Another bird has spread it's wings and flown

Whenever I felt like the way you do feel now it always used to be just a little burn-out. Since you enjoy watching it and playing a little bit you prolly still like the game just need a longer break. I’d suggest taking some time off unless you really care about all that battlepass jazz.

For me it only started being problematic after I felt like I no longer care at all. I neither wanted to play nor watch. Nothing. Which happened after OW2 kicked in. So I unistalled and only hopping onto forums every now and then cuz discussing the game’s state is still kinda fun not gonna lie.

…that’s nice but doesn’t actually prove or disprove the point I made, just shows you have differing levels of enjoyment in something… :wink:

didn’t see any, I’m on console and don’t really play with PC players.

I’ll have to look!

I’ll expect one from you soon then.

ah, well, my love for ow did.

I have heard of it, may have to revisit.

Thank you!

I feel the same.

i do enjoy still watching and you’re right i very much need a longer break. Ow is not fun anymore when you play it on the daily for me anyway, glad you kinda enjoy it tho.

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Consider trying Deep Rock Galactic. It’s like you’re playing a team of 4 Torbs battling against a crapload of spiders in a mine. It has classes, biomes, objectives, challenge modifiers, etc. to vary the gameplay. Definitely worth a shot.

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It shows that he simply didn’t stop enjoying ow because he got tired, he stopped enjoying ow because the game changed into a different shape.

Ive played it. Its pretty fun, but tbh idk why everyone reccomends it to overwatch players. Its nothing like overwatch.

Really good game though.

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actually it proves exactly what I said. There is no ‘quantifiable’ amount of time at which a game reaches the status of ‘properly enjoyed’ as it varies from game to game based upon multiple factors (game depth, game length, game complexity, game replayability, etc)… :wink:

No, he said he didn’t got tired of the game, he stopped having fun because the game changed the direction. If the game didn’t change he would still enjoy the game, its different and I understand the sentient.

…as I said earlier:

…it’s unfair to make out they ‘stopped having fun’ after playing it for 1000 hours when the much more likely reason is they simply reached the limit of the enjoyment they can derive from this source of entertainment… :wink:

What kind of games do you like, as for myself im chilling in both Fallout 76 and ultra modeed Fallout 4

But what you say makes absolutely no sense, he didn’t reach any limit, he doesnt enjoy it anymore because the game changed completely. Your point is totally different from ours. He showed he can play for 6000 hours and still enjoy a game like Warframe because that game has not changed, ow2 has become a totally different game that he doesnt like.

…sometimes in a discussion people reach an impasse. I appreciate your opinion but it seems this is the ‘agree to disagree’ phase. Thanks for the chat… :slight_smile:

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Well, looks like we didn’t reach an understanding. Atleast you look chill.

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Wait why was that flagged? O_o that’s sound advice.
What’s wrong with what Sushi said?
And to be on topic, I personally find myself exploring create mod, there’s nothing I really want from this season’s pass.
I really just want a story mode I can play offline from when I want to play without the online chaos which I do enjoy but I want take a break while still being able to play.

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What is needed for a comment to get flagged? I didn’t found sense in what Sushi said but he said nothing bad. Weird flag.

It is a bit of a stretch, but I think the abilities, the 1st person gunplay, and the teamwork aspect are why I’d call them similar. Definitely a different genre from OW though.

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i stopped playing because it is not fun to play against smurfs and cheaters.
i like the game itself, the heroes (most of them), but i loathe playing it because of the players.