I’m done.
I don’t know about you, but this means a lot to me.
I play 2 hours a day on weekends and 1 hour a day on weekdays.
I have a total of 900 hours. Do the math.
I loved this game, I really did.
Matchmaking has pushed me over the edge.
The new players always seem to be on my team, you can tell when they don’t have levels shown in ow1 and only an endorsement level.
Either that or someone who plays the throw characters, right now being Ramattra and Brig.
If you’re tank is bad, you loose.
95% f the time that’s how it goes, and I’m tired of it being this way.
I want to enjoy the game instead of having to sweat in QP just to win cause someone on my team is trash.
I am certainly not the problem, I can’t prove it but I have a low death, high elim/dmg games.
The matchmaking in QP is screwed, arcade is awful, and comp is not an outlet because that also is very unbalanced.
I know nobody cares, but I want to let whoever is there know that Blizz is not keeping their OG’s in the game.
I’m sorry it ended like this Overwatch, I really am. I give you my love, my tears and my sorrow.
I’m off to find the next thing in my life, any xbox game suggestions?