It’s this. She is the most vulnerable support by far. People don’t remember because it was a long time ago but dive completely nullifies her.
The issue is we’ve moved far away(Brig) from seeing the comps that punish Ana hard. They still exist and hopefully we’ll see more of them in 2-2-2. Just like Rein, just like Orisa let’s not mistake characters that are currently meta for characters that are overpowered.
If she was overpowered or so meta she would also be dominating in OWL.
Remember how Lucio was considered must-pick for a long time due to how ridiculous speeding a whole team is?
Well, anti-nade, I’d argue, is even more ridiculous, particularly for how long it lasts. It negates an entire role’s job, and has only like 2-3 ways to getting rid of it once it happens (with only Zarya bubble able to do it to a teammate).
While you can argue that there’s no real way to preventing speed while there are many ways to prevent nade, the fact that once it happens it’s so damn punishing is the problem.
I’d argue for reducing the anti-heal from 100%, or reducing the duration, etc. The fact that it’s more valuable as an anti-heal than to aid in healing should be a big problem that everyone seems to ignore.
And yet oddly enough Ana has seen both Rein and Orisa (the only 2 shield tanks) swap tho Ana is unchanged. I remember people were saying that Rein is enabling Ana being in the meta because they pair so well, well Rein is gone, but Ana is still here.
So maybe theres something else going on.
2-2-2 has been the meta in GM for what? 6 months now? And Ana has maintained her double pickrate of any healers for all of it.
Unless brig is losing her burst heal and Winston is getting buffed dive wont be a thing to counter Ana, and it sure wont kick Ana out. Dive was a semi counter to Ana even before brig, it was just Lucios job to babysit her. With Hog, brig and Anas nade+sleep, i dont see how is Ana going to be especially threatened by dive.
Maybe there might be a bigger conversation why is Ana so powerful? Her weaknesses seem to be easily covered by her team and her kit seems to work extremely well with all comps.
Ana isn’t as strong as people think - she has a strong kit, but she is really vulnerable to being dived. I really don’t think she’s in a OP place, it’s more that the other main healers lack the same impact in their kits that she has, which is sad.
By 2 damage? You expect me to believe that armour preventing a maximum of 3 damage instead of 5 (which entirely goes away from a single shot by any DPS sniper) is going to make the key difference between snipers being matched up against him or not?
lol imagine to complain about support which require real aim to be usefull, skill to land every single ability to survive, or do anti nade instead of heal self. how pathetic… Yes anna has a very powerfull kit, but this is matter of skill how powerfull is it. Same for widow, but her kit is kinda you know, “I don’t miss”
Mercy used to be incredibly popular, but the 2017 rework alienated most of her legacy playerbase and the new version has a lot of trouble attracting anyone willing to main her. Mercy 2.0 just can’t hold onto player’s interest like her 1.0 form used to.
I personally don’t like playing the current version Mercy. I used to love playing Mercy 1.0, and put all my heart and soul into mastering her. But after the rework and all the nerfs, she just doesn’t have any real agency anymore. Mercy is viable, but the devs turned her into a chore to play.
That’s not odd at all considering Orisa has been steadily getting buffs and there’s only two barrier tanks. The support cast has not seen such a big shakeup in terms of nerfs and buffs since Mercy got her 50HPS nerf to finally dethrone her.
People aren’t looking at this with actual nuance. There were/are 3 healers that put out large amounts of healing. Mercy, Ana and Moira. Two of those heroes are very simplistic(but effective at most ranks) while one can actually be taken advantage of by high level players.
Every support besides baptiste smokes Ana in winrate from Bronze to Diamond. It only changes in Masters where she suddenly gets above Mercy and then GM where she does considerably better.
So her power level for the vast majority of the game seems to be stable, people are picking her but they’re not doing well with her. It doesn’t matter if people think she’s better, they’re not doing well with her. For all the diamond and below players who think Mercy is crap, she’s doing better than Ana for those ranks because Ana actually takes a lot to do well.
Brig is losing her burst heal.
She’s really not, it’s just that she’s a lot more safe than she was before Brig existed. I think Mercy just needs a teeny weeny buff and Moira needs a sidegrade but Ana is in a decent spot for most of the game. The only place she excels are where the other extremely technical characters excel.
Winston can’t counter snipers because he’s easier to kill than before ontop of Storm Arrow already being a huge threat
At least when his armour could take more hits, Mercy/ Zen combo was enough to keep his health topped up enough to always have a bit of extra defense to take a hit, now it goes away with a single shot from either sniper leaving him pretty much a walking ult battery at that point
Super jump avoids body blocking because Mercy can see the whole field. Gods ate 5 Blizzards on 1 map. Matrix still works. Ana gets her ult fast as long as her tanks are being aggressive, so that’s irrelevant.