Ana should heal more than Mercy

I don’t think she was designed to have the highest output, at launch she had 6 bullets with a slower speed and I’m pretty sure at the time the intention was to have her healing gated by reloading but I think they saw her healing output not performing as desired so she got some buffs that made her have the highest healing output potential as a side effect.

I can’t possibly see a reason to design a character who has strong offensive capability to have more healing output than a character who just spends the entire game healing and has very poor offensive capacity.

Ana is still a main healer and she’s getting buffs, she’s going to heal another burst of 300 on Nano while Mercy is going to get a 17% reduction in healing output across the entire game.

I’m pretty sure if you hit all your shots as Ana you get higher healing output than Mercy but it’s the doing it consistently that’s hard, Ana’s healing output is by nature very inconsistent and Mercy’s is very consistent.

not trying to be mean but ana has to reload and she also isn’t guaranteed to hit every one of her shots. she also can be blocked by barriers or walls unlike mercy whos beam can go through and around them even if for a short duration

You are forgetting the fact that Ana can deny healing as well. This is huge, and an indirect way of healing like Zens discord. Its healing in the sense of limiting team damage taken due to shorter fights.

There’s a difference between finishing someone off in order to stay alive and going battle mercy though :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t mind Mercy healing more at all - I can do more damage, anti-heal the enemies and destroy some of their ultimates.

At least I can when my kit is balanced. I don’t need to heal the most, I just need to heal enough for a main healer.

ana has tradeoffs so she doesnt become OP. she has the strongest utility in the game. coming from an ana main. she doesnt need more healing.