Ana is the only support without self heal

But Mercy deals more damage than Ana can and has a larger projectile and has instant damage

Ana’s damage is a fast DOT meaning each tick of damage can also be slowed down by armour

They both can’t heal and damage at the same time; but Ana’s healing is also 100% tied to her damage; Mercy can swap back and forth without having to worry about reloading her staff

Mercy has to wait 2 seconds for her pistol to be automatically reloaded and at the rank i play at, if you pull your gun out for even a split second a teammate can die / you arent using her utility (damage boost) where as ana can swap between damage and healing, im not saying ana is better, but she definitely has the advantage kit/weapon wise

Hey now, Mercy’s pistol does a surprising amount of damage!

But yeah, I’d much rather be able to just fly away and auto heal to defend myself than do slightly more damage.

Thats exactly how i feel

  1. Antiheal is so strong that if she could use her grenade offensively every time it would be more frustating than Junkrat and Hanzo spams combined.
  2. You can simply walk to your healer and ask for healing, there’s no shame in that.

Ana is balanced and doesn’t need self-heal.


You can’t SERIOUSLY thing that when she has the 2nd lowest winrate in the entire game

The WORST support is balanced

Okay; then I guess Moira and Mercy are overpowered and NEED a nerf


AND it’s a damage over time NO-crit.
No matter what you do the damage is flat – head shot or not.

How every hero currently ranks against every other hero.

If you sort by win rate you’ll get an idea of where Ana ranks.

I think that some heroes who can self heal should actually not be able to. Moira life-steal makes her very strong 1v1, and pretty hard to Jill since she can also escape quickly with her shift ability which has a short CD.

Mercy should only heal up when healing others, and perhaps Brigitte shouldn’t heal herself while attacking considering she already has 250hp with armor.

That’s true that new healers have made Ana obsolete. More mobility, more survavibility, way easier to play, more healing output for Moira and a lot less problems with all the barriers we have.

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Did you read the title? It clearly states “Ana is the only support without self heal”

This is great. I don’t know what Blizzard is waiting to implement this.

I find this topic hilarious every time it’s brought up because they already gave Ana a self-healing passive in HoTS

(She heals for 50% of the poison damage she deals to enemies every .5 seconds)


You’re missing the point. They are talking about OW, not HoTS.


Yeah, and I’m confused why Blizz doesn’t just port her new and improved passive over to OW. Even if they did, I’d still be fine with them adjusting the numbers to be balanced in OW terms.

This entire problem is solved by having a second healer on your team. Just saying. Bionade increases your healing, but having another healer doubles its value by powering up both sources. A buddy support also increases the amount of times you can use the nade overall by upping your effective lifespan.

Ana gets her most value from sticking with her team and letting others help her help them. The last time Ana went off on her own, she lost an eye for it.

Not true, she gets a cute spray if they get four kills.

  1. There’s a looong cd and often she needs it to heal her teammates.
  2. The moment your healer is healing you as Ana, you are in disadvantage in the team fight already.

Well that’s the problem, her kit is completely contradictory. She has the longest range heal in the game, and yet she’s only effective if she stays near her team.

The same contradiction exists in Geoff’s post; he says that one of Ana’s advantages is that she “provides longer range healing” but also suggests babysitting her with a Lucio or a Brigitte. As in, two close range heroes who have to stay near the team. It’s totally inconsistent


It’s more midrange, the wording is a bit flawed sometimes- but then, why is Hanzo called a sniper when he has the same effective range as Ana?

Moving on, the idea of a sniper that supports her team not directly through killing is contradictory in and of itself. That’s why Ana does better at mid to close range- she’s betraying the archetype she used to represent, as Overwatch’s deadliest sniper, and also why her main color is blue and beige, more indicative of passiveness and calm under pressure. This stands directly opposite to Widowmaker, who is truly a long-range sniper- she wears threatening warm colors- a toxic purple with stunning red spider-eyes. Honestly, the only probable reason she uses the Biotic Rifle is because it’s a weapon type she’s used to.

I could talk all day about the contradictory designs of game developers in effort to create fun mechanics, but I think you get the point. I understand your frustration, but I think Ana is great right now, provided you understand her role, mechanics, and have a friend watch your back.