Another quitter

Yeah… Absolute garbage game. Sent my request to delete my account. I can’t take this trash anymore. Not only that but I’ve been a big fan of Diablo all my life and I’m never buying D2R or D4 either. This company deserves to fail. Feel bad for amazing talent that work on the games. The art is always beautiful. Rest though? GARBAGE.


Have you considered uninstalling and coming back to the games that you do love at a later time, rather than throwing it all away?


Nah let him delete his account it’ll be more funny when he decides to come back


I will say, a lot of people are pretty upset with Blizzard these days.

Something tells me the captain prefers not to go down with the ship in this case :sweat_smile:

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I can already see the “Blizzard un-delete my account” thread once the initial rage wears off :smiley:

It is like trying to delete your Ex’s number when you are drunk, but then somehow still wanting it once you get sober :smiley:


request denied user error code: user mistakenly thinks blizzard cares about one person


I play Diablo 2 in Plugy mod, not even on And that’s like once a week maybe just to pass time.

As for other games, there are none. I don’t play other games, let alone Blizzard games. Never been a multiple games person. I played CS:GO and grinded up to legendary eagle back in 2014. Then after I quit that I haven’t played any games until 2018 which was OW.

So yeah. I understand the toxic trolls below your post trying to make fun of this as usual but in my case, I don’t need an account with Blizz.

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So, as I’ve done this myself (tired of the spam bots in pub games) D2 is in no way similar to Overwatch, in D2 you can literally solo every aspect of the game (it’s sad you used PlugY to modify like you were playing online instead of playing private games), I can see why you dislike OW, you can’t modify it to fit your needs, like you can in D2…


People will blame a game for being addictive and garbage at the same time. I wish people would give more nuanced view like ‘gameplay is great but the game player quality when in the solo queue is bad which means I’m not getting the best experience’ or ‘the game has grown stale without new content’.

I mean, the rules of real life sports game like football, basketball and chess haven’t changed for years. Some people play it for years, other people take breaks in between. Player burnout happens.

I’m a gamer that prefers single player stories and action games with a definite beginning and end and wouldn’t play the same game over and over again. I’m not about mastering a game completely but more about exploring and experiencing new things.

I tend to play Overwatch around or just before events to get cool skins rather than as my main game.

I guess my advice (like others on this post) is maybe take a break from Overwatch and try something else. You can always come back to it later.

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I’ve played diablo on bnet for decades. Nowadays the reasons I play D2 are vastly different than when I did back then. I have no desire to modify an already good game. Plugy makes it so that you have the full game features like ladder items and runes. Everything is identical except you have a shared stash (which they came to their senses and are introducing in D2R anyway. All the life quality aspects of Diablo 2 which you had workarounds for, Plugy has a feature for it. Like adding up all the Magic Find you have and displaying in character screen instead of you having to add up manually every time you change an item (guess what, also a feature in D2R)

So… before you make assumptions, maybe check out what plugy does.

I have no desire to mod OW. I love OW as a game on its own. But the competitive aspect of it is garbage and doesn’t represent where your individual skill is at at all. It is designed (probably poorly even for that but I’m not the one qualified enough to judge) for already made 6v6 teams (i.e. OWL). Solo queue is a disaster and far from fair or truly competitive in nature. It’s pretty much equivalent to a slot machine. You win or lose games already on character select screen.

I’m well aware of what it does, it’s modifying the game to suit your needs, along with a shared stash all runewords (including 1.14) torches, anni, all pandemonium events (uber diablo, and uber tristram).

It’s a game modification, something that wasn’t designed by Blizzard, not to be used by their product (hence the edited .D2 patch).

I’m not disagreeing that OW has a garbage matchmaker over all, it can’t account for people that leave games (intentional or not), cheaters with 99% acc, when some salty player will throw the game over a crap reason, smurfs/boosters. I still say, if everyone was to play in their actual rank without alts, we would have no complaints about the matchmaker, we’ll never know if I’m right, since it will never happen, but I have the feeling it’s the truth. Matter of fact is, everyone wants to rank up, everyone will blame something other than themselves (tank/dps/support), sure it’s frustrating when you don’t, but that should go to show, you ARE NOT ready for the higher rank, if you can’t deal with 1 smurf on your own, you aren’t on their level, if you aren’t on that level, your team would have to carry deadweight, agreed, smurfing isn’t fair, but being boosted is just as bad.

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It absolutely baffles me why Blizzard have not added backfill to Competitive. It seems they’d rather a team be left at a disadvantage than returning the game to its purported fair and balanced state by adding in a backfiller to replace a leaver.

Yes, there would need to be changes made to the current backfill system to allow it to better fit with the Competitive format, but surely adding a player to take the spot of a leaver and bringing the game back to being a fair and balanced 6v6 match is better than leaving a team to be at a massive disadvantage because of a leaver in what ends up no longer being a fair and balanced 6v6 match.


First, they don’t delete your account. They just won’t do it, I’ve tried lol. You have 4 choices.

  1. Sell your account
  2. Spam the N word repeatedly and throw games until they ban you permanently
  3. If you want to get banned super fast, get a garbage public aimbot and use that, you’ll get banned within 20 min
  4. Grow up and stop being dramatic and if you want to stop playing the game, just stop playing the game

No one cares that you’re leaving, nobody knows who you are lol


No true diablo fan would ever say this.


People in my position care. And there’s more of us than anyone of us could imagine. If you like OW you should care that so many people are fed up with this game and are leaving. If you don’t care anyway, you kinda agree with me that OW is trash anyway.

Extremely cool of you to tell me to grow up though. I’m extremely impressed and feel your superiority now. Kudos. :roll_eyes:


you care enough to make a post so you still care about the game, also instead of deleting your account you can just sell it for cheap or give it to a friend if they are new to pc.

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yikes that’s disgusting, literally just don’t play on the account before you do this.

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I’m seeing other perspectives. Keep your dumb “gotcha” comments for yourself.

i feel like if you’re complaining on the forums that’s reason enough for me to be able to say what i wanna say, so keep your opinions to yourself if you don’t wanna hear some back :smiley:


Again, you have 0 contribution to the topic. Just a troll. Move on.

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