Ana mains you're next šŸ¤£

I wouldnā€™t say shes a bad pick, I just think console players have a different preference for support. Saying shes a bad pick means sheā€™s underpowered, but that ainā€™t the case at all. Player perception is powerful.

She only got 2 buffs and one was actually a bug fix and the other just to make her trash but not that trash

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Ummm whereā€™s the second buff cuz I only remember 1? If youā€™re referring to a BUG FIX I dont consider what shouldā€™ve been in the game from start being included 3-4 years down the line a buff :roll_eyes:

Because supports have had so much power creep so they need to be continually nerfed. Also mercy had 50 hps at launch so you can take her off that list.

its almost like only the skillbased ones were spared :slight_smile:

That feel when 2017 Ana was able to heal more than Moira/ Baptiste at their primes

But yes, power creep for the supports

Baptiste wasnā€™t, and now heā€™s the worst hero in the game?

Using an example of support power creep to disagree with me is an interesting choice

the numbers got nerfed sure, because he was overrewarding, he still rewards skillful play and heā€™s not the worst hero in the game (looking at an indian woman).

Support Power creep; from how a hero launched?

Okay my dude

Yep, Mercy has never, ever been nerfed. Should totally be removed from that list


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I want to main Trob, Torbā€™s chad brother.


How would power creep not apply if a hero was just released? New hero releases are prime examples of power creep. See brig.

He wasnā€™t over rewarding?

He did less damage than Moira in every single rank except GM, where he beat her by 500 damage

He healed less than Moira in every single rank

And he 100% is the worst hero in the game; his winrates are sub 50% in every single rank. Heā€™s the FIRST hero to have winrates lower than Sombra

She was nerfed to a point where she was originally at.

Then Ashe is power creep
And Hammond
Oh and Doomfist!

Since they are all stronger on release than any other heroes

Why does it only apply to supports?


Yeah, I broke into GM recently with Ana as my main. You have to dial in your settings just right but then she is :ok_hand:

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Which are still nerfs dumb@ss

he was




what about pickrates?
baptiste had burst healing, and his 60 hps was very very strong, lowering it was a nice idea to reduce its impact.
the dps buff he got made him able to deal 76 level of damage.
his lamp allowed for way too much survivability and needed a nerf.
he got nerfs he needed, but maybe hed be allowed to have the edge at some domain if he didnt have an overloaded kit? he got a mini ult on cooldown, mobility, self heal, burst heal, high damage.

Mercy was fully reworked. So you really have to compare where she is now to where she was when the rework went through. Admittedly, she needed nerfs from there, but they may have gone ever so slightly too far. Sheā€™s not the same as original release Mercy by any means.