well its only at full HP where this would happen though. Wrecking Ball would only come to get heals if his health was low where nade would be needed.
I don’t think the radius idea is good, because if Ana is low hp herself, sometimes you want to nade both yourself and teammates.
ex: your on high ground with mccree, your both low. The radius thing could get in the way a lot. Whereas the nade through full hp targets is a better more efficient use I feel.
Yeah true, but its for targets that block and put your nade on high cool-down for no reason.
…but at the same time like you said pre-nade could be important. Its a dilemma yeah for sure. Maybe an option to turn it on or off would be good.
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Lol no. I’ve argued against this even for normal shots when I was against losing pre-heal. Strictly for competitive reasons. Having an ability like that vary so much is a bad idea in a competitive setting.
Seeing as that turned out better than expected I’m inclined to give the nade pass through full hp allies idea a shot before judging it too harshly. The benefits could easily outweigh the downside
how so for “competitive reasons” explain a bit.
thats the hope. What of the other changes, what u think.
Having an ability interact differently depending on the player can create advantages and disadvantage to playing with both. Like for instance one Ana could be able to nade their ulting phara and keep her up. Alternatively the player who has nade go through allies could use it offensively through her team mates and land in the enemies face without having to break position to do so.
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Yeah that is true, its much better to be able to understand an enemies abilities without the idea of options they can have on or off. I see your point there for sure. I also did notice that dilemma come up when pre-heal isn’t there, but now its shoot through full HP teammates.
What do you think of the other changes besides the ones you listed. I also had some debate with someone in-game today who also mained Ana and we came to a sorta argument.
The person mentioned mobility or self-regen is her issues, and I am sorta the opposite saying damage is a better form of sustain that requires skill to use rather than just giving the Ana player advantages straight away. They also had that idea of “shes in support category” so they had a bit of a tilted conversation, but still good discussion.
I do hear that self-heal and mobility come up often. I do not like it so much. I rather refine mechanics. Make her less clunky.
Also if you have any other suggestions shoot, because I wouldn’t mind updating the thread.
I completely agree with you on that. Damage should be Ana’s focus for her survivability. Her lack of mobility is balanced out by for her damage potential. Her self sustain is balanced out by having the only ability that can deny healing to the enemy. I personally think making Ana choose between using nade offensively, defensively or selfishly was great design for how strong it is.
But honestly, she needs her damage to have a fighting chance. I wouldn’t mind giving up 80 damage for a slighty faster reload speed and rate of fire though. Increasing her overall healing average and dps at the same time.
Yeah glad you agree, its a relief.
I don’t think people are aware that her design is this high cool-down utility, but no mobility hybrid sniper. As in, when people suggest changes they heavily ruin that concept by adding easy options, or saying things like fast cool-downs to make her more similar to crap like brig. I too love the idea of how nade has many uses. That its strong, but situational. It is very fitting.
I wouldn’t give up 80 damage for a faster reload, and rate of fire. Reason saying I would rather encourage carefully placed shots. I would rather see her get numbers on her rifle healing changed. I get she spam heals, but shes still a sniper. Shouldn’t encourage the idea of spamming, missing shots.
I even want some tank hitboxes for healing to be reduced to be honest. I don’t like the crutch.
I’m completely with you on that. It was horrible shooting around rein through his barrier and still hitting him in the back
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I can add that in the thread if you want. To reduce tank heal hitboxes.
Yeah I don’t like the idea of someone holding my hand acting as if I couldn’t do something that simple like hit a big tank.
What do you think about changing heal numbers though rather than rate of fire since the goal is just to increase heals not damage
Also keep in mind McCree has faster fire-rate than Ana on damage, and is instant hitscan. When you increase fire-rate you’d potentially make Ana’s damage powerful and kinda hurt her there.
Iunno. I personally think Ana’s healing is in a great spot. I feel like healing got power crept with mercy’s rework and the addition of Moira. Now we’re starting to see that shift and I kind of want to see where it goes first.
Yeah no I agree, i hate when people make this comparison too.
Yeah for sure. She even has had changes over time like remmember the “heal boost from other sources reduced by 50%” (etc). stuff like that over time has been changed.
I am just saying for your example I rather have heal numbers changed on her rifle than to increase rate of fire that could put her damage in an uneeded spot.
Yeah people are like “McCree does 70 dmg, Ana does 80 op” when they ignore the fire-rate, instant hitscan, headshot damage, burst damage, their roles of 6 targets vs 11 targets (etc). Recently even got a range buff.
Yeah that was an annoying argument and I still think people hold that misconception.
I will add the reduce tank hitboxes for healing as a QOL, but also keep in mind targets like wrecking ball or Winston.
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I would go with more bigger healing and damage numbers over fire rate and reload speed. I just think that would be more tedious to try and balance.
So dont add the reduce tank heal hitbox?
I’m fine with that personally. Just as long as they don’t make a blanket nerf on squishies like tracer or genji. No No, definitely add it. I still catch it happening with chip damage on hogs lol.
Oh, ok its updated in the QOL changes. #6
Yeah these types of changes are more QOL than anything to refine mechanics. Not meant to be any game changers, but to fix tedious, clunky mechanics that get in the way or end up hurting Ana when its not suppose to.
damage has been one of the buffs or reverts I’ve been asking for back ever since they changed it. I guess its just sadly an unpopular opinion as people often look at Ana’s role as a healer nothing else. They don’t look at her whole kit.
I know what 80, 70, and 60 dmg feels like almost instantly when using it. 70 damage is still pissing me off.
It sucks that the only way to get their attention is spam, rants, & spammed likes. You can’t be a normal person anymore nowadays having some fair feedback w/ response.
Same, the moment you try to pull off your 3 combo and they get even an extra point of healing.
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mind if I add you.
Its actually hard to find some people with common sense about Ana, her damage, and all around to be honest, I need the # of the profile… and yeah I agree completly about that damage. People really have no idea how easy it is to counter 70 damage, but then you see Tracer mains instantly complaining about 80 damage, but I legit mained Tracer back in the day 50++ hours masters to low grandmasters and had no issues w/ 80 dmg.
Sorta where the idea of why it was nerfed in the 1st place was due to ranting over reason.
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