Another pro coming patch will feel bad for casuals

Yeah, but that’s the point of this patch. According to Keller, they now have a clear vision for this PvP as a competitive, sweaty shooter, and they’re going to be ‘pushing it in that direction as hard as they can.’ I interpreted this to mean that they’re gonna re-shift the game away from MOBA-style CD spammer and more to mechanically intensive hero shooter - similar to how they did in beta before promptly screwing it all up. And maybe they’ll screw it all up again.

And it was the golden age of OW gameplay for me. It only fell apart because they buffed the sustain until the game played like OW1 again.

What exactly is the alternative, besides uninstalling? You can’t persuade them to not release the patch. You can’t not install the patch. The patch is happening.

Because they suck. You’re not preaching to the choir. You’re preaching to the Pope of the Church of The Overwatch Team Sucks at Ladder Day Balance. :joy:

The beta rebalancing was them finally admitting that they suck and implementing all the changes they had learned from their mistakes in OW1. But then Goodman and other Blizzard vets departed and took those lessons with them, leaving the new team to repeat the vets’ mistakes. And by Christ they did. They repeated them hard and true.

But in just over a year, the new team has already realized that they suck, and they’re admitting that with this new patch. They’re addressing all the things I’ve been complaining about since 2017 like burst damage, burst heals, general sustain creep and excessive respawn times. It’s a huge step in the direction that I personally have wanted for years. I have no doubt that it’ll still suck in many ways. Hell, maybe they’ll botch every last aspect of it. :rofl: But I’m happy just to see them implementing huge systemic changes that reflect an understanding that the current balance state isn’t working

I don’t think that’s their goal. My guess is that DPS are getting compensation nerfs because the indirect benefits they’ll get from other changes are big. Keller said one of the things they’re tweaking is DPS’ role in securing kills. I assumed this meant they’ll be improving them in that capacity. But maybe I’m completely wrong and Keller wants to dumpster DPS because he’s a Sigma OTP fed up with AKJ’s posts. Who knows?

I feel like the self healing for tanks/dps is the worst idea, at least on paper. It’s only going to further enable selfish gameplay and feeding and general idgaf.

By the way this goes for supports too. I can imagine lots more of supports chasing elims because nahhh Genji will be fine he can heal himself.

It should do 250 at the cost of not being a hard magnet or a weak boop, but actually a consistent ability

What keeps OW afloat is its uniqueness to any other game. Though the same uniqueness alienates many players. A large draw to OW is the tank/support playstyle which is unlike any other shooter.

However, OW is competing in a shooter space where all shooter players care about is DPS DPS DPS DPS DPS DPS DPS.

If OW attempts to become more mainstream to appeal to more shooters it loses all a large portion of tank/supports. If it goes further down the OW identity it loses more DPS players/tank players.

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Depends how they do it.

Do I want to go stand near my ana? Or go kill their ana which is fun and engaging?

Do you as ana want me to come stand near you or go kill enemies?

Self heal through killing enemies is a lot better.

It’s the doom slayer formula.

It’s the one of the few ways in which self.heal.would work.

It will also make sure snipers don’t benefit long range kills.

Do you wanna play it safe, or risky?

That’s a preference thing.

Do you want action or stalemate, given stalemates and stalemates reduced the game to this date.

Like if we are going self regen it’s better to go the arcade shooter constant action reward way than tac shooter regen.

I figure it’s mostly for this purpose.

Also what the heck is “Tactical Shooter Regen”?

So you’re saying self regen is being added because of blind support players?

What’s worth more money:

$10 from a Top 500 player, or $10 from a Bronze Nintendo Switch player?

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Cover based regen rather than getting health through action.

Like cod I know they aren’t tac shooter like cs

Gaining health through action just makes it so that there’s too much midcombat healing.

Where as “out of combat healing” is mostly mutually exclusive from “in combat healing”.

It does it’s kinda like genji dash reset, if we find the right value it can be satisfying.
My main reasoning for it is to prevent hide and seek strategies

If you know you have regen you can do a lot.of empty engages and resets without commiting

It also solves the problem of snipers getting regen.

For flankers too cause you heal only if you got the kill.

I think it’s a more engaging solution for dps and tanks.

Self regen works for support playstyle.

Are you saying that Reaper won’t be trash in GM anymore? Maybe I will login back to play some more

I’m sorry man, my miracle bucket is empty.

I would if I could.

Cmon, you said that Moira will be adjusted in similar fashion as Tracer will, so probably harder to aim with but more damage?

I want some changes for my boy too, make him less abusive for poor gold brother but give me some power in my high elo games. GM is infested by one shotting you Sojourns

Nah, just that they are going to give her more survival in the lower ranks, and likely pull some of her kit off her which the higher ranks make more use of.

They are reworking Reaper, and likely giving him a right click, so I really don’t know what is going to happen there.

Reaper is absolutely going to change, but I have no idea if he will be viable in high ranks or not.

Don’t get me wrong, I hope he is.

I don’t see the problem with Flankers or Snipers getting regen with this approach.

Also, if the goal is to “REDUCE MIDCOMBAT SUSTAIN”.

Then you don’t wanna be adding Midcombat sustain.
You wanna be moving that sustain Out of the Midcombat.