Another PTR cycle, the same forgotten robot šŸ˜„



denoting or relating to products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population.ā€œā€

Niche doesnā€™t even mean what you think it does in this context.

Bastionā€™s ā€œNicheā€ As in, his appeal to that small amount of people, might include the downside you mentioned, being stationary.

But being stationary can be turned into an upside, and even part of a complex playstyle.

Becoming stationary at times of great need, where damage is needed to be applied rapidly or to a specific target in question.

This also factors into Bastionā€™s design in lore, and even the use of the name Bastion:




a projecting part of a fortification built at an angle to the line of a wall, so as to allow defensive fire in several directions.ā€œā€

Bastion becomes a stationary defensive structure, to fire upon incoming threats.
Itā€™s a defensive strategy, rather than a purely offensive strategyā€¦ but even defensive strategies can have offensive purpose.

Slowly taking more and more ground towards your enemy is a perfect example, encroaching on the area they can properly defend and pressuring it while your team aid in forcing them to give up the area.

Or, suddenly becoming this Bastion of defense, when the enemy least expect it, turning their attention elsewhere while you surround them, and pressure them equally from multiple points of interest.

How do we make all of this balanced?
Make him similar to how he used to beā€¦ originally.

He would still retain his weaknesses, he would even have new ones with how heroes interact with him, but he would actually have exploitable strengths again.

This is something i want for the proposed rework above to address directly. (Please read the thread for more details, and donā€™t take it at face value.)

Bastion being played poorly in lower ranks would be punishable, while Bastion being played well in higher ranks would be rewarded.

At times.

And i know, knee jerk reactions want for you to say ā€œThat would be so OP!!ā€

Think about itā€¦ he would be punished for sitting in the same place too long, and the shield would be burned quickly by even just certain heroes alone. At times forcing him to move but not just out right deleting him.