Ana, we gonna take a look at her at any point Blizzard

That thread is an opinion.

Blizzard has far more data than Overbuff could ever hope to have.

Just because Overbuff is all that we, the public, has, doesn’t mean it’s “fine” to use.

If Ana were overpowered, she’d be #1 & nerfed, but she’s neither.

It’s inaccurate & partial data. Not worth using when determining balance. Blizz has all the data at their disposal and know who is overperforming vs. being popular

The quotes are there for all to see.

I never said “Zen/Mercy have been meta for 6 months” yet you’re insisting I did. It didn’t work.

Clearly they’re not more popular. Even though Mercy has been meta for over a month, Ana has maintained a higher pickrate in Silver->Masters.

If you insist on pointing to Overbuff, then don’t only use it half the time. Mercy has been meta in GM, yet Ana still maintained a higher pickrate in Silver->Masters.

If you’re just using GM then you’ll see Ana is not #1 this week, this month, or the last 3 months.

Ah, you’re one of those

Gasp! Logic!

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I’ve just stopped arguing to watch all this unfold… gotta say, pretty intriguing.

OoOh, some sort of cleansing support would be really interesting. Then we could have more fire and poison heroes

Got bored of asking for Mercy nerfs so we’re back to asking for Ana nerfs


That’s not how it works. Supports are either good or unplayable. That is why you get chain reported in masters + if you aren’t playing one of the top 3 supports or Ana.

God I hope DVA comes back in NA ladder, I have been watching the asia ladder as well and praying we get DVA.

They… literally are the most popular. There is a reason why they get more skins, and a reason why Mercy got the charity skin and Ana didn’t.

Your words, not mine.

I don’t use bronze-masters cause then it concludes Ana needs a ton of changes to not be chosen so much. She isn’t more popular than every other support. There is analytical data that has been posted about this several times on the forums. She is considered -the most powerful and stable support- so she gets chosen. Which statistics in GM support said train of thought.

And? I never said she was. I said she has a good pick rate for a support that is in a meta that ‘doesn’t favor her’. Maybe Ana works in far to many situations unlike every other support. She’s outclassed Brigitte for the last 3 months who WAS meta in GM.

But hey, lets ignore that for a moment right? Cause it doesn’t fit your narrative.

Haters gonna hate, especially when proven wrong. Here you go. :point_right: :salt:
:eye: :lips: :eye: :nail_care:

Yes, exactly. I didn’t say Mercy/Zen have been meta for 6 months. They have been meta for part of the past 6 months, in addition to Brig & Bap. Ana has not been meta in awhile. She’s just a consistently viable hero when played well, and is popular partly because of that reason

While I agree she’s very reliable/stable in good hands…she’s not the most powerful in all scenarios. Recently Ana has taken a backseat to other supports.

She was not thriving with Ball meta

That’s not how you entered the conversation :laughing:


Whatever you say

except the difference is mcree is a broken mess of a hero
and ana is not

Why not? What’s the actual difference? Her stats are pretty similar, if not better.

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DPS players mad that there is a good support in the game
trying to do what they did to tank and ruin the role
In my eyes the 3 balanced heroes in the game were
these 3 heroes would go in and out of meta with no changes just because of other heroes
the same thing happened in this meta when Mcree became a broken mess and other tanks were nerfed into the ground
in response blizzard nerfed ball into the ground not Cree
ana left the meta saving her from nerfs due to bap being better and zen mercy brig being better than that

This is never a valid defense. There have been many points in this games life cycle where ana was extremely under picked. I’m not saying I support ana being op but this defense is wrong, and is usually never right.

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why is Mcree broken?
he has almost instant reload without using abilities 25 hp and a stun that lasts almost a second and FTH is just as strong as usual
while FTH isn’t great it still gives him high burst and the ability to out damage burst down tanks in a tank’s effective range

More like, why isn’t Ana broken? Dart is better than flash and she wouldn’t have comparable burst to a dps, naturally, she heals instead. But otherwise their designs are similar. He has the reloads and roll, she has anti and nano. I feel like those are better, to be honest. I just don’t get what about McCree you dislike while Ana remains fine. Like, is it actually the instant reloads and 25 hp? They seem like minor benefits.

FTFY. I don’t know if you have noticed or not but regardless of balance nerfing Ana is probably heavily favoured on the forums while nerfing mercy can easily get your post flagged and hidden. If you check the forums all time highest liked posts, they are all Mercy posts especially posts in favour of mercy.

Again, I don’t think you have looked at the stats but Ana for the last 3 months has been the 4th most picked support after Zenyatta,Mercy and Brig (in that order) and has dropped to 5th sometimes when Bap was meta.
She has constantly dropped in and out of metaa depending on the meta which just goes onto show that she is balanced. She is good in a meta that favours her and bad in a meta that doesn’t. Same can’t be said about every hero.

I disagree that ana can be called one of the “most balanced supports in the roster” when she has anti, an effect targeting supports’ value (a major facet of theirs anyways; esp with how blizz forced themselves into a corner in terms of how dependent teams are on supports’ healing for team sustain) while there’s a serious lack of effective counterability for it from the support role (legit it’s pretty much just lucio beat). and it’s not like she has low healing to compensate for that strong of a utility either.
i.e. it inherently props her up in the support balance hierarchy

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Luckily for me, I don’t care when a teammate is anti. I probably just used transcendence to save myself anyways, so it hardly matters what happens to them. Tee hee.

yeah… lets nerf ana so mercy become a must pick and get nerfed as well…
that’s just what we needed!! am i right or am i right…?

Zen - PR: 29.39% | WR: 54.15%
Mercy - PR: 20.48% | WR: 53.06%
Ana - PR: 13.87% | WR: 54.67%

It’s in the same league as rest of the projectiles in the game.

Damn, that’s why people are playing Mercy and Zen more because they have bio made that wins them game right? And if it really does so why have you not reached GM by using bio nade to win teamfights.

Genji has 0.77% pickrate and 54.56% winrate. SO NO, if he really was getting 3k-5k everyfight he would have say more pickrate than that?

Do you even know what you are talking about?

While I don’t disagree with this, why was this not an argument for “easier” to play supports. its like we have different standards across the board per character. I.e can we get a 7 day period without a nerf mercy thread or a 7 day period where we take a buff moira thread seriously.

Im trying to point out Ana screwing the games balance but everyone talks back about how she has no mobility and self heal

Let me put it this way:

When you talk about Genji being opressive, you’re talking about Nanoblade
When you talk about Rein having too much sustain, you’re talking about Ana pocketing him

No one wants to adress her yet shes the problem. It wasnt Brig who screwed up the balance (first). It was Ana.

Long post is being written in notepad since a week but i dont expect many views or replies

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Reduce the duration of sleep. It’s a death sentence getting hit by it most of the time.