Ana literally never gets potg

As someone who plays Moira a lot, I agree.

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When moira got potgs the dps cried all over the forums and guess what, since then only dps and maybe reindharts got potgs.

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It’s funny you say that. In the past week alone, I’ve seen two Moira plays, two Mercy plays, a Zen play, an Ana play, a Lucio play, etc.

youre just not good enough, i have many ana POTGS i save them whenever i get them specifically to prove its possible

What’s wrong with that potg?

Prevent four people from dying to a team wiping ult as Baptiste, potg is Hanzo killing one guy with storm arrows.


At one point Jeff said they were going to adjust potg to include two people, like if it was Mercy boosting someone or Ana using nano on someone that got three kills. It never happened.

I did see an Ana POTG not too long ago. Granted it was a quick play match, but it just happens to be the most rarest in terms of occuring.


Please no adjustments to Potg, the last time we had this, it was Moria Potg over and over. Ana cant get much Potg, it isnt even something important at this point anymore…why even caring about it?

Gotta admit, it HAS been a long damn time since I’ve seen an Ana PoTG. They do happen… but it’s super rare.

Hard to believe with how much utility and impact Ana’s abilities provide. But then again, we all know the PoTG algorithm is tilted towards multi kill plays, especially if an ult is involved.

Go for airborn kills for that sharpshooter potg. If not that, you can get Life Saver from sleeping a Rein who’s about to pin your team mate.

Potg isn’t that hard on Ana, it just doesn’t take priority over your typical 3k dps ult.