Ana, WHY did you nano ME? Like... Of all people... Why ME?

Sometimes could be mistakes but I think Nano should feel flexible to use

Ana can farm it quickly enough so unless it is meant to combo with a Blade or some DPS play then using it to save an ally and win a fight could be great too (especially if the support is close to getting ult - rather save them and help their ult charge than risk them dying and the team going without Transcendence/Beat/teamwide ult)

I call this a good nano. Without the stun, Torb could easily survive and the enemy just lost their rein to the damage he does. Not to mention, Torbs that can aim can wreck with nb and his ult can win the fight for territory.

A team kill nano-boost would be best of course but too often I see players waste their resources as they wait for “the moment”!

That has got to be the ultimate power move.

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A real Ana player can rationalize every questionable nano :slight_smile:
Like : i nanoed Zen during his trans because he was out of position and needed extra armor to survive the 36 frames of vulnerability before he could reach cover at the end of his ult.

Overall I agree but enemies ran Hanzo-Widowmaker (idk why I wrote Genji in the comment… It has Hanzo) so that’s a pretty scary and risky nano over there.

yea when i play ana i accidently do this once in a great while. i often think what the mercy is thinking after i do that. usually they dont say anything in chat

Sometimes it is worth it to keep a hero alive, if nothing else. Don’t forget that Nano heals you as well as makes you alot more sturdy with the damage reduction. If you are attacked by multiple enemies, it can be the option to keep you alive.
With the 50% damage reduction it is much easier for Ana to heal you while you are under heavy fire.

Using nano on a zen is better than using it on a Doomfist who just disengaged.

I will do it if you are low and I do not think I can save you with primary.

Nah my favorite part is when I’m playing doomfist, my ana WATCHES ME USE MY ABILITIES, and then nano’s me…

What fantastic players.

It’s rare, but I sometimes nano the other support if I think we are both going to die but the rest of the team is stable. A team that loses both supports in the middle of the team fight, loses the fight - and I can always get another nano boost pretty fast. Also a nanoed Zen can be a beast - similar to a nanoed tracer.

Yeah Moira mains seem pretty chill for the most part. The hero is pure meme fuel as well, which helps her case

I used to Nano Sym 2.0s all the time. They’d get 3 or 4 kills in their rampage and be like “Ana, did you do that on purpose?” Ef Yeah, I did it on purpose!

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It might be a very good idea depending on the circumstances. Sometimes when you’re surrounded by mobile heroes it might save you from dying and free her to heal and focus on other heroes. Sometimes there isn’t another better choice than Zen

Last time I got nanoed as a Zen was the last teamfight on Nepal. We were surrounded by Genji, Tracer, Hog and Sigma. While Sigma was nearly hugging us I loaded up my volley and she nanoed me. I one-shot the Sigma with the volley (360+few critical), discorded Genji and hit double bodyshots (180)+melee(45), discorded tracer and double bodyshot her (180), discorded and volleyd the Hog (488+criticals) and finished him off with a few shots. So basically that nano enabled 4 kills and we swept the point to win that round

Then there are legit combos like The Raidboss a.k.a. nanoing a rallying Brig. She can pretty much just run and hug everyone to death unless the whole team focuses her down and even then if she gets pocketed by the Ana she’s really hard to kill

Nanoing a Valking Mercy can mean EZ picks on backline squishies, especially heroes like Widow who has to counter it by headshotting the fighter plane which is most likely not going to happen. Nanoing Bapo76 gives him insane damage as he already deals near 76 amount of damage, not to mention if you combo it with the cinema while he’s on high ground and he lamps himself. Ain’t nobody contesting that really. Also an ulting Moira is a very good nano target too.

Pretty much the only support I would never nano is Lucio or Mercy/Moira/Brig when they aren’t ulting.

But you are also right on that it should most likely be saved for the tanks or the DPS

you better popoff there is no time for questions!

tbh I hand out nanos like if it was candy. I get it extremely fast, and I would rather use it to make a play ASAP because it means I’ll probably get 1- 2 nanos more on average in game then if I were saving them for a perfect moment. Same with Mccree ULT, use that as soon as you think you can get any value from it whatsoever - except you know nano is slightly more useful.