Ana mercy main alliance

This is literally what happened. There was no Ana uproar, there was no mass love for Ana buff threads while Mercy players felt free to cry that her overpowered state being talked about was a “war on supports”.

Sir/Madam, your alliance is rejected.

But ana was a victim of the war on supports. Refusing only makes it harder for us to get our needed buffs.

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The same thing happens with every hero, not just Ana. That said, from my experience, I’ve seen plenty of threads made that just use Ana as an argument to buff or nerf another Support rather than help her.

If every Mercy-Main behaved like you, then I don’t blame other Ana-Mains for having resentment towards them.

I will support Mercy changes surrounding her (subjectively) unfun status and how they’ve been treated by the community.

That said, I do not believe that Ana & Mercy are in similar or relatable situations in the slightest.

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She needs another rework. Where Resurrect isn’t handed to you at the beginning of the match.

Sigh… How I wish Mercy mains and Ana mains could get along - I love them both and I hate seeing two sides that should be supporting each other bicker like this. :frowning:

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No. No more reworks every time we get a rework it blows up in our faces. Just some minor buffs and thats it. Ana too.

I don’t think there’s anything that you can buff on Ana without it being meaningless or overpowered.

Hanging on to her current kit is only going to hold her in the same spot that she’s been in for a while.

I’m ready for another rework this isn’t working for Mercy and destroys her whole theme of being a mobile healer and her skill ceiling is at an all time low whether you disagree with me or not.

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Please no. In the history of this game not one rework was done right. Just some balance changes please.

Well, there was one that I can think of. Two actually.

  • When Mercy had invincibility while ulting.
  • Passive healing increased.

Just to name a few., imho.

Those were tweaks. Not reworks.

Look, I don’t have hate for Ana mains, all I’m saying here is that I don’t have any stake in the Ana fight. That’s it. My only concern is Mercy.

Ok well thats not how fights are won. We gotta stick together.

And Ana was the only casualty. Ever. Every healer is in a good spot atm and none other than Ana have been terrible since her peak in S3. Mercy mains trying to use other healers as a bargaining tool has been a strong pain point for many support mains through the 133 days that Mercy was egregiously broken, and apparently it still continues.

Tips for Mercy to help Ana - if you see that I’ve slept Tracer put the damage boost on me, I won’t have to do the whole intricate combo to kill her then. :slight_smile:

Tips for Ana to Mercy - if you see that I’m rezzing in a bit of an awkward spot please pre-heal me if you can, it will make it more likely for me to survive. :slight_smile:


Another rework would probably be the better option. If you buff her now you just make her a must pick again and nobody wants that.
Mercy is still strong thanks to her kit and even her ult while boring gives your team enough sustain. Ressurect is given to you deserved or not every 30 seconds and feels awfull to use.
While Blizzard doesnt give us much to trust them with another rework I would still like that option more than some useless buffs.

Edit: Also Ana and Mercy are not realy in the same boat. Ana is underpowered and Mercy boring with a way to low skill ceiling.

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And now we both in a bad spot so we have to stick together to be good again.

This rework wasn’t done right at all.

Objectives of this rework

  1. Hide and Resurrect eliminated
    (People still complain they have to do it, even more so since she is very vulnerable when she is trying to Resurrect)
    Objective Failed
  2. Mercy needs to stop healing in order to Resurrect
    (Still has to stop healing since Resurrect is a channel and it cuts her from providing healing to her teammates)
    Objective Failed
  3. Fun and Engaging Mercy
    (They started off strong with 2.0 but it was super broken and OP, thus nerfing it until she completely became boring, Valkyrie may be engaging to most but not all players feel that way)
    Objective Failed

So yeah the rework has gone in a terrible direction and she needs a rework that will switch Valkyrie and Resurrect into the spots where they belong in.

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If this is true, then I apologize for my post, but from my end, your initial post came off as very passive aggressive towards Ana-Mains.

I don’t like arguing with other people about such silly things but in this instance I felt like I needed to make a stance.

Ok look simply not caring about each others problems is gonna make things harder. Ana and mercy mains need to stick together even if they don’t like it to get out of these dark times.