Ana, we gonna take a look at her at any point Blizzard

Having a high pickrate doesn’t equate to essential. Yeah she’s really good and a popular pick, but she was never essential. She wasn’t necessary to win games. You weren’t losing because you didn’t have an ana on your team.


4 hours with no replies from op.
this is bait.

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ah come on pal, as much as the lower ranks have a higher proportion of people who play a character squarely for fun they do not make up the greater proportion of player in any rank, 40% max only in bronze and much less in others and am being generous.

people will play what works especially if they want to rank up and no character not even mercy maintains a 10%+ pick rate for well 6months and then some purely for fun.

ana is clearly an easy pick to play in lower ranks, she not that mechanically demanding if all you have to do is shoot your rein and zarya all day and occasionally nano gengi or rein.

not like it matters, people only care about low rankss when it suits their argument not like we have to find the game fun to with hero hero variety and not the same 6 all the time, they may be different from GMS but there is still a solid meta comp in lower rungs of ladder

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Nope, i’m just letting the discussion play itself out.

Yes, because that’s what so many trolls do.
State controversial opinion and run.
As you did.
“Letting it play out” is a cheap escape.

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It is if they use their giant shields, ability vacuums, or high mobility. :slight_smile:


ana is balanced
sorry but she is
if you get rolled by an ana she is good at the game and I will now not just say this but disprove everything here

except this but there are so few supports that pickrate in my eyes doesn’t really matter

not only is sleep hard to it
has a long cooldown
but your dva usually shoots whoever you slept from 500 meters away

can easily be blocked eaten or cleansed

nanoblade isn’t great
its good but not great
it can be shut down by allot of things and your investing 2 ults into a fight
also allot of other ults are devistating
riptire is a fairly good ult sure not as good as nanoblade but its still good
same with EMP
or grav
or transendence
or beat
both of those ults counter blade btw
same with grav
actually beat kinda sucks I take that back
the point is ana is balanced next post

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Using popular as a scape goat won’t work. That is like saying Zen happen to be popular and that popularity lined right up with a meta that favors him. Ana has been ‘popular’ on ladder for a long time. It can’t possibly be that people in masters + want to win games and play what is strong and powerful to win or anything.

No no, it is clearly -every other support that is weak and unpopular-. It isn’t like Mercy/DVA/Genji are the most popular characters in the game, yet we don’t get to see DVA/Genji at all in masters +.

Come up with a real excuse.

Deadboy where have you been for 6+ months where Ana hasn’t been that good compared to Mercy/Zen/Brig/Bap

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Zen/Mercy/Brig hasn’t been meta for 6 months. Get over your lying. Zen/Mercy only became meta near the end of january/early feb. Bap was only meta for a small bit of time at the end of december/into january. Other than that, he has had an average to below average pick rate for a support.

Ana on the other hand was meta for 10 months straight until december, then they nerfed the crap out of moira/orisa and she quickly became meta again, then fell out again for a couple of weeks and is now back.

The only support that has had undeniable support meta time more than any other support is Ana, on ladder. Don’t bring up Pro play cause you don’t play in pro play, I don’t, no one here does.

Zen/mercy have been meta for awhile, and before that Brig/Bap were up there in pickrates as well. Ana hasn’t been all that great for awhile. Get over your lying

OP is playing dumb mentioning her pickrate & winrate considering she hasn’t been the top support for quite some time and is making absurd claims about her kit, saying the devs are waiting until OW3 to tune her kit


Baptiste was also created to be a high skill support like Ana and he got gutted… so why is Ana exempt?

Ana has the overall highest pickrate, and is the top support AND hero in all ranks through Gold-Masters, and the second highest hero overall in Silver just under Reinhardt. Overall her winrate is just under Mercy’s, but both still at the 5.1 range.

I dunno, doesn’t seem useless to me. Her stats are almost always like this, too.

Last time a support held such a high spot was when Mercy got reworked and we had moth meta (fourteen consecutive nerfs, BTW) and when Brigitte was released and helped create a meta that shifted the game SO drastically we still feel the effects of those changes over two years later (still getting nerfs to this day despite being released in 2018)

You’re literally just lying. Zen/Mercy hasn’t been meta for 6 months. They only been meta for a little over a month on ladder.

Brig has always been GM meta until rush/double shield gets played. Even then, Brig is now down to a 2% pick rate in GM already cause the meta doesn’t favor her.

Ana has literally never dropped below 6%, even when the meta doesn’t favor her. Baptiste has only had pick rates compared to that when he is meta and even then he never reached 16%-18% like Ana did for 10 months straight.

Stop. Lying.

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Irrelevant. Pointing at Overbuff does not determine balance

It amazes me that people still point to popularity as some sort of proof of balance. The only rank that popularity somewhat points to balance is in GM. But really, it’s OWL.

Never said they were. It’s not surprising you think I’m lying considering you’re putting words in my mouth.

Imagine not understanding that people play heroes they enjoy regardless of the meta

Educate yourself

Literally implies the opposite.

This is factually untrue. Or DVA/Genji would get played regardless. They don’t.

Sounds like something you need to be doing.

You quoted me… where in that quote does it say “Zen/Mercy has been meta for 6 months”…

Riiiiiiiight. I’m not saying “everyone just plays what they want”

But it is factually true that some people still play the heroes they want to play, even if they aren’t meta.

If you think Ana needs nerfs, it is not I who needs educating :laughing: particularly if your “proof” is her Overbuff pickrate in Bronze->Masters

It’s possible to be high skill and broken

It shows you that sometimes skill doesn’t excuse a character form getting nerfs

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This thread is a good analysis of why it’s fine to use Overbuff. Take that how you will.

Overbuff doesn’t determine balance, but it does determine which heroes are performing strongly. Her pickrate is over a flat 11 - that’s pretty damn strong, I’d say. The top four (Ana, Rein, Zarya, Mercy) are all kinda together and then it really starts to drop off. Like I said earlier, the last time a support either matched her stats or went above they were quite literally gutted.

Fair nerfs, of course, but it always fascinates me how Baptiste, Brigitte and Mercy get the sledgehammer but if Ana’s strong and has a place in almost every meta (when most heroes should come and go, like with Mercy, or Winston, or Rein) and also dominates the numbers… maybe they should at least try to have a look?

I personally don’t want any more healing nerfs, as I think that would steer the game in a bad direction. Maybe ultimate cost increased, maybe tweaks to hitboxes or sleep or nade. Or maybe we leave her alone and look at other heroes. But something isn’t really right here.

Eh, fair point.


Nice attempt at back peddling, but it isn’t working.

Same here. You said Ana maintains her high pick rate cause she is popular. Guess what? Mercy/DVA/Genji are by far more popular than her and don’t even maintain their high pick rate in all ranks like Ana does.

Are you done lying and coming up with excuses yet?

I am just using GM, if I used bronze to GM it would be even MORE favorable to nerf her. But clearly you don’t understand statistics.

Also I never said she needs a nerf, I said Moira needs a buff/change and Baptiste doesn’t need a nerf in the process.

So boring. :eye: :lips: :eye: :nail_care:

Maybe, just maybe, Ana is not meta, not essential, but she isnt so weak that good players can’t get something out of her. Unlike Genji and Dva’s who got outclassed so badly by other heroes.

Actually, meibe, Dva is seeing more playtime and is actually good on Asia ladder. NA is always lagging behind. This, I’m not too sure, just speculation.