Ana is the only support without self heal

Whatever dude. I’m not trying to argue facts here. Check the wiki yourself.

Yeah - Ana needs something to help out with this. I liked the idea of allowing her to headshot, with no extra damage but she gets a self heal from it… wonderful…

1.2 rounds per second

1.25 shots per second

The wiki said the same thing I am. Get over yourself my dude.

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Ana is the only support who can shut down a hero for 8? seconds, too.

One Wiki says 1.2 rounds per second, the other says 1.25 per second, which means every 5 seconds she shoots at least 6 times.
You can check the wiki or record yourself in practice range and count the frames, Ana shoots more than 1 time per second.

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Sleep Dart is only 5,5 seconds if that’s what you are referring to…

I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it until I’m blue in the face: Ana is the worst-designed hero in the game, bar none.

But OP has it wrong

Emphasis mine.

Her biggest weakness is not, and never has been her lack of self-sustain. It’s the worst of all the supports, but she DOES has it, contrary to what the thread’s title says.

No, her problem is that she has to aim her heals, which introduces an element of risk in everything she does.

Healers cannot afford to take too many risks, and Ana takes one every time she uses her grenade or fires a shot. That is the fundamental design flaw that plagues her, and it only serves to amplify her kit’s weaknesses.

The only time Ana was worth playing was when the rest of her kit was worth bringing on its own, and the extra healing she provided was gravy. But after the Nano Boost and the damage nerfs, suddenly her risky healing wasn’t enough to carry her gameplay.

Ana needs a comprehensive rework. Everything must go, the only things that shouldn’t change are her art and character design. I see no way for Blizzard to put Ana in a place where she is relevant without being overpowering or useless in her current state.


Yes I’m aware of Geoff’s post, I responded in my OP to many of what he considers Ana’s strengths and how they are undermined by her weaknesses.

As much as I agree with the general idea that heroes should have weaknesses, I wish he would contend with why Ana’s weaknesses are so much more punishing than, say, Mercy’s or Moira’s.

If Ana get self-heal eventually, does that mean every new healer we get in the future needs self-heal? That new healer would become the “only healer without self-heal”…

I really liked your post, but I’d like to say that her lack of self sustain is not her main weakness. Her main weakness is her ult. Every other support (including Sym) has an ult that greatly improves their survivability, except for Ana. It’s much bigger of an issue than the community seems to realize.

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lol you are the one who is reading the wiki wrong. Like you’ve been already told, she fires 1.2 shots per second, not one shot per 1.2 seconds.

Moira has her orb and self healing from her biotic grasp. Crazy sustain from biotic grasp alone. Ana doesn’t even need to have anything near that strong but she needs something.

I think Ana shows that unless a support has overwhelming strengths to balance it out supports should not be without reliable self heals or have their main strength on the same cooldown as their self heal, it just doesn’t work.

The only time it did work for Ana is when literally every single part of her kit was strong than it was now. Healing, Damage, Grenade and Ultimate made up for her lacking a self heal, it doesn’t anymore.


Yes, personally, I’d prefer making her other parts stronger, rather than creating a “norm” for the future development…

I mean the norm is already here. They’ve introduced two supports after Ana and gave both of them reliable ways of self healing that isn’t tied to their most important cooldown. With Moira they gave her ridiculous self sustain and a second form of healing in her orb.

They’ve pretty much set the rule already and it’s not a surprise that every other support is much more viable than Ana is. She’s the exception to the rule but the rule is there. She had this problem all along but the rest of her kit was OP and the meta heavily favored her so it wasn’t a problem before.

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At this point they pretty much are allowing every support to heal themselves. Brigitte and especially Moira didn’t really need to have that self sustain, it’s not the main focus of their kits but they were given it anyway because supports have never been viable without it unless literally every part of their kit was overpowered (pre-nerf Ana).

It’s kind of like what happened with Symmetra. They tried to make her work as a support without healing, it didn’t work and they abandoned it. There likely will never be another support who can’t heal now. Sure, it meant establishing the norm that supports have to heal, but better to do that than have Symmetra be perpetually useless in the name of variety


They did that once and she was “op”

So… Needs something else to help

You should change the title, it’s misleading and incorrect. Ana DOES have a self heal which you address in your post but you should fix your title.

I think with how much other characters have changed, she wouldn’t be op even with the old stats

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Well yeah

But us Ana mains don’t want the risk of her being OP again

We just want to be a competitive pick with Moira or maybe Mercy

That’s all.

We don’t want our ability to survive and play the game like EVERY other support to be stuck tied to the ONLY reason left to pick the character

Try playing Ana with a Sym who has a shield Generator; it feels so free knowing that you can passivly regain some lost health WITHOUT always needing to use your grenade; you can dish out healing as high as a main support without feeling like you’re taking away everything from the team because of your hero pick

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Mercy’s weakness is self defense, whipping your gun out doesnt out dps anything dps do to you, ana lacks in mobility and self sustain (what healers need at least one of) and mercy has both while ana has neither