Ana, we gonna take a look at her at any point Blizzard

hightest pick rate in the game, and a +50% winrate

Sleep dart’s hitbox is still way larger than it should be
Bio-nade is still a team win button
Nano-blade is still a 3k- 5k in every single game

Are the devs waiting for OW 3 or something to tune this right?


High pick rate because a lot of people find her fun to play. She’s the most fps-support in the game and has lots of play making potential. Sort of like why a lot of people like playing mccree


Even bronze players know to focus the nano’d target

Ana is fine

Bap is much more problematic than her and way more overtuned


Don;t do Granma dirty like that OP, Ana is fine as she is.


Fluctuates in and out of meta despite no changes to her.
She is probably one of the most balanced heroes in the game.

I still want to see severals VOD of a game where Ana pushes this “team win button” consisten

Sleepdart projectile is the standard projectile size, for some odd reason it’s bigger for shields (I assume that the shield hit box extends)

I knew this discussion would come back when she is meta again


Fix her bugged critbox.

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I know right I am SICK of people calling Ana and Mercy OP when they literally are the two most balanced supports in the roster atm. Fall in and out of meta with no changes right now, feel strong and impactful but also have weaknesses and can be out-performed by other supports. Only work in a few specific comps, can’t be played in every meta, etc.


I understand the complaints about damage boosts, but that is more a problem of where the game headed, so not really a balance issue

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I think Ana is only “fine” cause this community is quite biased towards supports. Any nerf to Ana even small would initiate riots here. I’ve never had a problem with her but she is a bit essential in high ranks.

IMO a teeny nerf would work, but nothing too drastic,


No, she’s not essential at all

This year alone she’s only been a “necessary” part of the meta during…OP Hog meta? And even then teams were running Mercy Zen and Bap Zen

Bap and Zen are both outperforming her right now

Trust me, I don’t want to EVER feel forced onto her in GM. But I haven’t had to play her since like last Anniversary

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Her balance on the hero roster is fine but within her kit I feel nade is too strong compared to her other abilities.
Would like to see nade anti-heal get nerfed to 50% reduction, but perhaps reduce its cooldown by a few seconds.

Also, the nano heal is dumb. I frequently see players who make positional errors who should be punished for it get bailed out by the Ana just pressing Q. It’s rewarding bad plays. Knock the healing down to 100 but bring back the speed increase (reduced from what it was so it’s a slight effect)

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Sleep dart and nade should be changed for tanks. It’s not hard to sleep or purple them given their giant hitboxes.
For tanks: Sleep should last for 3 secs and anti-nade should be 50% healing reduction until they add more cleanse in OW2.


Ana is fine
She has some annoying abilities, but so do most characters in the game
At most I’d take out 1s off from sleep duration on characters with 250HP or more as the reward is too big for lower effort (it’s easy to aim on big targets)

I think Ana is mostly fine because if you can’t land her shots or sleepdart then you will be totally useless and doing nothing for your team, essentially a wasted player slot (ignoring nade)

While most of the other supports can actually heal with little to no aim skill required (Brig/Mercy/Moira/Lucio/Zen)

Her nade needs a little tuning down imo though

For disclosure, Ana is my go-to support to play, when I need to be serious and get the job done

Haven’t seen bio-nade win a whole teamfight in a while. Haven’t seen much of nanoblade either. Not in masters and above. I’d rather try and tune the character with a button that makes you immortal

Haven’t seen her essential for months, I’ve seen bap be essential tho

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Probably has to do with the fact there’re few cleanse abilities in the game, with only one of them freely applicable on others. Coincidentally, that’s also the only ability that can negate damage from blade.

Then you aren’t high ranks. Ana is one of the most picked supports right now. Make less false claims, thanks.

buff DVa and you’ll see less Ana