Ana should heal more than Mercy

No see, this is where you’re wrong. Every healer has a means of survival either through damage/mobility/or self sustain.

Mercy has the best mobility and the best self sustain, no damage
Zen has the best damage and little self sustain, no mobility
Lucio has decent self sustain and high skill mobility, relatively decent damage
Ana has great damage and offensive utility, no mobility and weak self sustain
Moira has decent damage, decent mobility, and decent self sustain, all conditional.
Brigitte has low self sustain but high damage and utility, no mobility.

Survival is very much linked to offensive capability, as well as mobility and self sustain.

You say that but I absolutely love Mercy players!

I actually get sad when I don’t have a Mercy on my team, she is normally replaced with a useless Ana player.

The reason why Ana was used that much in the Tank meta wasn’t because of her average healing output but the fact that she has the best burst-heal potential in the support roster esspecially with high Health Pool heroes.
From Game-design AND lore it makes absolute sense that Mercy would have the highest overall Healing output in the game as she is the pure doctor character… Mercy’s entire kit is build around healing and supporting, hence why she had and maybe still has no real utitiy mid teamfights.
Ana can still take enemies out of the fight by sleeping them, do decent amounts of damage with her shots and use her ultimate to turn almost every other hero into a killing machine. Mercy just heals.

OK, let’s just look at what you wrote:

“Mercy has the best mobility and the best self sustain, no damage

Moira has decent damage, decent mobility, and decent self sustain, all conditional”

These are your words…so please tell me why do you think Mercy has better offensive capability than Moira.

I didn’t. Not once actually. I did say

You’re the one who conflated survival strictly to offense.

The main thing holding Ana’s healing down is her terrible survivability.
No defensive ult, no mobility, no easy ccs, no low cds, no high dps, and no healing passive.

Giving her a healing passive means she can use her grenade for its main purpose and not having to heal chip damage and damage left from fighting a flanker. She should be able to, like every other healer, heal herself in a way that doesn’t require a cd (Moira by damaging, Brigetta by damaging, Lucio’s song, mercy’s regen, zen’s shields). She the only one who has to actively heal herself 100% of the time.

This leads to more deaths, more down time walking back, less healing on teammates, and lower healing overall.

“I really don’t understand why mercy is allowed to heal more in a game on average than Moira, who really only has healing going for her”

Again, your own words. Now let’s see…Moira can flank, Moira can send an orb into a corridor aimed at nobody in particular and get kills. Moira can instantly pick off low HP targets and disappear the hell out in any direction she so chooses that forces the enemy to look around and locate her again. She can self heal during a confrontation if the need arises (and you didn’t blow your cd). With a well timed ult you can wipe the enemy team. If all of this constitutes Moira “only having healing going for her” I would like to know what Mercy has on Moira on offensive. Valk headshots?

Ana is rewarded for her aim in terms of higher burst healing. What the dev is getting at is that seems Mercy’s primary role (to a fault) is that she is a healer, she should put out more healing than other healers over the course of the match but not necessarily during a fight.

Ana is rewarded in her kit with more playmaker tools, she can sleep an opponent for 5 seconds which is a significant reduction in enemy damage output and often results in a kill, she can also stop enemy healing entirely for a duration.

Also Ana helped the tank meta by increasing the healing output of her other healer so a healer like Zen who’s arguably quite weak healing would become very strong during combat.

From a design standpoint it doesn’t make sense to have the character who spends 98% of their playtime healing be beaten on healing by a character who spends 75% healing and 25% making plays and being offensive.

When Ana is on your team she should heal less than a Mercy because by snipe finishing kills,sleeping priority targets and anti-healing to secure kills her team should be taking less damage.

So Ana should be a better healer and better damage capabilities than Mercy lol no.

Mercy definitely should have more consistent healing than Ana.

More consistent yes but overall healing output I feel like it should go to Ana!

Primary has a higher hps than Mercy, then her grenade also provides an instant 100 health and a 50% buff to all healing received.

I feel like they designed her to have the highest output which annoys me because it means that Geoff doesn’t know what he is talking about.

If we’re speaking on hypothetical. Mercy can hypothetically jump into the enemies backline, heal the flanker that’s overextended and about to die, cause the enemies front line to make a choice to save their healers that are about to die to a pocketed flanker or save themselves from your front line pushing into them while the enemies healers are being focused.

Hypotheticals do not matter. Practicality does. A moira who uses damage orb is severely limiting her teams healing and has more than likely lost that fight. A moira who flanks is not healing their team and has more than likely lost their team that fight. A moira who shifts out of damage now has a 6 second window where she has no escape and will likely die causing her team to lose that fight. Moira has the worst resource to deal with and needs to do damage that can easily be negated by barriers just to maintain less healing output than mercy.

So yes, Moira ONLY has healing going for her, especially in higher ranks where she falls off hard for all of these reasons. I’m sure those tactics work in bronze to gold, but even in high plat moira gets punished for being that far out of position or making those kinds of bad plays.

I seriously doubt that honestly. I believe they gave her massive heal potential because they only way to ever be that effective is to be extremely accurate. It balances itself out.

I don’t play Ana but for those that do.
I know how much of a pain it is to nano boost a mercy that just walked in front of the reinhardt.

Yeah a nano boosted mercy who is mainly focused on healing is not a good way to use an ult

If you’re using your offensive abilities when your team is needing healing that’s your fault, not the character’s kit. Still, I agree that her healing resource is in need of a buff, which is why she’s already getting one.

The fact is that every healer has something else going for them. There’s never an occasion where going battle mercy is the right thing to do, so her having a pistol is only going to do her any good when your team ignores your “there’s a tracer on me” calls. There ARE situations where an offensive Moira is to the advantage of your team so no, other healers should not heal more than Mercy. If you’re playing Moira as a 100% healer then use her correctly. Orb+stream does a whole lot of AoE heal that Mercy does not have.
If you want sustained 1-hero healing and you care nothing for offensive capabilities, why are you playing Moira? That’s like saying you want Dva to have a shield that protects the whole party because Rein/Orisa have one. Different heroes serve different purposes…

There’s no reason for mercy to go battle mercy. She doesn’t need damage to deal with people flanking her. She presses shift to a team mate if she’s not severely out of position and doesn’t deal with them, which is arguably the best way to deal with flankers.

I have pulled out my pistol to finish off players either running away as their low health, flanking me or when a grav happens.

100dps is more than what a mercy can boost even on a junkrat.

Lol well then that further proves my point. Dps mercy is a perfectly viable option.

But for real, more times then not, it’s better to damage boost your team not specifically because it’ll be more damage, but for the purpose of gaining better ult charge on you and your team mate, effectively pulling ahead in ult economy.

I find that my ult goes up at the same rate if not maybe a little higher when I DPS during a grav.

Plus most of the time rein has concentrating on shielding the incoming damage from the high output DPS rather than the weak mercy

Your ult goes up yes, but your team mates doesn’t go up faster when you do this. which was the point i was making.

This statement represents their opinion that Mercy should have the most consistent healing output, while Ana had the most healing potential overall out of all supports. Therefore they do agree with your opinion.