Ana struggling against new Heroes

With the addition of yet another hero with a kit that has high mobility, AS WELL as armor AND high health, I fear for Ana.

The last few new Heroes seem to be hard counters to her.

Moira’s small hitbox, high mobility, and fade allowing her to cancel Anti (as well as being able to heal herself while un-anti’d) makes it so she almost always wins against Ana.

Brigitte’s shield and Armor make it nigh impossible for Ana to face her, with her only real option being to sleep her and run or hope someone else can stop her before she kills the Ana.

And now, with Hammond, with his high health, armor, high mobility, AND ability to to gain EXTRA health (albeit temporarily), I fear we have yet another hero that Ana will stand no chance against, with her only real option being, again, to sleep him and run (though with his high mobility she’ll never be able to escape him effectively)

I don’t think any of these heroes need a nerf, though, don’t get me wrong. Rather, I feel Ana needs buffs. A good buff would be to make her damage ignore the effects of armor, which would allow her at least a CHANCE against Brigitte and those she armours, and buff it slightly to 75 instead of 70.

I don’t know what else she could use, but I must say that she’s already struggling, and the addition of Hammond while she’s in her current state will only make it worse.


they aren’t hard counters for ana

also her pickrate has went up tremendously (not saying its perfect)


This is what happens when power creep becomes the norm for balance. As it goes on you will see more and more characters that wont be able to be balanced until they receive a rework.

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Moira definitely dominates Ana, outside of her ultimate which Ana can anti.

Brigitte’s armor severely limits her damage output, as well as her repair pack ruins any chance she has to defeat a flanker on her.
On top of that, her ultimate makes it even worse for her, as well as her shield makes it even harder to land any shots or sleep darts. (Anti won’t help much against her when she just puts her shield up while under the effects.)

And Hammond has high health, armor, the ability to gain extra health, AND amazing mobility. He won’t be able to dodge or block Ana’s abilities, but instead will basically be able to shrug them off and chase Ana down easily.

All three dominate Ana.

I don’t feel Ana needs a rework, just some buffs that aren’t just regarding her abilities as a healer, but rather her own personal survivability.

Not to sound snarky, but i wouldnt expect a hero who is designed around raw healing output and utility to be quite as combat effective as 2 heroes specifically designed to counter the strongest heroes in the game and a dive tank. Wouldnt mind ana getting a buff, but i would prefer it to be towards being a more reliable support apposed to “every hero has to be a dps”.


I’m not proposing she “be turned into a DPS”. Ana’s damage ignoring armor wouldn’t help her against most enemies, it would only make it so she doesn’t lose 20 FULL DAMAGE against enemies with armour (unlike every other hero who only loses max 5 damage per shot)

Likewise, increasing her damage to 75 would one, allow her healing amount to be the same as her damage, and two, would allow her a slightly better chance against mobile and high health characters, without upping the 3 shot requirement for 200 health enemies.

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all healers are countered by tanks and dps… that’s the point. They shouldn’t be able to take down a tank. Zen has all similar problems as ana and a way larger hitbox. Mercy can fly away true, lucio can boop and speedbost, moira can fade away, ana can sleep and self heal and brigitte is a tank. They have some utilities to keep them safe but 7/10 times it won’t be enough and it shouldn’t and i love ana but this thread spreads a folly message.

I’m not suggesting she " be able to take down a tank". Just that she be able to even STAND A CHANCE against Hammond, of which she won’t be able to do in her current state due to his high mobility, high health, armour, AND large hitbox practically guaranteeing that any landed sleep dart will be woken up immediately by enemies.

All supports have ways to reliably fight back or escape from enemies…except Ana. And i just want to make her more reliable at one of the two.

Hammond as a counter is likely to function the same as Winston does.

The DEVs already stated that Ana’s weakness is poor mobility and poor self heals. They already stated that your evasion tool is the sleep dart. They don’t want to improve any of her abilities that might lead to a return of the tank meta. Put together Ana’s severely limited on what they can do for her. I’s a lot like taking both the tines and handle from a fork then being told to eat with it. Given these hard limitations there’s only so much that can be done; if anything at all.

That’s the situation Ana’s in right now – like it or not.


Exactly why I’m proposing buffs outside of those, either by making her base kit or her damage more reliable. (Preferably both)

We don’t want another Hanzo situation, where they remove all the weaknesses of a hero while also buffing their strengths, leaving an overpowered monster.

This is true…yet, I’d rather be on any other healer besides Ana in those matchups.

I tried. Most of my few hundred threads on these forums are about her. The last idea I championed was the

Turns out that there’s hardly any will DEV or Pro side to fix her. Those are two sets of votes that taken together fully out weigh the current public sentiment to bring her into efficacy.

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By the Devs decision to make Ana more vulnerable and weak than other support heroes they allow her winrate to be as low as it is and the support meta has been super stale. Just look at how little the support meta changed after Mercy’s Valk nerf. The meta changed from dive which Ana is weak to, to rein zarya and yet Mercy is still the better pick in every way. Nano could use some Ana benefits along with the target. Ana needs survivability so the spam from moira symm junkrat pharah doesnt leave her so close to death tapping E so she can finally heal herself again. She takes so much effort for less winrate than mercy who everyone knows requires much less practice and mechanical skill. Also now the Doomfist ult speed increased in the latest patch, which Ana already had no counter play to in order to survive it, just got harder to avoid if doom decides to kill her from farther away lmao

Funny enough people on reddit are already suggesting playing Ana against Hammond since his hard counter is CC, and Ana just happens to have the longest CC in the game.

If you land a sleep dart on him while he’s doing his wrecking ball around a pillar or something, he goes flying, kind of like winston, without the annoying barrier to block your sleep.

I just want to be able to play her again. I hate Mercy, I hate playing her, but if I don’t play her over Ana it’s GG. I like winning more.

I hate it. I just want to play the hero I enjoy the most and I am best at, but good luck winning games with her.

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moira and bridgette may be better than ana, however they are not hard counters

hard counters are like pharah and reaper. Pharah can reliably kill a reaper with ease.

Ball’s hitbox is HUGE. He is easy both to sleep and to heal. I expect Ana to become meta when Ball goes live.

hammond doesn’t really make ana any worse, you can just save sleep incase he jumps you

brigitte usually isn’t even close enough to reach you and anti is a big counter to her

moira is annoying to everyone not just ana

Hammond is actually kind of weak against Ana simply because of sleep. Hammond is a high mobility hero but anything that slows/stops him really are his hard counters.

Likewise, Moira and Brigitte reliably kill Ana with ease.