Ana sleep hitbox is broken

Why does she need a self defense “skill-shot” the size of freaking africa and asia combined? Please fix this omg.

Either that or doomfist has a lingering hitbox, smh.


Doomfist has a large hitbox, also latency


Afaik, replays show what the server sees.

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100% latency which favors the shooter. The hitbox of the sleepdart is smaller than that of Hanzos logs

Sleep is a projectile and pretty much all projectiles are “busted” in OW.
Sleep is not an exception, its thicker than Hanzo’s arrow but is not the size of Pharahs Rocket. Somewhere in the middle.

Since forever btw. Doubt its going to change.


I wish I had a dime for every time somebody baselessly calls something broken on here.

I’d have a little bag of dimes and then I could hit them with it


Not its not, its like 0.4 meters or something, thats way too much for a 5 sec cc.

Its literally the size of a junkrat nade, that’s obviously way too much for that fast of a projectile.

Its literally the size of a pharah rocket.

That’s why it looks like the dart doesn’t hit. It doesn’t matter where the dart/Doomfist was on the server. The hit registers on Ana’s screen, so her screen is what matters. Likewise, if Ana had led the shot too far, you would see it go straight through Doomfist in the replay.


Yeah, As a Doom main i struggle to complain about certain hitboxes, realise that Doomfist is a dive hero and hes ABSOUTELY HUGE, he’s so insanely easy to hit with anything, anas dart is big i’ll give you that, but hitting Doomfist with it is just so easy, this huge husk of a hero thats likely just getting closer and up in your face? free sleep right there, Doom is way too big, honestly hitboxes in general in this game are to big.

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I know that works both in my favor and against me, but why is the sleep hitbox literally 2x hanzo log and 1x a pharah and junk hitbox ? Just why

A post that you can use as reference for anyone who wants to see projectile sizes


You would have a quite big bag of dimes.

Just don’t fall asleep :roll_eyes:

Yeah im sure i could with that massive hanzo log 2x hitbox.

Lol, you are super wrong.

Her sleep dart is twice the size of Hanzo’s arrows.


The devs have on multiple occasions confirmed hanzos “logs” (as well as genjis shurikens) to actually be the smallest projectiles in the game.

Sleep dart is bigger (by a fair margin), not smaller.

Edit: seems a few have beat me to this correction already


Overwatch projectiles are sized for their speed. Sleep dart is literally consistent with overwatch projectile sizes.

The only projectile that is incorrectly sized for ana is her hipfire which is literally the smallest in the game at <0.01m. Much smaller than “the smallest projectile in the game” hanzo. Test it yourselves.

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Those measures are not accurate, its around 0.35. Also Sleep doesnt have SPLASH damage dude, Chill.

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You sound like the same person to defend Spamzo firing submarines.

They aren’t submarines though?

Like, there are Workshops where you can test projectile hitboxes and all things considered, his are fairly small. The faster the projectile travels, the smaller the hitbox. His aren’t that big.

But Ana’s is understandably big because it doesn’t travel as fast as other projectiles, it has a long cooldown (and isn’t an infinite-ammo primary fire like Hanzo’s), and it has the chance of just being completely negated by your own teammates.

If it had a small hitbox, on top of being on a cooldown, on top of being a slower projectile…it would be a mess. lmao