Ana needs nerfs?

Fun fact about Ana, she is the only hero in the game to go into double digit pickrate (above 10%) on PC

Go to overbuff, now for ALL heroes, not even just supports, click on every possible combination of rank+timeframe, she is the only one. If she’s not above 10%, she’s still pretty much #1 spot every time.

From the past week to the past half a year. We can’t look back further but if we could, it would be the same thing

Blizzard has always historically put her in the sacred “do not touch. Do not balance.” elite category of untouchables.

Even for OW2 , while they are removing tons of CC skills, they specifically made sure to mention they are keeping sleepdart. lol

I get what it takes to play her, she is literally my support main when I play comp (Masters PC). I’ve always played her as my go-to “ok enough messing around, I need a win”

But I can’t ignore the absurd stats, or the favorite-child treatment from Blizz.

Does anyone else feel this way? Anyone else hoping some new supports in OW2 steal the limelight so we get something new for a change?


I’m just sick and tired of Ana. I don’t like seeing how every other support gets worse treatment than her even though she’s not even all that much harder to play. I don’t like that she has two cooldowns that basically dunk on tanks, neither of which will go away in OW2 where there’s one less tank and less shielding

She’s just such a dumb hero. They will never admit if Ana overperforms, they will never acknowledge that her abilities are some of the most unfun crap in this game, all because she’s the skill support apparently

The only thing about Bap that’s easier than Ana is throwing lamp.


The longer they don’t nerf heroes that should of been nerfed, the worse the game will be. Ana was the start of so many bad metas, and they barely nerfed her. Then they refused to nerf tracer/Widow and we got Brig instead.

Don’t expect this to change. Ana has needed a nerf a long time ago. People complain about Baptiste having a ‘overloaded kit’ but Ana is just better than him in all ranks, and her kit is better than his too.


Anti heal should only apply 100% on direct hits only. 50% splash would be tolerable.

Such an easy fix for a strong character. But I seriously doubt anything would happen, because nothing can touch the golden granny.


You could try not getting hit by nade.




Thank god; I dont know why they are so obsessed with removing CC. Same with shield bash; I dont know they remove it. The only one I can get behind is changing mei and maaaybe sombra

(Altho I heard sleep dart is gonna be a 15 second CD anyway on top of healing nerfs and tracer/dive being broken while she is one of the weakest support against dive)


The problem is that there is a moratorium on good ideas at Blizzard. They’re not allowed to have them, they’re not allowed to listen to them. You’ve got a better shot at getting Ana buffed, or even McCree buffed, than getting an overbearing hero nerfed into place.


The crazy thing is…

Ana is gonna get even MORE value in OW2 due to only needing to heal one tank, and only having one tank potentially attack her in fights

And then getting passive self healing if they keep role passives

I don’t think she’s hyper turbo OP, I just worry she’s gonna take over the healer category even more than she already has, in OW2


Today I decided to only play supporter, out of about 10 games or so, about 8 of them the other support player played Ana. I think at this point, people just use her as a dps substitute to bypass role queue lol

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She is the only hero with a double digit pickrate currently
Plenty of others have gotten there in different metas.

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Ana causes some issues for the match. If she is always flinging nade’s into the other team. It slows their healing. She can spam sleep dart.

But I would say that Moira and Doomfist are way more annoying to go up against than a good Ana.

sHE DoEsnT hAvE MObiLiTy , DiVe HeR


Nano needs a nerf, remove the healing and resistance. 50% damage boost is strong enough.

There’s strats to farm nano and have your Winston jump in. Rein being low and getting nano’d is the most frustrating thing in this game. So many games where i’d full hold teams are lost to nano.

Also, nerf supercharger to 30%

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no streamer or top 500 complain about ana

flats and emong even said if they wont nerf brig / zen / bap they should buff ana so she can compete with them, they said best meta is when ana is meta

same as any other top 500 / streamer / OWL player i never see them complain about ana, all i can see was they even want her buffed most of time


carefull what u wished for

if they rework / change nano

suddenly genji wont have nanoblade, and he might get major buff since his winrate probably dropped alot without nano blade

He’d still one shot with blade, and they could buff blades damage back.

u mean mercy damageboost?

its doable but risky, and alot of weaker

Yet she’s 3rd on the Support PR in the rank that matters the most

The main reason she’s so prominent is because she’s easy to use if you have basic mechanical ability, she doesn’t really require teamwork outside of Nano (and a Genji dashing up in the air to get nano’d really isn’t that hard) and most importantly, she’s easy to get value with

Compared to Lucio for an example, he may be easy to understand but he gets very complicated in practice, you gotta his wall riding works, you gotta be able to do it without thinking about it, his aiming is a lot harder (though more forgiving) but most important, you gotta know when to use speed boost which many people struggle doing right

Brig I don’t think I need to explain why people find her difficult, Zenyatta needs rigorous positioning or he just gets stomped and Moira is just not in a good state to be worth using, people complain about Baptiste non-stop yet an overwhelming majority of people arent even playing him close to full-potential

Really that just leaves Mercy-Ana, which is why you see them the most because they’re the easiest to get value with basic mechanical skills

Same is true with the damage roster, hitscans are the easiest to get value with, as a result we see Soldier and Cassidy the most, with tanks it’s Reinhardt

There’s also the fact that when you’re stuck with Tanks who don’t coordinate and just eat damage the Supports with the best burst healing are going to be preferable in these situations

If you want to stop people playing with these heroes you have to gut them, giving them minor nerfs isn’t going to stop them, but will hurt their effectiveness at the highest skill level, this is why Blizzard hasn’t nerfed Ana, the only time Ana has ever not been popular was when she was truly trash tier (She had 10 ammo per clip, did 60 damage per shot, nano didn’t heal and her shots didnt go through full health allies, that version of Ana was awful)

Side note, I’m not saying Ana is an “easy” character, she’s very difficult in higher ranks, I’m just saying she’s easy to get value when you’re playing with others who make as many mistakes as you


off course ana gonna get defended by tank players ( except for roadhog players cuz you know …)
cuz she keep them alive and they want to get the most of her