Ana unfair 80 dmg nerf + QOL changes

Yeah, but thats not really a fair point, because you can say targets like Brig, Mercy, Moira ball can all heal Ana at a distance. So even if Lucio is not played other roles can deal with that chip damage.

and when you say 15 HPS, you mean if I shoot someone 1 second I will gain 15 hp back like slowly?

I also still need convincing on the nade. I don’t really see a reason why it should be a bigger radius.

You’re right but the difference between Lucio and the others is that Lucio can multi task with his and doesn’t need a action or gives up anything to keep Ana heal. Brigitte has to fight, Moira has to fight or she loses meter and Mercy has to cater to multiple people and not just Ana. Lucio was able to do all with no cost that’s the difference.

Also yes if you shoot an ally you will gain the 15 HP back at the same rate like your normal shots for teammates. Keep in mind this will be lowest self heal that gets a small reward for doing her job.

Also the nade might be fine but the reasoning of why the nerf is still there makes no sense.

It’s exactly why Mei got her damage fall off reverts back to normal. Because there was no reason for it when everybody else with projectiles had no fall off damage and especially when Hanzo is already better at her when doing that. Do you understand a bit better?

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Yeah thats true. With every support there is the drawback if Ana is on high-ground on lets say “temple of anubis” then if your a mercy player its a disadvantage to be flying that far. Sort of the problem with Widow & Ana playing at a distance vs support teammates, but Widow at least has an easy mobility disengage to help. Ana is sleep or die in some scenarios which is poor design. I can see what you mean by Lucio radius helped out.

So whats like the brief explanation to update in the thread? Also I wanna make sure its weak and slow. Mainly for the fact It should NOT be used like spam healing a tank, and a flanker not being able to kill you. Would it be possible that enemy damage cancels this passive? So you basically cant just spam your team to get healed like a mercy self-heal regen.

Ana gains HPS per shot, but a very small / slow amount such as 15.
[add reason why here…]

^ help me out with that. Its for chip damage & issues playing at a distance alone?

As for the nade, I think the reason it was nerfed was for tank meta I think or possibly the idea of just landing a bunch of damage / anti-heal on the enemy or landing burst healings easily. It could have been a big radius in general needing to be nerfed. Her nade is powerful.

Mei is a different story though discussing her role in general, and the speed of her projectile I feel. She’s not a sniper lol and a projectile that one taps Tracer lol … but again I am not too familiar with a role like Mei.

Well at first when I thought about the idea of healing per shot I said it doesn’t work on full health targets but with her buff of not being able to heal full targets got rid of this problem.

The reason for Ana getting a passive heal because of how fast the game became and because of how much more damage output the game has gotten because of new characters and buffs to characters like Junkrat which is why these newer support including Mercy all have built in passive healing or good escape options (Mercy’s Valkyrie basically her passive way better). The only acceptation is Zenyatta because he has very high damage output and no cooldowns what’s so ever on him and is able to be a sniper with his ult fire which is why Zenyatta is considered balanced and on top of that he has a lot shields in his health and at first he had 150 HP which later got buffed to 200 HP.

In Ana’s case she has nothing but nade and her reward and value is completely off on top of losing good allies and indirect nerfs/nerfs that made her worst.

Ana getting a small passive heal just helps a little and spamming allies for your health back won’t always work because of body blocking, shields, and enemies being in your face.

As a DPS/Support flex I know what it is like on both side and since I play all the support it just shows really how much of why Ana isn’t picked. Her work is not worth her value also her reward isn’t good enough.

She has way too much counter-play. Although we call say yes Mercy is a problem which is true but Ana way more issues than that. Not to mention every other support have an ultimate that benefits themselves except Ana plus on top of all of this will all have voicelines when being attacked except Ana.

Moira is the only other offensive support ultimate and even that benefits her somewhat.

I like playing Ana and i can do very well with her even before her buffs.
Currently there are a few overpowered characters on OW and i’d rather wait till
things balance out before increasing her stats.

A lot of my gameplay is in QP because its fun to play as Ana :slight_smile:

Ayyyyy they increased nanoboost range just now on live

range increased from 30 to 40 meters

They listen!! (or just a coincidence rofl)

doubt it. The nanoboost heal thing was their idea, so they probably were testing it and saw an obvious flaw which is her range is too short for nano and were like

“oh we better fix it after 10 years of it being a problem”


Like I know I should be thankful and all cause they fixed a problem I had w/ her, but just the idea of how long it took for that to happen and how long Ana existed pisses me off.

speaking as a former ana main, i would love for her to have some minimal mobility tools to stay with the team better, or reach “sniper perches” easier than taking some stairs like a commoner.

what i mean is Hanzo’s old wall climb ability, just straight up, no leap. if she could get to places that are harder to dive to you wouldn’t need to balance her kit at all. i see her as very balanced, but doesn’t fit in any of the current metas.

i stopped playing her alot when they nerfed her, and even after they buffed her again, she’s still not as good as moira/mercy. i want to play her again, and actually have fun with her again

The way I see it with the way people talk about passives for Ana is either she gets a self-heal passive or she gets a very limited non disengage mobility passive.

Meaning she needs to be playing at a distanced, and these types of passive should strictly be for that playstyle only, not for sustain, not for a mobility option or disengage. Strictly to help that distanced playstyle.

It also takes away from variety when you just tag mobility on everything to be useful.

I would say my biggest gripes with Ana (after 200+ hours on her) is her insanely slow reload, and hit reg.

Yes, there is a lot of other little things but if my sleep darts actually counted when they hit enemies, or I didn’t have a insanely long reload it would change a lot of things.

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What do you mean by hit reg, also as for the reload since a few people mentioned it in the thread it is updated in the thread. Its in the QOL list tab. shortened from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds.

When something hits, makes the sound of hitting but nothing happens. I’ve even had other players that know they ran into my sleep dart go ‘wtf’.

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I am a long-time player that switched from being a flex-player from s1 (Which mostly meant a lot of Reinhardt or Mercy) and it wouldn’t be until around s6 until I found Ana’s playstyle to be the most fun for me.

As of writing, I have roughly 300 or so hours on Ana - mostly from playing quickplay and deathmatch/arcade; but have been playing Ana for the past 2 seasons during my limited time.

I absolutely love the character. I love being an asset to my team (although there have been many times which I’ve been told to switch to Mercy because of meta), that I’ve been badgered for not having a 100% accuracy rating as Ana, and so on. But I took my time to learn the character, to find the settings, to see whom she synergizes well with, in which comps/maps she works in, and I’m slowly approaching diamond rank with a 72% winrate with her this season after about 6 hours with her.

I have played Ana to death. And I still love playing her, and wanting to continue supporting my team as her.

I have only a few gripes with Ana as a whole right now, after all my hours of playing her, these are my biggest peeves:

1 - Doomfist. I hate that character so much. The absurd amount of burst damage directed toward any squishy (usually me), how his ultimate is a literal free-kill to Ana/Zen most of the time. But, I’m fine with it. He’s meant to be a pain to deal with, and the like. But the most infuriating thing is sleep/nade interactions with a enemy Doomfist. I attempt to land a sleepdart during his rpunch animation - it phases through him. And when it does successfully land, he gets slept, I still get hit into a wall. This happens a lot. Or a nade doesn’t actually hit him. I hope Blizzard fixes Doomfist’s bugs, just so that I don’t have to suffer alongside him.

2 - Latency issues regarding nading yourself. I find myself nading to get 100 hp, and the enemy player kills me before I actually receive the 100 hp - lest they somehow do a 150+ burst, but often times, they don’t.

3 - Sleepdart’s .5 firing animation. This has been the bane of many duels for me, where my dart simply takes too long to fire, and I get eliminated before it actually fires - as if it never fired in the first place. It doesn’t make the ability feel fluid, but that might just be me.

Overall, I don’t think that Ana is in such a terrible spot. She’s not the greatest, but I don’t feel super handicapped playing her. I do agree that she ought to be able to do higher damage, to remove her tick damage (as that is infuriating for a multitude of reasons).

I feel like her primary issue boils down to survivability issues, more than anything else. She doesn’t have mobility (Moira, Lucio, Mercy). She doesn’t have self-sustain (Virtually every healer does have an innate/passive self-regen; at least let the Nade her Ana for the whole 200, and not allies). She shares similarities with Zen, although he makes up his lack of both sustain and mobility with the highest DPS of the support cast, and Discord/Trans is super useful. So a buff to help with survivability would be immensely useful, imo.

Plus, I feel like her ultimate is kinda lackluster. Mostly because a lot of other heroes have way too many similarities to it.

Nano provides - 50% dmg increase, 50% dmg resistance, and 300 hp (new) to 1 target.

Orisa Supercharger - 50% dmg increase to all allies within LoS of the drum.

Mercy Valk - 30% to all teammates within close proximity to the target.

Zen - 30% to the affected target.

I don’t necessarily mind Ana having a bad ult to make up for her anti-heal, or for her amazing CC (albeit way too difficult to land consistently… which doesn’t make up for her lack of survivability). It’s just not as unique as it first was, which is disappointing.



sorry guys I was unable to post for a few days. I was at the hospital getting surgery on my back, and using the time to recover this week so I couldn’t post.

I would really appreciate more feedback. I will be back on the forums in a few days, and do my best to relax in the meantime. Thanks.

oh so like at random times hit doesn’t register? If so yeah I would agree thats a problem.

Yeah good post.

I agree there is a big problem with the developers and the way they treat Ana’s playstyle design alongside that audience of the community that says “because shes support shouldn’t have this” (etc).

Its super easy to win 1v1s as other characters where its asking Ana to do 2x the work of both support and damage roles that have easier ways to kill. I also agree that nanoboost does not need to be strong, but it was the idea that she felt powerful through her playstyle, not a “build ult for value” type of design. She is more a “high cool-down utility, but high value if the players skilled on her rifle, utility, and no mobility”. a.k.a her playstyle is valuable, not her ult.

S3 + S4 was when she was most played for me, and mainly it was due to the 80 dmg and less cancer in the game like Doomfist or other new roles that kinda suck.

The roster changes a lot, mobility = viable is dumb, and I do not like the idea of how some conform Ana to a role shes not just because the category she is in.

I sorta get where your coming from with this, but this is sort of her drawbacks that balance her out to be honest.

If it was hitscan or instant / no animation I think that could become op in 1v1 duels easily. The indicator sound its being shot off, that brief animation, and how it slowly flys at a distance is like warning. Sort of how Genji has deflect, but has a sound effect noise you know when it will end.

Honestly with Hammond now in the game, I don’t want this. Trying to nade him is hard enough.

This is the real buff Ana needs. Ever since the games momentum change this has been a thing and I still don’t understand why.

Thats 1 character though vs. a roster of players that can often times get in your LOS and force you to put nade on a long cool-down. Some team coordination from the wrecking ball can come to play to fix this.

ex: Tracer or Genji <— high mobility targets… They stop to get heals if they are aware of a teammate Ana healing.

Its irritating to me, especially when your trying to clear fences. Her nade is a nuke, but her sniper bullets are rubber rocks with no impact. lol.

I mean yeah I get that much, though having a team mate stop for healing more often then not gets them killed in my experience. A better alternative would be to give a radius around Ana where nade doens’t impact on team mates. To stop those instances of Mercy or Lucio jumping in front of you at the last second. Somehow it’s almost always a Lucio.

With your change, you wouldn’t be able to nade the ulting phara you’re trying to pocket either. In my opinion it’s got it’s pros and cons.

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