Ana, WHY did you nano ME? Like... Of all people... Why ME?

I am a support main, and I can’t even tell you how many nano boosts I was GIVEN as a SUPPORT. Now, I understand, like if I’m the only one getting picks as zen or bap, but, what about the reinhardt that could have done it?? I don’t get it… its not like I’m that good.

(For reference, I’ve been nano’d as zen 3 times, and as bap twice I think, both obviously on purpose.)

If I’m playing Brigitte, I’d really appreciate to get a nano. Tanky-Nano-Brig is W+M1 fun.
(even better with Rally).

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I don’t play brig anymore, but I do get what you mean

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nano me during coal pls


As mercy I will always damage boost ur ult.


I always damage boost my Moira buddies during coal when I’m on Mercy.
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: surrender to this lady’s will pls


You’re both on my list of people not to yell at



Moira mains are the best.

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Very grand indeed

I get it frequently as Mercy because I fly to the person that is at critical health and get in Ana’s line of sight.

Many just panic ult near death to try to keep the support up if you are the only one in range since without the other support the team’s sustain drops and the ability to hold position drops dramatically as people flee to cover for healing or survival.

Sombra Nano-Boost:


'Im hAcKING the sysTEM"


When you hear Ana throw nano and it’s followed up with a bunch of beeps and boops and the sound of tire treads and intermittent explosions

Literally me when I play Sym like girl I appreciate it but at the same time there are so much better hero’s to nano than me hahaha


Were you near death? I’d rather the other support not die than save a nano.

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Um I understand like don’t nano me as a Sym with level 1 charge I am always in vc so I am saying what charge I have if I have level 3 then yes nano but not at level 1 :clown_face:

I nano Mercy when I play Ana.

A lot of them are mistakes or intresting combos.

Just today my ana panicked and nanoed me- a young yet brave Torbjorn when Reinhardt charged at me and succeeded, He was stunned less than a seconnd after but using the nano I succeeded to get us 2 kills and almost a 3rd but I needed to reload the second that Genji escaped.

Was it a good nano? probably not, but for a panicked nano it worked well.
On the other hand the same game I did super well on Bastion as well, something you wouldn’t expect in a platinium game I guess so who knows.

Pff today I got Nano from our Ana when I was using Transcendence. :laughing:

So you know how zen does massive damage when he uses discord + hits a headshot?
Now imagine if he also had nano boost.

And on top of that, he can swap his discord target at will and instantly follow up on it with discord boost + nano boost unlike if his team had the nano boost, they would have to first figure out who is the new target to get the benefit of both.

Zen is a great target for nano, tbh.

Also, it happens far too often I nano a mercy because she suddenly guardian angels/super jumps in front of my nano target.

Both Zenyatta and Baptiste and get a lot of value from getting Nano’d. Though it isn’t what people would expect so if I were to nano a support I would at least tell them so they’re prepared.