You can sleep a nanoblade ganji, get a 5 man purple nade, kill 3 of them yourself and you still wont get potg. It’s time to make some adjustments to potg. In the past year I’ve seen like 2 Ana potg’s.
People still care about potg? Honestly would rather have it retuned to heavily favor tanks and supports.
It’s because kills tend to take priority, and Ana usually kills slowly enough that the “potg timer” won’t count all her kills even if she does manage a tripple. I mean, assuming she hit three 200 hp heroes with a nade, it’s still a total of at least 6 shots that needs to be fired before they die. In comparison potg favors “bunched kills” like a Rip-Tire.
Ana and Mercy are quite rare, Ana probably gets it less often. Can’t say t bothers me too much
chances are, the minute someone gets potg, 90% of the lobby is gone lmao. so even if it gets adjusted, it wouldnt really matter tbh.
I saw a fat bionade POG last week where our team’s Ana nano’d Rein into a firestrike on a group that was freshly naded.
I’ve thrown out a random sleep dart, Mccree ults while walking around the corner, and it nails him. That’s all I’ve done at that moment and got PoTG as Ana… So it does happen.
If you tranqed an ulting nanoblade, nade the whole enemy team, and killed 3 chances are you would get it if that event receives a PoTG. Maybe something else happened?
Before you say that you’ve done it and someone else got it in that spot, pics or it didn’t happen.
Hi; I’m a Sombra main.
1 times on 100 I get potg. the others when I kill 3 people hack the ressing mercy… potg goes to ‘‘Ninja guy who pressed shift’’
asn an ana/mercy/sombra player, it pains me.
no i really dont want it going back to moira potgs every game
From my experience the only one’s who care about your PotG are you and that’s about it unless it was a truly out of the world PotG and even then most people have left the game by the time it is shown.
You need to realize if potg was more often for sombra the game would crash by the overwhelming ammount of reproduction of the best highlight intro in the entire game
It had been confirmed every time sombra hacks a potg blizzard server gets a short circuit and a DDoS attack
The seemingly scrapped PotG 2.0 system was supposed to solve this. It’s clear they don’t care about PotGs anymore, unless it’s being saved for OW2 or the far future.
I can remember one Ana PotG I got. Punched an ulting Genji to death.
The point is… they do exist.
It’s just weighted massively in favor of a limited number of characters. I didn’t play Tracer for a year or so, and hardly saw a potg. Picked her up randomly for a game? POTG.
It would be nice if the points counter was a bit more sophisticated and gave supports some cool looking ones. My last with Mercy was basically me staring at a wall…
not as rare as an on fire mercy
It’s because those pesky Gangu mains we Nanoblade! Can Ana’s of the world ever get credit for the glory? No, ok…
POTG is a flawed concept because tiny actions could be the real playmakers. A single sleep on a nano’d Genji could easily save the game, thus making it the play of the game.
Better to leave it broken.
I have 23 POTG and 11 of them over the past 8 several months on her (not counting the ones I didn’t save). I think back in March I had 5+ on Ana.
I like to save different ones changing the skin and the highlight.