Another pro coming patch will feel bad for casuals

He literally said in 2 of the 3 tweets that it was about money, and the focus of the tweets was esports, along with major gameplay changes, not whether pet hero is strong or weak.

OW will be shut down by early to mid 2026. Y’all are waiting for literally nothing. The esport was doomed the second OWL died and since that won’t prove to Micro$oft that OW should stick around, they are simply going to shut it down, permanently. It’s just a waiting game on when at this point. They have no interest in hiring someone competent to fix this game or remove the monetization it doesn’t need.

they need to give up on that esports garbage its what brought he downfall of the game and probably why hog remains OP

everything they’ve done to try and make 5v5 work has been a complete and utter failure, but they absolutely refuse to revert and balance 6v6 instead. they’re willing to turn the entire game on it’s head, rework every single character in the game, change the fundamentals on how it’s played rather than just ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG


Are you telling me these Idiots don’t know what they are doing? NOOOOO WAY

This game will never thrive. The longer it exists, the more updates they do, the worse the game will get. The root of the problem is incompetent devs. They should be replaced with pro players - that’s the only solution if they want to attach the word “eSports” to that game somehow. Looking at valorant, despite being tired of tac. shooters (1999-2018 CS, then 2 years of Valorant), I highly respect Riot for having a qualified team that tunes the game balance to the right spot.
P.S. OWL was an eSports joke. No path to pro, everything is corrupted, no actual esports + 4 years of Goats+double shield with bunker meta, who even watch that in fps genre? First 10 seasons of OW was OK, tho.

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What happens when the pro players run into the same issues which force the dev’s hands?

If they balance the game for “esports”, people are not going to play Tank or Support, and the game dies.

If you change the game so it is only DPS, then it isn’t overwatch any more.

What is the pro players going to do to handle that?

You can’t balance overwatch for esports, and keep 2 of the three roles. Blizzard tried, it failed, and now they are balancing for casual play, because that is the long term survival path for the game.

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Yeah, but that’s the point of this patch. According to Keller, they now have a clear vision for this PvP as a competitive, sweaty shooter, and they’re going to be ‘pushing it in that direction as hard as they can.’ I interpreted this to mean that they’re gonna re-shift the game away from MOBA-style CD spammer and more to mechanically intensive hero shooter - similar to how they did in beta before promptly screwing it all up. And maybe they’ll screw it all up again.

And it was the golden age of OW gameplay for me. It only fell apart because they buffed the sustain until the game played like OW1 again.

What exactly is the alternative, besides uninstalling? You can’t persuade them to not release the patch. You can’t not install the patch. The patch is happening.

Because they suck. You’re not preaching to the choir. You’re preaching to the Pope of the Church of The Overwatch Team Sucks at Ladder Day Balance. :joy:

The beta rebalancing was them finally admitting that they suck and implementing all the changes they had learned from their mistakes in OW1. But then Goodman and other Blizzard vets departed and took those lessons with them, leaving the new team to repeat the vets’ mistakes. And by Christ they did. They repeated them hard and true.

But in just over a year, the new team has already realized that they suck, and they’re admitting that with this new patch. They’re addressing all the things I’ve been complaining about since 2017 like burst damage, burst heals, general sustain creep and excessive respawn times. It’s a huge step in the direction that I personally have wanted for years. I have no doubt that it’ll still suck in many ways. Hell, maybe they’ll botch every last aspect of it. :rofl: But I’m happy just to see them implementing huge systemic changes that reflect an understanding that the current balance state isn’t working

I don’t think that’s their goal. My guess is that DPS are getting compensation nerfs because the indirect benefits they’ll get from other changes are big. Keller said one of the things they’re tweaking is DPS’ role in securing kills. I assumed this meant they’ll be improving them in that capacity. But maybe I’m completely wrong and Keller wants to dumpster DPS because he’s a Sigma OTP fed up with AKJ’s posts. Who knows?

I feel like the self healing for tanks/dps is the worst idea, at least on paper. It’s only going to further enable selfish gameplay and feeding and general idgaf.

By the way this goes for supports too. I can imagine lots more of supports chasing elims because nahhh Genji will be fine he can heal himself.

It should do 250 at the cost of not being a hard magnet or a weak boop, but actually a consistent ability

What keeps OW afloat is its uniqueness to any other game. Though the same uniqueness alienates many players. A large draw to OW is the tank/support playstyle which is unlike any other shooter.

However, OW is competing in a shooter space where all shooter players care about is DPS DPS DPS DPS DPS DPS DPS.

If OW attempts to become more mainstream to appeal to more shooters it loses all a large portion of tank/supports. If it goes further down the OW identity it loses more DPS players/tank players.

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Depends how they do it.

Do I want to go stand near my ana? Or go kill their ana which is fun and engaging?

Do you as ana want me to come stand near you or go kill enemies?

Self heal through killing enemies is a lot better.

It’s the doom slayer formula.

It’s the one of the few ways in which self.heal.would work.

It will also make sure snipers don’t benefit long range kills.

Do you wanna play it safe, or risky?

That’s a preference thing.

Do you want action or stalemate, given stalemates and stalemates reduced the game to this date.

Like if we are going self regen it’s better to go the arcade shooter constant action reward way than tac shooter regen.

I figure it’s mostly for this purpose.

Also what the heck is “Tactical Shooter Regen”?

So you’re saying self regen is being added because of blind support players?

What’s worth more money:

$10 from a Top 500 player, or $10 from a Bronze Nintendo Switch player?

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Cover based regen rather than getting health through action.

Like cod I know they aren’t tac shooter like cs