule book to competitive play

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And? That is exactly why everything sub diamond is also affected by their personal performance. They will never say how it works because then everyone will just game it. Easiest climb is be more aggressive.

Can you cite that? I don’t recall him ever condoning people playing supports and refusing to heal.

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Well, you have got 12 year olds right now who brag about their gold medals 24/7 during a match. Scoreboard would make things worse because they won’t know how to see impacts. I wish they just showed the amount of deaths of someone to their teammates. That’d be more than enough.

lol love the elitist attitude dude

check it and then someone might actually read and take serious what you have to say
until then

you’re just another jerk on the forums saying “git gud”

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Where did I say flat out refuse to heal? Please quote me on that.

Nothing elitist about it. I’m in gold, I’m just not delusional enough to blame me not climbing on other people

on ladder I’ve seen 40 year olds do the same.

it’s literally because we can’t see it.
and I’ve had players throw even more because of it


then why are you trying to tout the diamond elo so much and imply that others lower than diamond are just not good ?

Because that’s a fact? Average isn’t good and plat is part of average, anything below average is objectively bad. That’s how averages work.

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That’s literally what the thread is about… Why comment to say that something isn’t reportable when it isn’t what the thread is describing…?