Ana’s pickrate = OP Mercy pickrate

Low skill support should still have value, if not theres really no point in ever having that hero.

My point is, for a low skill hero, you think theyd be played a LOT more in lower ranks from Bronze to gold, or even Plat for example. Shes not. Mercy gets overtaken by Ana and Moira.

People dont play Mercy anymore because there really is no point in playing Mercy since other heroes do her job 10 times better, which says a lot that even lower ranks would not even want to play Mercy.


If she’s so hard to play why she’s the most played healer in gold. And, lets be honest, shooting to big tanks isn’t so hard.


there’s a large, LARGE difference between Ana at her best and Mercy at her best and pickrates can’t tell the full story.
Ana is fine. Buff the other main healers before you nerf one that is balanced.

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If she’s so op why does she have a 47% win rate in gold.


But the problem here is, in LOWER RANKS she SHOULD be picked a lot more since they are considered ‘entry levels’ like what you said. However, shes not because again, there really is no point in picking her ever since every other support does her job better.


This shouldn’t be the case. You can’t dismiss a hero’s balance because they’re deemed “easy” or “entry level”.

Every hero should be viable - ESPECIALLY when there’s only a limited number of heroes in that role (ie main supports).


47,77% is a normal value in gold. McCree winrate is 45,5% and he isn’t undepowered.

Hard to play doesnt mean “hahaha you are silver, you CANT choose this hero dude”, ok ? Sorry for guessing this was understood amongst 100% of the OW players, apparently its not.

If you think “shooting” big tanks its all you need as Ana, you literally exposed yourself mate. Nothing to comment on that. Woah :rofl:


Heroes arent the same, some being meta makes the game much more fun then others being meta. 5 prenerfs Mercy could abuse anyone but Ana has to be good to be viable.

It my sound unfair but iam just sharing my honest feel. I dont play supports i wouldnt mind Ana being meta anyday.

Its like many other heroes, for example Orisa and Rein, i never had problem with Rein being great tank and was never angry to play against insane Reinhardts. He is mobile, engading and has to do clever plays. But i would be really salty if i saw Orisa suddenly more then Rein, because its just annoying gameplay. I know its all personal preference and i totally respect that. But this is my view :).

Jeff said before that some heroes arent meant to be meta and are designed to be special picks, it was hated statement but i kinda understand it personally.


But you said Ana can’t be compared to Mercy because she’s much harder to play. I guess you just exposed yourself by saying that I had exposed myself. Now we can both agree that Ana isn’t hard to play and that OP’s comparison is more than legit.


I’d rather have Ana at the top than Mercy or Moira tbh.
They’re completely devoid of skill expression.


yeah, Sombra proves your sTaTs is so accurate and represent 100% of the playerbase

Also, probably unpopular opinion but i think Mercy is in the most balanced state yet. She never feel bad to have in team, she is always useful and also never felt too much since her last changes. She just feels feels perfect for the first time since 2016.

This is coming from a nonplayer of Mercy, sharing how i feel about her in my and enemy teams :). If she is really that more boring then before, then well its for another disscussion and i cant really have opinion on that since i never found her fun for me :).


Never said that. You either just made that up or have a serious reading comprehension problem pal. Re-read my first post again.

Are you … playing “Mirror” … on a forum? Y I K E S

No we don’t because i never said that nor being hard to play has a direct correlation with the rank of the player and no, the OP’s comparison is not legit.

Cmon dude, I even used BOLD on the key points, you literally have to try really hard to misunderstand it on purpose to come up with a weak rebuttal like that one.

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Sombra needs a buff and stats prove this.


I think what you’re looking for is a party game.
But certainly not a competitive game. If something incredibly easy to do becomes strong, ranks become meaningless. Point and case; Brigitte.


Her winrate being 47 with high pickrate only demonstrates a low rank trying to copy a higher rank because on average they can’t win with an ana. Mercy’s state, not Ana’s, is responsible for her low pickrate and winrate in low level.


For me, they should nerf her nade.
She’s the only hero who is able to deny other healers.
A -50% heal on enemy would be much better

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I find it crazy how the forums have hated GOATS and complain about too much heal stacking, yet also hate that there’s one character who can counter that.


Sounds a lot like rein :thinking: