Anas using nano to save low hp tanks

This sounds like a bronze-silver problem

As a mid silver scumbaag, I tend to default to nano-ing a tank that’s in sticky situations over a DPS hero. Want to know why? Low elo DPS players have no clue how to properly use their ultimate.

I cannot tell you how often I blow a nano on a genji or soldier who completely waste their ultimates. And I tend to let them go first and hit them with ot shortly after! It’s the worst feeling ever for me as an Ana, and even for team morale, to use a nano on, a genj/soldier only to watch the kill feed remain empty…

When I nano tanks, it’s provides a lot more opportunities for my team to capture point or save it from capture. It is also more likely to boost team morale during a fight and provide that “never give up” feeling. It’s just a safer option in Silver… unless I know my DPS are legit which I can figure out pretty quickly.

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well im not in bronze or silver so

She made a choice, and it didn’t work out. Making hard choices is what overwatch is all about. When nobody is willing to make those choices, you end up with a boring poke battle that almost always favors the defenders. I’d rather have a confident ana that goes for clutch plays, than a shy ana that only ever follows the flow of the team.

Yeah, sometimes this ends in disaster. Completely ruining ult economy and creating a snowball. But I find that to be the exception. Considering how easy nano is to charge, and how easily the tank can get a pick or charge their own ult.

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YES DUDE! We both have that same mentality. Nano rein is HUGE for morale, and morale is hugely important as most people have discovered. People too easily give up on winnable team fights Because they get lazy. Especially reins. they will suicide charge if they suspect a fights gone sour, even if there is still plenty of time to hold the line and re-up on cooldowns/resources. But when you save their behind with a bionade/nano, I find they play with much more patience and confidence in the future, which wins games.

That’s why I love playing ana. You can inspire so much confidence in your team. I get shotcaller on a regular basis, and I haven’t even touched a mic since the endorsement systems inception.

“low” is a relative term that requires a benchmark of comparison. 4100 may be considered low compared with 4600 for example.

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Low elo is sub plat
MId elo is plat to masters
masters to low gm is high elo
4200 + I consider very high elo.

I am in low elo using my standards. BTW please note stupidity doesnt only happen in low elo. I have seen some head scratching stuff in gm streams.

If we compare your definition to the actual distribution of players, you’re saying mid elo is the top 3-45% of players. And high elo is the top 0.5-3%. and very high is top 0.5%. Roughly.

people seem to assume these numbers often.

FYI As of the last known Dev announcement:
Bronze is bottom 1%-8%
Silver is the bottom 8%-29%
Gold is from 29%-61% making it the largest rank with below average, average, and above average players all in the same rank
Platinum is 61%-86% (from top 39% to top 15%)
Diamond is 86%-96% (from top 14% to top 4%)
Masters is 96%-99% (from top 4% to top 1%)
Grand Master is 100% (top 1%)

Per Jeff Kaplan himself on Feb 20. This probably has changed slightly, but not much, as this list had not changed all that much from the previous one.

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Here’s something to consider: if you nano and grenade a tank and spam heals, they can survive 300+ dps no problem. That’s like a personal Transcendence.

225 dps before including armor, to be precise

Bronze is bottom 1%-8%
Silver is the bottom 8%-29%
Gold is from 29%-61% making it the largest rank with below average, average, and above average players all in the same rank
Platinum is 61%-86% (from top 39% to top 15%)
Diamond is 86%-96% (from top 14% to top 4%)
Masters is 96%-99% (from top 4% to top 1%)
Grand Master is 100% (top 1%)

Blizzard needs to redistribute the ladder badly. It really is stupd that 6 out of 10 players in within a 1000 SR range. It is really absurd that Gold is a third in itself…

No thanks, we don’t want worse players in diamond/master than there already are

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also another interesting thing to note:

these numbers reflect the percentages of players/accounts in the respective ranks. it does NOT reflect the amount of… how do i call it… “possessed skill/intelligence” of them.
the skill curve of players might be totally different than the player distribution curve. but i dont think theres an objective scientific method to measure it.

Agreed… Though I think he’s implying everyone would get bumped up and people would be closer to 5000

You need to reconsider how Nano is used.

Any good Ana did this even before the 300 health heal that Nano had. Tanks would get Nano’d so they could take enough hits for us to outheal the damage they were taking (with the 50% damage reduction). The 300 heal just makes it even better. I understand the frustration of wasting Nano, I’ve done it plenty of times, but Nanoing a tank that is slow is far far from a waste.

Ironically, these days I find much more value from using Nano on a tank instead of a dps. Now one problem is the feeling of tanks needing to ultimate when they get Nano’d, but that’s not really your fault. However, in regards to a response you made earlier (@OP), yes a Nano can be wasted if everyone else is dead.

However with that saying, I’ve won a few 3v5’s with Nano Zarya when the other team ignores me and I can just sit and heal her.

Because you need to understand, theres TOP 1% and LOW RANKS.

TOP 15%? That’s a low rank!!!
TOP 3%? Thats a low rank!!!

If your not T500 it’s a low rank!!! Hurr durr

Pretty much. If there’s as much room for improvement for most players as there is, that’s a low rank.


you are equating “high” and “low” ranks with you appraisal of skill. That’s dumb.

“Oh look at this skyscraper, it has 100 floors, 1-98 are the low floors and 99-00 are the high ones”. That’s doesn’t seem like a very smart assessment, does it?

Let’s say theres low, average, and high ranks.

So low would be below gold
Average is gold-plat
High is diamond +

You can add very high very low ranks as you wish, but there’s a gaussian distribution to ranks , and everything past +/- 1 SD is “high” or “low”, at least in plain English.

Source: math teacher

Edit: high plat is on the high side too.

There is a reason why people get stuck. It’s a big jump to go from one tier to the other.