Ana should be looked at next, after Torb and Symm

Our favorite Grandma is suffering.

She suffers from being severely under powered and having the META against her.
There is no reason at all to take Ana over Mercy and Moira (the other 2 main healers) at the moment. Both of them surpass her in her niche.

Burst healing? Moira can do it way better without getting her projectiles and nade eaten.

Damageboost as ultimate? Mercy can do it way better since she is able to boost more people at one, for a longer time AND can switch to mass-healing if needed. She is better at pocketing a blade than Ana because of the free-flight and extended beam-range. Ana needs to hit a fast moving/dashing small target, which is really hard if you’re not Ryujehong.

Utility? This is where Ana is supposed to shine, yet is outclassed by every other healer, even Moira who has NO utility AT ALL! Her sleepdart is a hard-to land projectile and gets blocked by DM and shields, also good-luck hitting it on fast moving flankers (especially on console).
Her Grenade is really good, too bad you’re wasting it mostly to heal yourself up instead of anti-healing enemies or heal-boosting teammates.

To top it all off, Ana’s primary fire is a projectile (unscoped) which makes it hard to hit on Tracer and Genji. It can get eaten by DM and blocked by shields and friendly teammates.

What does Ana need?

  • Ana needs some sort of passive health regeneration. Every healer has one without using one of their abilities (exclude Brig and Moira, they heal through dealing dmg). It’s insane that you have to waste one of the best abilities on yourself mostly because otherwise you’ll sit around at low HP for the teamfight.
  • Ana needs some sort of wallclimb. What kind of sniper is not able to gain any high ground? It could work slower than Hanzo/Genji wallclimb and be interrupted by dmg (like Sombras hack).
  • Nanoboost needs some overhaul. Make it insta heal the target to full HP when applied. Also let it boost the healing of healers, i.e. Nano-Mercy would heal for 90hp/s instead of 60hp/s. Maybe even give the speedboost back (IDK if that would be too much tho).
  • Also would be cool if Ana would get an “Aimbot” for friendly targets during Nano-boost, so she would profit from the ultimate as well (she is currently the only hero which doesn’t get any profit from her ultimate)!

I think these suggestions would help Ana be more useful for her team again. It’s sad that you have almost no survivability as her and need your 2nd healer to pocket you. Ana is a ton of fun to play just there is no reason to take her over Mercy and Moira who perform better than Ana while being easier to play…


Did you read my thread, or are we just amazingly similar when it comes to our ideas for Ana? Because if it’s the latter I’m going to ask my mom if I have a long lost twin somewhere… :joy:

No I actually didn’t XD
But I’ve read some ideas (like wallclimb and passive health regen) a couple of times on the forums already :slight_smile:

Read the last part of this with suggested changes and you will realize why I assumed:


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Ah yes, I can see now why :smiley:
LOL amazing thread btw!

I hope she will get looked at next, she desperately needs it!


I’m seriously amazed how we could have such similar thoughts independently!

Blizzard, this is a sign!

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