Ana mercy main alliance

How exactly do you propose this to be done? Not everyone has the same mentality or viewpoints, despite maining their respective heroes :confused:

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I mean that is a nice sentiment and all butā€¦ Mercy mains in these parts specially are infamous for using Other supports as scapegoats to demand changes for Mercy under the excuse ā€œthat all suports are weakā€ soā€¦

Like, the fact you believe Ana and Mercy are in the same situation when one is considered a troll pick while the other is the most played healer ATM already makes you look like youā€™re using Ana Mains to promote the idea that Mercy is as bad as Ana when in reality the stats say otherwise.

Ana mains remember all the awful things Mercy mains have said to them. So if Mercy mains really want an alliance with Ana Mains then they need to earn their trust first. And if the Ana mains in the Mercy threads are telling you theyā€™re not on the same boat, you should listen to them if you want their trust.


The hanzo rework was done right

iā€™m pretty sure ana mains would prefer being an extremely meta hero over being shafted by the meta for over a year

Uhm, yes and no? I mean, if Ana lost Sleep Dart in favor something I considered less fun I would be pretty upset still even if it did end up making her more meta. So itā€™s not really black and white.

You are generalizing mercy mains. A lot of mercy and ana mains both are very unhappy where their hero is right now and there is a way for both to get what they want if we stick together. If the ana mains dont like the mercy mains think of it as an alliance out of necessity both are unhappy with what they have been given and want a way out its a win win.

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Sleep Dart, I definitely would be upset about losing.

Biotic Grenade? Hmmā€¦not really.

That ability is literally the crux of Anaā€™s strength and without it I think Ana would be given freedom to do and receive more than what she has currently.

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I feel like they could rework the nade to function differently at leastā€¦ but they canā€™t touch Sleep Dart, because I would probably cry! :disappointed_relieved:

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I feel like this thread just provoked mercy and ana mains to fight each other lol

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The opposite of what i wanted.

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Wish I knew that feeling of a successful rework to my main! D:

I honestly doubt Blizzard would touch a difficult skill shot like Sleep Dart.

If anything, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Sleep Dart got its cooldown buffed.

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Probably, but I donā€™t trust them completelyā€¦ and I need it for memesā€¦ I mean, I need it for clutch saves!

  1. Well Hide and Rez wasnt a huge problem. Hide and MASS rez was so they did that 2. Yeah 3. Eh subjective I really love playing her now and I personally feel that i have to pay more attention than before.

Odd for me its the opposite.

People are upset about Mercy and Ana for different reasons.

  1. Ana is just straight up bad.
  2. Mercy is balanced, yeah, but we just want Mercy 1.0 back. Iā€™m doing fine in terms of winning games with new Mercy but she was so much more fun as Mercy 1.0 and she felt more impactful.

So yeah I definitely think Ana needs to be prioritised in terms of balance but I can kind of relate to Ana mains. I think Anaā€™s in my top 5 played heroes so Iā€™m desperate for some Ana buffs. Iā€™d love to play her more considering iā€™m not really enjoying playing Mercy these days.

Donā€™t you think all off-meta and forgotten characters need to work together? Cree, Soldier, Rein, Zarya, Ana, Mercy and Sombra (the last two were left in a bad state and Blizz isnā€™t commenting on it) are all kinda weak because of how prominent dive is. They donā€™t need major buffs, just small tweaks.

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How could you not include Symmetra, Torbjorn and Bastion in the forgotten heroes? I know Sym and Torb are meant to be getting changes but God knows how long that will take.

Youā€™re right, all of us who play neglected heroes need to stick together. They finally blessed Lucio mains with with some buffs today after months of him being worse than Zenyatta. Heā€™s my 2nd most played so I canā€™t wait. Letā€™s hope the same is done for Rein and others.

Thats why i hate the ā€œFunā€ Argument for any hero. As its subjective. But yeah i feel shes fine and enjoyable but if people can find a common ground that would be fine. Like idk making mercy do more damage? As of right now the only time i need to pull pistol is if im alone or too far from team and got jumped. Or make her pistol heal very minor like 3hp if goes through teammate? IDk

Blizzard likes to drop bad balance changes on us and then just move on saying it was a success.

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